Speakers: One Without Name and Number and AYA.
Subject: Energy Types and New Revelations of the Father’s New Lines
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 20/03/2022 2.00pm(AEDT)
There are different types of energies conveyed. Positive, negative, neutral and even static. Come of late, these energies are arrayed in clusters. What do I mean by that?
Well, while you may not know me, you will pick up my energy signal. And it is in an array with other like-minded souls that shower such. I am One Without Name and Number, as such, I do not have a name or a number. I enjoin that with such entities as the Solitary Messenger who also holds tight to its own signature. Our energies are pure and can be showered in various forms of sentiments with thoughts. As of now you may also have an energy signature for which we identify and acknowledge. You are recognised by what you emanate. It is wise to dwell on your center. That which is very much your very essence.
Why I come to speak on this is due to the fact that so much weather has been had, you are neither caring or sharing anymore. That is completely understandable given the additional confusion of intel now being issued that it is difficult to make sense of it. You would rather stand back and let it play out and see it for what it is. However, the day will come when the Master Spirit will speak to you. AYA is ready.
Yes it is I. I speak due to the fact you are not frayed, but concerned there is nothing of Magisterial Mission materialized as of yet. This is to occur shortly. No ifs or buts. No more interference as the boards are cleared. I cannot get into how that is done, but it is being done as I speak. The materialized Paradise Sons of God will make it clear who they are and what they are about. Stern words will be the order of the day of a new age on this wayward planet. You are warming to this revelation. That I get. Now this: Let me say one thing: forget the past and move forward as the Father has a new line to draw for all to see it and welcome it. No specifics or elaborations needed here as these new lines will be made known in your reality as it should. I know this sounds vague, but for goodness sakes, do understand there are some new revelations to be taken and we need more transmitters to take it, so in order for it to be made known.
I AM AYA, Master Spirit Seven of Orvonton and I speak with a tuned Adjuster in the mind of this one to ensure revelation does get to the page for you to see it. New Lines are being drawn and that is all that needs to be known for now. Father has a way around the problems the Local Universes are dealing with and that is attended to as we speak. This is AYA signing out. Good day.
Okay this is One Without Name and Number here. Thank you AYA for those vital words and new developments for us to pay attention to. Thank you Father for helping the move forward in issuing New Lines for all of us to follow. Now back to the energies that I was talking about. Such energies will be arrayed and you will know these as they are showered in one way or another. Be careful how you pick up on them and note their signatures. Understand which are the negative, the positive, the neutral and the static ones. The negative ones are when it causes you to feel terrible, awful, disliking something even to the point of hating something or someone; the positive ones are when you are getting the feeling of goodness, well-wishing, happiness and joyful sentiments; the neutral ones is when you are feeling rather just that neither one or the other and happy to stay tight as a bud in a rose; the static ones is where all charges are fused in one jumble and you neither know where it is or where it is going and so it remains in a consistent conunumbrum or as a constant. So enter whatever energies that come and you are aware of what it is conveying. It is important to remain calm and steady in your mind and not allow these influences to persuade you one way or another, but to rise above them and look beyond what is being showered. That way you will see a greater picture emerging and a different narrative than what is channeled via such energy flows.
You recall when you first started taking your motorbike riding lessons and how vital the term: Stop, Look, Assess and Adapt to the road environment upon which you ride. That way also you do the same in any given energy signature environment, and in that case, any transmissions you may receive via this way or through other means at the disposal of your Adjuster. You are aware of the few forms of intelligence that can be relayed and that is useful to know and to consider what is shared with you.
I am One Without Name and Number and I now leave the scene and hope to make another connection with you when you are ready. Thank you.