Author Topic: Sun LL 11.17.24 Identity& Author Attribution. OUG (original universe governance)  (Read 10897 times)

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  • Please collaborate to Audit transmissions RE: Supreme & Mother Spirit. 
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Online PJammer

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"Please collaborate to Audit transmissions".

This is a very important concept.  We are dealing with a very new technology in T/R.  One could say it has roots in other techniques of the past, but the methods of the past have never achieved the levels and numbers of transmissions and support from our Celestials.  When our human T/Rs do it well, it is amazing.  When it is done without any checks or balances, then we clearly get into trouble.  This trouble causes us to lose the support of many valuable and talented people.  It can also create rifts between competing groups.

The Urantia Foundation is reluctant to be associated with T/R transmissions.  This should surprise no one. On there really are very few quality checks on transmissions, other than the original T/R, the transcription, and some meager feedback from members and readers.  When I say meager, there is a reason.  Those who made attempts in the past to correct obvious errors, or get further clarification on controversial transmissions, have been harassed and slandered on this site to the point where almost no one bothers any more, and thus what ever comes through is left for each reader to determine whether it is clear channel or not.

It is time for us to have a real discussion forum here at  Where members can respectfully share a real dialog about any controversy.  This dialog should include members ability to ask for clarifications from Celestials about certain facts within a transmission ("Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence").  This should also allow for any respected T/Rs to get involved in clarifying and/or confirming any controversial facts.  This is another reason we really need all T/R groups to collaborate and share.  Not that we all need to agree, just be willing to work together towards a better understanding of the Truth.

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My greetings to all members. Thank you PJammer, your approach is very valid and in its place, although quite complicated as I can analyze it from my perspective, to put it into practice in an effective way. There are many times that I have questioned the veracity of the content of a transmission and I understand that it is not due to the capabilities of the t/r, but rather to the skills and tricks of the enemies of the truth, whatever name you want to give them. In my case I try to resort to my common sense, as well as to that helper of the mind known as the sense of intuition. However, for example, in certain topics such as geopolitics, too often, the truth reveals itself, even if the transmitter (most of the time Ron Besser himself) expresses the opposite. Of course this is a personal appreciation. In any case, as I said, your approach PJammer, is in its place and very important. Thank you very much.
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Welcome everyone. We just pressed record. That was George Huber coming in. Welcome George. Happy Sunday. Today is November 17, 2024, the Lightlines will take a holiday sabbatical. We've talked with other transmitters, namely Elise and myself, and this will be the last week of Lightlines until the, I'm thinking, I'm thinking out loud here, probably the third week of January. So check into the forum for impromptu recorded transmissions that might come or may come.

And this allows, why is it happening? Well, since there's not that much in the transmission circuits right now, and given the situation, myself and Elise, we're not speaking for others, but we need time to recharge. We need to collect ourselves. I'm not speaking for Elise, but for me, I have too much on my plate, and that includes all this election stuff, things that are going on in the world, and then right in my front door, with this transition with Ron, helping out there, where I'm just a little burned out, and I'm taking a little, I seem to be in three worlds, three or four worlds at the same time, so I'm trying to strike a balance, and it's not conducive for receiving.

That being said, we do gather here today and we thank our Father, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ and Michael of Nebadon, they are one and the same, and we thank some of the gifts we have in revelation, and we hope that these Lightlines and programs still serve a good function for the spiritual thirst of not only our small dedicated group but that larger association and cooperation with others bears spiritual fruits in the will of our Father. So let's just spend a, take a deep breath, and center ourselves in that. 

And with that, the stuff I've received in the last, say, 24 hours leading up to this meeting today is that there will be, just like what's happening in the world with the elections, there will be a transition going on during this time period that we just talked about. So what's that going to entail? Well, it entails a change, certainly, obviously, the most immediate one is that Ron Bessor's not transmitting right now. He's recovering medically from the stroke, and so he is in his own personal circuit, so to speak, and not in the public service of the Father or Michael or any Melchizedeks for the Lightlines. There could be a review of the 5th epochal revelation, and this will do with what I'm calling the eventual whether Ron is alive in the near future or not.

When we do cooperate with groups out there, there will be a reckoning in terms of whether other groups intend to cooperate or not with the reckoning of the events of 2019 transmitted or received by Ron Bessor that involved the Supreme suicide and the Mother Spirit being affected by that to the point where She was implicated on what I can't even remember at this moment in time. But two things are coming out of where I'm going with this; one is more simple and straightforward. The answer to these questions, which I'm calling a Vatican two type of reckoning, in terms of if we cooperate with other groups, it's clear they're not going to consider those events by the supreme and they're relegated to fiction, whereas some of us have taken on an attitude of trying to discern whether that was real or not, and the jury is, frankly, still out. I don't think it'll be resolved.

And I think part of doing moving on, and these are kind of the two worlds I'm left to be in. Is that moving on, it would be unwise to try to convince what I'm not even convinced of myself. So this, this is a wait and see, and it's a to be determined. And I think there should be a commission put together. Jose, for example, you like to look into the archives or weydevu, you like to look into the archives, and I would appreciate people looking into the archives and determining the source of that, of those types of transmissions.

So that's a segue into the source of the transmissions. When you look at the fifth epochal revelation called The Urantia Book, it's very important to look at the author attributions and then understand who those personalities are, and those entities are. When I transmit and refer to something called, for example, original universe government. Original universe government starts with the original recorded personalities of time and space, and those are the Ancients of Days. When the Ancients of Days speak and act or are represented in the realms of time and space. Those are done through Divine Counselors, Perfectors of Wisdom, and Universal Censors. When they collectively rule, they rule for the Ancients of Days but they are the, for all intents and purposes, the personification of the Ancients of Days, and they're mostly the providers of the entire revelation of paper one.

Even further, for example, you have the Universal Censors. When they speak, there is no appeal to what they determine and what they say. For that matter, be very cognizant, be very aware of what they authored in The Urantia Book, and for that, they are part of the paradise Trinity in paper 10, The Seven Superuniverses in paper 15, and also paper 16, the Seven Master Spirits. I'm looking at the table of contents. And then finally, the Universe Power Directors in paper, 29.

It sounds like we've, I think we have a new sound for people coming and going. So if that sound happens again, I guess that's our that's our new entry and exit chime. So you don't need to pay attention to that, but we'll probably hear it again. Let's see.

For paper, so part two, so where am I going with this? What I received was that, you would do yourself a favor, and we would all do ourselves a favor if we were to, begin to shift our identities away from The Urantia Book and more into the attributions of the authors who wrote the book. This is in no way denigrating The Urantia Book or changing it, but if you meet any group, we're dedicated to the teachings and the spirit of the book, they can't get out of the identity of the book. The identity of any association or group is, I'm a Urantia Book reader, we're a Urantia Book group, and so on. It makes it difficult, just like any other religion who identifies with their primal source or teacher, if you're Islam, it's the Quran, and then the various sects of Christianity, in the Bible, and so on.

So what I received was that a simple exercise is when you catch yourself being conditioned to say The Urantia Book says x, y z, you should strive to delve one step deeper and try to be more specific that when you say The Urantia Book says x y z, do the little bit of extra work to know whereof you speak, ie, which section of the book, and therefore, which author. When you speak of God and say part one; those are very important aspects of the Revelation, and they're probably the most authoritative, and that's probably something that really helps to tie things together. And the future of the revelation will be taken by younger people who are capable of assimilating this complex information for us older folks, and us older folks can do a job producing materials based off of this revelation that are more, make it easily ingestible for people to look at. This is so simple.

It's things like there are so many methods of relaying complex taxonomies of things like these universe beings, you have no idea how kids have been raised now with complex games and entire universes that are even more complex than this book of a revelation, of its parts. So part of the identity is going to shift in the future, and this is part of the seismic shift that's going on in the world. So identity will begin to shift for for you as soon as you begin the simple exercise of author and entity and personality attribution to the paper rather than the, I don't know if it's fair to call It lazy, but it's an autumn, it's a human tendency to sum it all up and then eventually that tendency turns into an identity and then the identity takes on a life of its own, and then you get eventually into the profane politics of mankind.

And on that note, the profane politics of men who do deal with governance and we are in epochs of insurrection and rebellion, and this is no different in these times of governance and insurrection. I'm so sick of hearing people talk. I'm amazed you all even come here and attend this to hear me talk. I assume it's because a lot of you aren't so inundated with media. Because what I've heard is that people over 50 years old are the only ones listening to legacy media anymore. So maybe you don't share what I have because I take from so many different sources, I'm tired of hearing people react to sources upon sources, reacting to sources, and you can't even tell what's what. Thank you for listening, and thank you for being here and even listening to these things.

So coming out of that, I need to reiterate. We need to hear, we need a commission to audit the revelations and transmissions alleging the status of the Supreme. From there, we'll take an appeal, we'll make an appeal to our spiritual authorities to validate that or not, and we should do that before we seek to integrate with other groups who will not cooperate with us unless they feel comfortable resolving these things. It's hard enough dealing with groups that don't deal with transmission, and that's why it was important to get last weeks out, even though that wasn't a transmission, there needs to be an audit about what the pool of transmitters are able to accomplish now, similar to what we were talking about, even a couple weeks ago, a lot of transmissions over the lifetime of years take on a potential, and when you learn about the Supreme, really, the Supreme is another word for what time and space are providing us, and that is potentials turned into actuals.

When we are on a personal evolution of attainment then attains a new personal realization of God. Then does the universe change in augmenting even deity. This is in the Revelation. In other words, your experiential attainment of God with new and more advanced meanings in experiential attainment contributes not only to yourself but the universe and that is not an end in and of itself, but that you also take that experience and turn that into actuals, and the actuals are born in the fruits of loving your fellow man and woman and serving them, but also serving what you do in life with a healthier attitude that any contribution you make is a contribution to the actuality of time and space, rather than a fruitless effort of deterministic, materialistic fate of returning to dust. Let's see, I'll end with the only other actual authors that I could tell off looking at this by name, Malavatia Melchizedek, Manovandet man o van det spelled, man o van det so it sounds, phonetically sounds Melchizedek, and Machiventa. All the rest were part of the Melchizedek corps of Nebadon.

Weydevue, I don't know why I'm thinking of you, but you always ask these types of questions. If you go back and look at the Lucifer rebellion consequences on this planet, about when the circuits were cut off, there were superhumans left on this planet, cut out from the circuits. But it's an amazing loophole you have, even on the planetary receivership an advisory board that entails an Evening Star from Avalon, some of these things we forget. It helps to be reminded of how fascinating these narratives are in these papers. This is going back to the fundamentals. You can rest assured that paper or Part One of the revelation comes from the highest sources in the universes of original universe government dealing from the entities that represent and are of the personal representation of the Ancients of Days out in the realms of time and space, Universal Censors, Divine Counselors and Perfectors of Wisdom, and then that when they gather in a Council of Nine to bring a judgment, that judgment has never been appealed or altered, and it is for all intents and purposes, speaking of the Ancients of Days.

Our fate, our ascension plan for those with distinguished service, which is possible in this type of realm that we in, that suffers rebellion, we have a very good opportunity to not only have these realizations, but also to begin to act upon these and turn those realizations from potential into actual, and with such distinctions, even in the attempt you regardless of if you fail in your own personal assessment, the attempt is probably worth it, because the attempt begins the registry of your ascension path into the potential right then and there of becoming a Mighty Messenger, One Without Name and Number, or One in High Authority. And those are just a different tier of ascended pilgrims of time and space that would serve in this greater superuniverse on your way to the Father on Paradise, and you might have distinguished service afterwards, and serve on those commissions with Divine Counselors, Universal Censors, and Perfectors of Wisdom. And this is also the case in part one, where on some occasions, we have a Mighty Messenger authoring the paper, and One Without Name and Number, together with a Divine Counselor on paper 31 which kind of discusses what I'm talking about in our eventual universe service in a corps of finality.

So I think that's all I have to provide. There are so many things going on in the world, looking at, I'm just going to go down a bullet list of potpourri things. Now you can raise your hand by pressing five star and asking a question about some significant things that were just relayed. So feel free to do that, and while I'm looking at the dashboard, I'll just share some thoughts and review on some current events. Trust me, it's not going to go into the elections right now.

But if you look at some past Lightlines, ones that I gave, I think there was one called one about psychopathy. And if you're following things like that, and where does that manifest in the world? And you look at societies and cultures and civilizations, there is a an emergency of psychopathy going on in, say, countries like China, which try to suppress what's going on, but that's a good social studies case where there is no religion whatsoever for the population, and they've been indoctrinated, much like our fiction novel that says something like 1984 where the state is God, and God exerts absolute authority over your life, day to day, moment to moment, and the only social net that you have outside of the state to help you is your own family. So if you have no family or bad family relations and you're ostracized from that network, you have nothing to fall back on. You are a total slave to the state.

And what that lesson on psychopathy stated was that in such social conditions, the human will turn psychopathic, and in one last creative act of irony, aimed to destroy as much be destructive and one last violent creative act before it defies the state, and you have what's called murder season in places like China now, where people are saying, we're basically rebelling against this authoritarian State and then doing things like running people over in mass, and then what they're doing is filming it because of all the social media attributes or capabilities. It immediately gets censored, but enough of it gets out that if you look for it, you can find what's going in places like that. So these things are not just associated with the West, but propaganda makes it sound like the West is the only place on Earth that experiences these things and is bad. It's totally not the case. It's probably worse in a lot of other countries, China being one of them, because they have no God, they have no economy, and they only have a state which has let them down. And people are murdering people before they murder themselves in mass. And one of the most destructive things you can do in an act of rebellion is also murder children, and so that's also an aspect that they're doing.

So let's, we're heading into this Thanksgiving season, let's appreciate the fact that we have religion still and the freedom to do that in these countries that we live in and join ourselves from on this call. So thank you. There's no questions at this time, but I can open it up off the record. Thank you for listening, and hopefully we get a transcript of this so that people can contribute to what called the action we said at the beginning, which was a full audit of the Supreme and Mother Spirit status so that we can move forward. Nothing of this nature will impact the fact that this Foundation exists for the explicit purpose of helping the missions that are slated and ongoing on this planet to resolve its rebellion status and put it back into the fold of our Lord's governance. Amen.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Offline Dominick O

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Thank you Raz for the transcription!

Thank you, PJammer for being one of the only people weighing publicly when the invitation and encouragement to do so was requested.

Thank you, Geoffrey for providing me materials I did not have or read during my time away from the Contact Commission activities prior to the June 2019.

Thank you Occerpa for commenting in your charming ways, although, you errror when you attribute 100% flaws to a cabal and not the human T/R.

A while back, and I cannot find the quote, but it was recent, I compared Ron to Ellen G. White. The context may come across as favorable to those on the forum, but that is mostly because none of us due any diligence. Those types aren't around anymore.

UB Historical Society
Sadler and Ellen G White letters

The parallels are strong:

"For its entire existence, the SDA sect has been a curse to the Christian world, as they invest nearly all their effort in trying to convince other Christians of Ellen White's understanding of the "Three Angels Messages." This produces a constant disruptive churn within Christiandom where SDAs recruit people to leave their churches and join the SDA sect, and then 70% of these people wake up and realize their mistake and leave the sect. Instead of focusing on spreading the gospel, non-SDA ministers must spend their efforts fending off SDA "evangelistic" efforts. This constant churn hampers the progress of the Gospel Commission."

The "only" question remaining is, where are we going to land once you are scattered into the winds of a broken spell of the human mind and our relationship with belief, faith, meanings, values, etc?

As our fellows over the last few days have indicated with their own transmissions, do not stray from the Good News.

More to come, certainly, but let's start releasing the pressure built over the last few decades . . .

Here's some history to review and compare other histories of politics and religion.

In May 2018 Ron was writing esteemed forum members about the conflict of jurisdiction between Michael of Nebadon and God the Supreme.
That, and before the life extension talk, there were salaries of $150,000 being suggested, conditionally upon visible missions, etc.

Along with the arrival of the Sixth Epochal Revelation, the Nystoria Revelation. And our planet name changed to Nystoria. I searched the name, and came up with this, mostly, and that is the Nestorian Schism and the Council of Chalcedon.

It's not a bad name, actually. The Urantia Book is very "Nestorian" in the way it views Jesus as both human and divine. This is a subject worthy of a future, next Lightline, if we weren't smack-dab in the middle of our own councils.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 01:35:44 am by Dominick O »

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Greetings Dominick and thank you very much for your kind reference to my participation in the forum; your words are really very encouraging to me, and I am especially grateful for them. I would just like to say that I had not consciously realized what you mentioned about the blame I place on the Cabal as the cause of all the bad things reported on the forum. However, reflecting on this, if the whole mess of conflicts, violence and loss of the link with the Creator Father has its origin in the outbreak of the Rebellion and the Cabal is an authorized agent to this day of the aforementioned opposition to the Creator's plans, it may be the case that all the mistakes made by the R/T, in one way or another, could be orchestrated by this Cabal. Thank you very much Dominick for reading my posts, and please let us know soon about Ron's status and situation.
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Grupo 11:21 Phoenix AZ. 
Por: El Ajustador de Pensamientos. 
Evelio Rivas. 
El Salvador, 5 de enero de 2025, 7:04a.m.

El Ajustador de Pensamientos:
"Yo soy tu Ajustador de Pensamientos, observamos que se está dando una oposición en tu mente a la entrada de la nueva forma de pensar, lo que sucede es que las rutinas humanas están alimentadas con el estilo y forma de pensar, esto genera una disyuntiva entre lo que abrazaste hace unas décadas y lo que hoy abraza la juventud, aquí surge la necesidad de clarificar la psiquis: la probabilidad de cambios es del ámbito personal, en ningún caso puede ser admitido como válido incursionar en otros, el avance, para, cambiar sólo incluye a sí mismo, en este caso puedes enderezar la forma de concebir a las personas que te rodean, son procesos diferentes los que se activan en una mente que busca la luz y una mente que busca disfrutar las apetencias del ambiente, comprender que el tipo de alimento que pueden digerir es diferente"

"En consecuencia la forma de pensar define el estilo de vida que se concreta en acciones cotidianas, operar cambios es una bondad amparada por el libre albedrío, de modo que el alcance de esta función define la rutina que la persona vive"

"Ahora puedes darte cuenta que el irrestricto respeto a este don, constituye una ley universal, esto plantea que en Urantia el deseo de luz es muy pequeño, la claridad mental implica avanzar en un proceso dinámico basado en la libertad y transformación, y estas son cualidades que no posee el ego, aquí vamos a expresar que el ego no muere con la inercia, es necesario que surja un esfuerzo conciente, para llevar adelante tal tarea, este proceso aguarda aún en Urantia, ya que la población desconoce que ha encarnado para limpiarse, y que la vida en la región física es pasajera, sin embargo constituye un escenario formidable para fijar características en favor de la claridad, descender hasta la región física es una oportunidad extraordinaria para fijar la luz y acabar con los elementos psíquicos que dominan la escena en esta esfera"

"Yo soy tu Ajustador de Pensamientos cerrando este inmenso tema, les amamos a todos, pasen un lindo día"  
