Amethyst, I have the same thing here at home. I get maybe 10 to 20 calls a week, and more, just spam and fishing and I have taken not to answering the phone unless I see a number or a name I know. The phone has become a difficult object to deal with in the house and that is ridiculous and should be illegal. IT is commercial harassment.
Now as to the Registration device on this software we use for the discussion forum. We updated the software to a new version months ago. The new version does not contain the box that allows me to set tests for who can ask for registration by presenting a qualifying question to examine them first. Anyone who has read anything of the Urantia Book or even not so but was curious about it, knows earth is called Urantia. A simple question in the box is, what is the universe name for our earth?
Spammers and advertisers do not bother to know anything and quite often the sign up for registration can be automated by some ISP's. For that reason then the question is simple and a valid way to sort a lot of them out. Yet the new software cut that box out. Now we are faced with either finding a way to encode our software with a box we supply somehow but I doubt we can do.
I am quite happy to have someone vouch for a new member, but there is no way to know who that new member might be unless some one who is a member here sends me an email that someone so and so would like to be a member. I am happy to register them for them to try it out. But I do not remember any member in the history of our discussion form actually doing that. I cut those registered with more than 365 days without being on the forum and that brings us down to about 82 members or so from the 100 we had recently. While we have trimmed things up, we have also come to recognize we need some fresh blood, but it is daunting to see the abuse that opens our doors too, and I am not capable of sorting hundreds of applications at once. We need a way to sort requests.
We share your misery and disgust at the misuse of nearly everything today for the dollar. I thank you for your post.