Author Topic: Self-Mastery  (Read 10625 times)

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Offline amethyst

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« on: September 27, 2022, 10:07:39 am »
Arthura on Self-Mastery

"I am Arthura. You all need a gentle reminder to keep focused. We understand the world weighs heavy on you as it does on us. We understand your human minds are easily distracted with so many demands placed upon your shoulders. You are required to multitask, as are we and it becomes so easy to forget your meditation and transmission time. Some of you are doing an excellent job in posting almost every day and that does not go unnoticed.

"But the vast majority of you post a transmission only when you remember to take a transmission. What you need to do is develop self-mastery. Notice I did not say self-control. The mastery of oneself requires that you consistently and habitually move you intentions  from planning into action. It is one thing to intend to do a daily transmission, but quite another thing to actually do it.

"Self-mastery is one of those skills that you develop over time. It is not something that is there just because you will it to be. It took your master, JESUS many of his adolescent years before he had perfected his selfhood to the point that it was always under the control of his soul and Adjuster indwelt mind. He was able to go about his day without allowing distractions to take his mind to a place where his Adjuster did not want it to be. After his self-mastery was fully developed, he was always able to keep his focus on the Father’s will without letting go of his daily, human routine.

"Self-mastery is very difficult for most humans to reach. But it is a vital tool needed for your ascension and progress. So when you find yourselves having difficulty keeping focused, put the breaks on what you are doing, stop, and re-center yourselves. A human who has developed self-mastery is a rare and very valuable asset to us who are trying to get Urantia back on track. I hope you give these words some thought and learn to keep the self mastered to the point that the Adjuster is always in control. Good Day".
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 10:16:23 am by amethyst »
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