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Offline Dominick O

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Sunday Lightline 02.16.25
« on: February 16, 2025, 14:50:20 pm »
  • 2 good news updates
  • Some significant shifts in transmission phases and interactions

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Sunday Lightline 02.16.25
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2025, 06:56:53 am »

Hi. Welcome, everybody. Four of us here gathered on the lightline today, February 16th 2025. And before we begin, I've asked Carole to lead us with a prayer. Take us away, Carole. Go ahead. 

Thank you, Dominick. 

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this opportunity to be together, this opportunity to hear what you want us to hear, and we thank you that, you have been guiding all of the activities on this forum and all the people who are listening.

We thank you for your presence and for your encouragement in every way. We ask that your encouragement and your help would be available to all those that are in great need right now, and there are many that are looking to you. Please be with them and encourage them as well. Thank you for this opportunity to hear, and thank you for this forum meeting. We ask your presence here, and we thank you in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Amen. Thank you, Carole. And I'm gonna mute you for a moment. Okay. You're all muted. And if you need to raise your hand or unmute yourself, it's star five and star four or four star. We're never quite sure. Right? So welcome all listeners and those of us gathered here, live.

There are a lot of major updates today, and they are all positive. So take a deep breath. They're all good. Let's first start with our short order of business, with the community news, and that would be an update with Ron, the founder of the of the forum and the long standing host of this, Sunday time slot. He's in, a facility for care after a stroke he suffered in October, and we've been dealing with him going to different transfer locations and all that kind of stuff.
We've been having a lot of unrecorded lightlines on Sunday, discussing these matters, and most and some have been recorded and but most have not. And so this is our final kind of recorded one where you can get some closure, so to speak, on the Ron being in a good spot. And that relates so let's start with an update. I visited him, just a couple days ago on Friday. Gave him a piece of red velvet cake for Valentine's Day.

Probably a little bit of a naughty gift for someone who's recovering from diabetes, but a man's gotta live and have something enjoyable in a place like that where the food's probably not, you know, the best. So I just gave him a small treat, and he really enjoyed that. And, I gave him some updates on everything going on. And just so you know, like, his status, some indicators to talk about we've talked about his aphasia, his memory, and really the memory is really what's the worst part of it. 

So just thinking just to give you some examples, he has a remote control, but never uses it and doesn't remember how to use it. So he does things manually. So I asked him, are you using a remote? And no. He doesn't. So he goes and does it manually.

We talked about going home. We talked about the conditions about going home, and we talked about the memory. And so in good spirits, I asked him, let's just test your memory. Ron, what's my last name? And he said he couldn't remember. No problem, Ron. You don't have to remember my last name, but do you remember your last name? And with small, small effort, he quickly recovered that, yes. My last name is Besser. So, you know, there's some memory there, but the short term memory is really shot right now also, and he expressed that he's been in the, place so long now.

He's a little bit disoriented to the idea that he'll ever be home or forgetting what his home was even like. So that was a segue into letting him know the good news and letting you all know, that I've managed to get a verbal commitment from the, couple that I know and would trust, to do this who live in California and would move out here, to do it. So that, April 1st  time frame seems to be a vector that has, come together. And so now it's all about execution. So that's very good news.
It means a lot of, physical space, you know, moving for me. So I'm steeped in it. I'm steeped in a lot, as you'll understand, coming up. But that's just great news that I think this is going to materialize. And I plan to get them on the call next week if they're available just to introduce themselves.

And just to give you a small story, back in 2008, imagine the, Magisterial mission and kind of teaching mission stuff is a little bit underway, and so are the archives. And, personally, I was much younger. We all were back then, and, I was just a person asking bothering Ron, inserting himself in into the mix saying, can I help? And he said, yeah. You could go out.

You know? So let me do an FAQ on TM archives, one of those I wrote an answer to. But then I was just getting into a marketing, kinda, you could say, career at that point. And I asked him if there's anything I can do, and he said, you can go out and market, you know, what's happening here. So that's when I kind of originated, an entity and thing I I made and kept held on to since then called Heart Brain Media.

And that got me on a on a radio show in Sweden back in 2008 where I I talked about kind of, a model of, stuff that relates to all this and an indirect way of introducing, transmitting, spirit and teaching mission and all that kind of stuff without mentioning it directly. Anyway, why do I mention that? I went in a in an event booth for a large event in Seattle, and that's where I met. And I went and I did that just weeks later, in that August 2008, and that's where I met this couple that I'm talking about. I met them at that event and had some ups and downs with them over the years, lost connection, reconnected, started some ventures, had a lot of failures, and even a big one that separated us pretty badly.

And that's all been healed to the extent that they're willing to come out here, and we're all going to literally live together as they are experienced caregivers, actually, doing this for people right now, a woman in California who's 88, and they've done it for several other people in the past. And they know what they're doing and how to do it. And, so we're extremely fortunate that this has come together. They happen to be very involved in what's called the domain name industry, and I happen to get involved with that, recently again. And it's a little bit of why I reached out to them.
But I always had the idea that I actually needed them to, be the caregiver in this instance because the way I was looking is no one's going to be an in home caregiver in any satisfactory way. It was looking like it's without that Ron’s gonna stay in the home, in the facility. And now he has a road map to get back. But this is a segue into the next topic. So we're cutting this topic, and we're heading into the next, but they are related.

And that is I've alluded to something last week in an unrecorded call. And by the way, last week is an excellent example that when we are not connected to the circuits or transmitting or connected to our higher, spiritual energy circuits, what have you, that we will lose our composure. We can't really communicate very well, and I exemplified myself all of those things last week. So I'm glad that call wasn't recorded. 

But in a in a nutshell, you know, switching gears, there has been talk amongst the overall transmitter community and the overall directives of Machiventa Melchizedek and the establishment of a global communications network.
Now what we've been doing with Ron's stroke according to those other groups is reintegrating and unifying with them. But, understandably so, they prefer that to happen on their terms because of their major disagreements with Ron. That's understandable. But another parallel track that's developing in my assessment is that what they consider, a rendering recently of this global communications network is a fairly simple straightforward website that would be adequate if it was, ten years ago. And just it's not a global communications network.

I've plugged into AI tools, and 2025 is probably like a plane taking off. We've all all been on a flat line, and now the productivity gains are such that, we are rising in that exponential curve. And what I've been able to do, and I don't think I did this on my own because the conditions were just perfect, for this to happen. But without boring you with great details, I think the framework for a global communications platform is, has been created and captured. 

So I've spent a couple weeks here in a really good mode of even the last couple of days, I've spent about, sixteen hours just fleshing things out, and it's been effortless and energizing. And I have to remember to get up and exercise, and, stuff like that. But the scope of this is so immense. I don't know where to begin other than to say I'm in awe of what it presents. And for that reason, I'm not going to really tell you in great detail because at this point, all the IP needs to be protected, legally, and, there needs to be a first mover, advantage, to it.

And there also is some security in the fact that what I was able to secure in terms of IP of domains and have them minted on what's called web three, the blockchain. And all this has been going on with me having tremendous speed of being able to do this, thanks to, me utilizing AI, namely ChatGPT and, Claude. And, we're talking starting small scale and it being able to scale globally and earn, millions and then hit, a billion. So this was my playbook heading over here to York, and the conditions were never right. I could never communicate it, but the seeds were always there.
And I thank God for allowing the conditions to be met because what I was able to do is maybe a one off in the domain space. So I'll be happy to share those things. But in a in a nutshell, we have the framework for a global communications network. 

And now we'll go into stage three, of the call, and that is, to inform you that I'm comfortable with this type of pseudo transmitting. You could call it for now.

And that is the case where there are really, for the foreseeable future, no more transmitting in a classical sense. Meaning that when I talk, you're going to hear me, and the work, ahead is so significant and so profound and so immediate in its necessity to be immersed in it, that the classical style of, transmissions that has almost taken on an entertainment value is over. The transmitters themselves in in my assessment and our discovery phase with the other groups is that the vocabulary capacity and concept capacity of what's coming in in our modernization as a planet in 2025, their vocabulary and concept is a in terms of the transmitters transmitting is, it's not there. So they don't possess the necessary, experience and comprehension right now of being able to transmit in the fast moving pace of the world around us.

Case in point, when we ask questions about geopolitics or large institutions, we're kind of going around in merry go rounds for years now, and this is not revelation of a lightline that that was intended. Those are, frankly, lazy questions, and I don't and it's not a personal attack, but it's lazy in that, well, in some regards that the person asking the question won't do the research or will do a surface level research and then ask the question to spirit for validation on probably a hunch of what their mind fills in or wishes to know, for maybe better direction so that the research is even better. To be fair, though, the research takes you in a totally fragmented direction of competing narratives and competition of information warfare, as I call it, to think one way, or another. So while it's justifiable to ask, those types of questions are not revelatory, and the information, is out there. 

So, A, it's not fair to spirit to ask them to do the heavy lifting for us. B, the information, is out there. C, it's not fair for the transmitter. Just take me, for example, who has a lot of this vocabulary can't help but be biased based off my own opinion. And, that would bleed through, in the transmission.

And as we've received communications through what's called the Urantian movement, like anything else, it's completely bifurcated. And last week, I talked about, you know, three d, four d, and five d chess. But the human analysis that incorporates spirit, is out there. And so I put those things on the forum, and I'm just gonna keep redirecting you to sources that I trust and know that encapsulate some of these bigger questions and relieve the duty of transmission and spirit replying to things that are otherwise humanly possible to figure out. So I'll just keep deferring that.

And if they do have something to say, I'll certainly, you know, check-in. So those are the big updates. And at this point, I'll open it up to questions, by unmuting everybody. Everybody, you're unmuted. Any, questions so far, comments? If you say no, I'll just mute you, so I know you're…

This is Roger. No. I don't have any. Thanks for the hard work. I'm glad it's working for you.

This is Charlotte. I don't have any questions. 

No, Dominick. Thank you.

Okay. And, Carole, your silence means, the same thing, so I muted you too. So at 02:26, we check-in, with Spirit and this is the following. Last week, I talked about if there is a check-in of transmissions like this at a time slot of Monday, first thing in the morning, whether it be twelve eastern or 9AM Pacific, that you're going to show up for work. This is Dominick here as chairman of the foundation, and I have small tasks and I have big tasks that you can delegate.

And if you show up for a time slot on a Monday, this is not to compete with any other group, but to work. Even one small example, I gave the forum today, and that is a simple copy and paste of, a paper, you know, of a Urantia paper into a word text file and, sending it off, it's less it's, like, less than a hundred kilobytes. And I can put that into a project file. And makes that a project file for AI, and then what happens is it's not the size in terms of data of the file size, but what matters in the processing is that the number of words and characters in that text file is rather large, and that's what takes up the AI analysis of resources. So I asked it for that and how it could process that.

So this is a very simple way of taking the Urantia book, putting it into a silo for AI to analyze and give us proper outputs, efficiently and fast, And something that takes up my time administratively and even though it's minor and probably doable is this simple copy and paste and saving into a file and uploading it. If somebody wanted to do that and then figure out how to simply title it- title the file, I would have something to do in terms of a project in the AI. But you can imagine there's these are a 96 papers. So it's something that a very easy project for one of you to do. And if you show up tomorrow, if I announce it and, hypothetically, this is an assignment I would give you.

Incidentally, in my talks first time I talked to PJammer, ever, and he's been on the forum, I think he said, since 2011. And that's where I found out, and we all can thank PJammer. He's the one who put the book on that forum. Thank you, PJammer. I hope that's news to everybody, and, you can expect a lot of thank yous, and we expect you to be gracious about it. 

But thank you again, PJammer, for that. Other things are that, you know, for those of you interested in in in the more complex work, I need to delegate and designate a lot of stuff, around the what I'm calling the global communications platform, which if you look at it another way, is a really just a tremendous business opportunity in terms of what I have to do. No different than WTP, and I can start by giving a high level organization or organizational structure of how this is fitting into the foundations and the foundation. Because what's happening is, we're going to develop not only that platform, that's a byproduct. What's really happening is a is a business vehicle that can fund WTP research when it's getting revenue.

Well, if we were to spend our last dollars of the foundation, for example, retaining our patent attorney to go out and do something that he thinks he's able to do, without much of a plan, I don't think we're gonna get much of an ROI of return on that. I'm not proposing that we use any of the foundation's money, but I'm a little leery about doing that if there's not a clear return. So we have no idea how any other entity receives, the patent. But if past predicts the future,  it's the usual reception by skeptics, people who don't comprehend things or people or worse, people who think they do, and they think they're experts and you're not. Kinda all that kind of stuff.

So, I think we've stumbled on a way here thanks to all the right conditions that are a road map to funding WTP and a lot more along the way. And if anyone's interested, I need to start develop so another project would be communications, emailing list, things that I need to delegate. I have a lot to do, and I need some and if no matter what thing you want to do, how small, even if it's building and managing an email list, That's the kind of stuff I need. So this is how transmissions are morphing. We are in the field doing things, and we're no longer transmitting for our entertainment benefit.

The archives are there. All the stuff's been there for decades now, and we're not going to repeat that. The world's changing too fast and rapidly, and we are here to meet those needs. Thank you. Carole, are you there?

Yes, I’m here.

Would you like to close this out? Could you please close this out with a prayer? And thank you, and have a great day, everybody. 

Sure. Thank you.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us that there are things that we can do, things that are, actual human activities that we can do to contribute to the growth of this upcoming huge project. And so we thank you that you've given us these ideas. Thank you for Dominick and for Ron. Thank you for this day. We ask your blessing on all of these activities in Jesus' name. Amen.

Amen. And thank you, Carole. And, no need to thank me or Ron because we're all a team. So thank you, Roger, there too. Thank you, Elise. Thank you, Carole. Charlotte, Renee, thank you. And Renee, don't change anything. Keep doing what you're doing, with your group and your lightlines.

And the same with all anyone who transmits, Don't change anything. I'm just telling you from a Sunday lightline perspective what's going on with me and the foundation at a at a higher low. Carole?

So vary nothing?



Offline Dominick O

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Re: Sunday Lightline 02.16.25
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2025, 17:29:39 pm »
After Sunday, PJammer directed me to the Urantia Foundations resource to download the entire book in a TXT file format. 
In trying to upload such a large amount of data (number of characters, not the actual file size), the tool I was using, Claude, could not handle it. It could only handle one Paper at time.
But when I used ChatGPT, it handled the whole book and easily produced analysis of any question given.

The difference in whether or not the AI uses ONLY the UB text, or if it uses UB + knowledge base, is determined on if you isolated the file into a "Project." It's own silo or box.

Elise informed me today, here family helped her do the exact same thing. Put the text file in a Project of ChatGPT.

Why or how is the significant?

Building a Chatbot like the Center for Unity is doing, while a noble enterprise, is spending thousands of dollars (maybe $25k to 100k, I don't know) to do in an inaccurate way what a Project function does for people using ChatGPT on their own for $20 a month. 
All you have to do to get people asking real Urantia Book questions is to instruct them where the TXT file is (at the Foundation web site) and tell them the 4 steps it takes to make so it is only analyzing the UB.

Other use cases are adding other texts in a project-silo for cross referencing. E.g. the bible, etc.