Greetings Clency, I am not that knowledgeable about plants and herbs, but nevertheless for heartburn, whether the hyperacidity is due to a peptic ulcer or another reason, I have obtained the best results with what is called the Lemon Cure, which seems counterproductive. but it turns out not. And it is not that acid is cured with acid, but the healing effect is due to the fact that the lemon, although acidic at first, later transforms into alkaline, the complete opposite of what is achieved with the intake of milk for heartburn, that its alkaline effect soon becomes acidic. In the Internet there is quite a bit of information about how this cure is done; For me it depends on the case, but I prefer the treatment for a month with taking pure lemon, starting with one on an empty stomach and increasing one daily until completing 15 lemons, that is, 15 days. Once this series of increases is finished, we proceed to reduce one lemon a day until reaching a single lemon on the last day. In total one month the lemon treatment or cure. Success