Sue, I make a theoretical statement for your means of transmission here. I notice in my own psyche you are not entirely quoting Jesus, did you know that?
Second what you are quoting is being done through what I have to call a super transmitter. You are transmitting the judicial record in part and in part a voice that is not or perhaps never revealed. You are scratching your head? Well, do so because we have no such definition but I am advanced enough to hear what you hear in this transmission and it is probably the Trinity reinforcing the thoughts of Jesus to you without even quoting him as is usually done. That is not criticism but a notice to you Sue you are transmitting differently and deeper than usual for this speech. I cannot tell you implications, but it is enjoyable to em to hear it done this way and the for sure inflection, "hear this and believe it!" and I am delighted to hear that well too with you. Nobody can define that for you including you Sue, so hope they do it some more for you and with you. Now this from a hectic Creator Son particularly to you Sue:
"I AM CHRIST MICHAEL, and Ron you are the most amazing person I ever met in the flesh. You can hear a pin drop and now you heard what you consider a SUPER TRANSMITTER
"For that reason congratulates to you Sue, but you are not aware of the change and maybe cannot keep it. Ron hears it clearly and I support his view you are signing that post as as SUPER TRANSMITTER without knowing you did it. Further more, Ron, you are being cleared of the cabal that has shanghaied your mind all day and you are furious with them and refuse to cooperate; now you have my attention and we are clearing them out for good I hope as they have lost their court case against you and Me and others and for now stand back in poverty without a single shared thought with any outside of their home base. For that reason Sue, you might be getting a big boost too as they are all around you again trying to knock you back but it cannot be knocked back. For that reason we think Sue you might become what Ron calls a SUPER TRANSMITTER. He is already that and more and now this as I get my mail sorted out:
"Here is a statement from the UNIVERSAL FATHER: We are now ready to reassign Ron to you again MICHAEL OF NEBADON and that means he gets some help again as no one presumes to take on his problems for they are extra-Paradise knowledge (Ron that means o"outside of Paradise control") and then some and that is why it must be a Local Universe solution with out support if you need it. K
"For that reason Sue and Ron, never bend backwards to see the sky, for you must look at it from your planet and make sure you are not reading something that is not for your interpretation alone or only. You Ron can do it but fail to look at it recently because the cabal refuses to cooperate and you leave it alone as too dangerous to look at things that way. It will return to you Ron, but probably not to Sue who is the only other one who can right now do sight seeing like you can. For reasons of State I must leave now. K"
Ron - I am unsure of most anything recently Sue other than transmitting skills and they cannot confuse me on them in me and I know what you have done with this transmission without you even beginning to understand how it is slowly being wound up in you to make an exact impact on your reader, and that is what makes it so good, and what make it happen is another layer of authority is behind the force of the words. I thought you might like to know. Over and out. R