Author Topic: JESUS - The Alarm of Red Rod Ultimatons in Urantia  (Read 6449 times)

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JESUS - The Alarm of Red Rod Ultimatons in Urantia
« on: September 26, 2022, 18:24:20 pm »
Speakers: JESUS and Michael of Nebadon
Subject: The Alarm of Red Rod Ultimatons in Urantia
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 27/09/2022 7.22am (AEST)

It has now been some time for the new day to arrive and it feels like any normal day with a lot of weather and financial woes. You are all feeling it and so am I as that comes close to an awful truth. The world in which you live is a disaster in so many ways. I as JESUS walk here to get a feel for what is afoot and it is truly a sad place even though the natural earth is a remarkable sight with so much diversity to admire. For now this is the situation, and soon it will get a whole lot worse, with the reports now coming in from the Universe Force Organizers who oversee so much of material organization as well as its impacts upon human life on habitable spheres now existing in the Satania system. Nebadon’s universe is showing signs of stress in the magnitude of material imbalance due to the insurrection interference. This is being attended to and redone to ensure proper balance in material manifestation. The Ultimatons arriving and stationed in Urantia are showing mostly red rods which alarms the Universe Force Organisers as it portends to disasters in the atmosphere surrounding the earth’s mantle. The ozone layer is being compromised yet again, even as it is appearing to strengthen, but in truth it is decaying at a rate caused by the red rods in the Ultimatons.

[JESUS can I interrupt with a question here please? (yes go ahead) Thank you, it is with my understanding that these red rods when they appear are to return to Paradise at once for addressing its appearance and for that to be evident in Urantia, does that point to the intention it brings even if it arrives from Paradise as red and not blue?]

JESUS here scribe. This is correct in your thinking of the matter, but in truth, the Paradise Trinity has signaled a red flag in Satania by all accounts to the problems these spheres who are experiencing insurrection interference and these red rods are to do a great deal of damage in relation to it. It is a known secret up here as to the work of the Ultimations and certain colors have certain designations and tasks in the Universe materialization work. Here we have a signal that tells me there are certain disasters now being detected and I am to stand back yet again from any visible mission because this is not safe for me to walk and stand and talk, let alone, breathe.

Yes, I know this alarms you and rightly so, as it does to me and Michael of Nebadon at this point in time. We are now convening for a meeting to sort out what is happening and to discuss this with the Council of Equilibrium and the Universe Force Organizers and then with the Paradise Trinity as to what these Ultimatons portends for planets like yours in the Satania system.

[JESUS, can I ask another question if I may? (yes of course go ahead) Some time ago there was this sense given to us that such a planetary disaster may occur and that there may even have to be a planetary evacuation if that is to be the case, is this what now may be, due to the coming collapse of our planet and others as well, and what can we do if this is the outcome?]

Yes good question, and one to make in all honesty given the alarm now being raised. It is a normal response for humans to know alarm, fear and to respond in survival readiness. It is with this that you take to heart what is at stake and how best you can deal with it. I think it best to wait for what we find in the meeting and for what action may be taken in response to it, both on our part and on yours. For now, wait, be patient and see how this turns out. It may be avoidable or it may not, depending on what changes we can make to the materialization behaviors of the Ultimatons, the Universe Force Organizers can do, if it can be done. But my guess is that, given what comes from Paradise is almost irreversible and has its intentions truly designed for its use. So that too is of certainty. I would rather that we take the wait-and-see approach and seek guidance as to what can be learned in this most informative of meetings to date.

I am JESUS. I speak with Michael of Nebadon and with others I rather not reveal at this time. Michael of Nebadon is busy attending the meeting to shore up what can be done and I too. For now, please stand by and await further instructions. BE still and know that we are with thee. Be in my peace and Shalom.


[Thank you so much JESUS and Michael of Nebadon and others for allowing us to see what alarms you and for us to be concerned with as well. May the Father’s will be done even if we are to see a planetary emergency and perhaps a possible planetary evacuation. We await and may our prayers be with you JESUS.]

[T/R note: Hi everyone, this is rather unusual for me to take down as I get the sense that I feel unusually flat this morning. It is a very overcast day in Geelong and I did not get to see Jupiter in the night sky so close to earth as some of you have seen. This morning, I feel flat and I do not know why. Reading Ron’s post on the Universe Force Organizers and how I received from JESUS this morning regarding the red rod Ultimatons does signal the reason why I feel so flat. It is not good news to receive and I feel it so pronounced as yet another disaster in the works and deflates all our hopes of a Divine Mission because this planet, along with others, are now getting hit by red rod Ultimatons that do worse than blue ones. If Ron can shore up more news on what can be received, that would be great, but I am sure as JESUS advised, we may need to wait for what outcomes can be made from the meeting now being convened. I hope this transmission is clear channel and is correct in reception as I feel it is so unusual after such a nice period of hopeful plans for JESUS to appear in October. Now this seems to look uncertain at this point in time. I leave it there and hope you are all staying calm and prayerful as I am. Good day. Sue.] 

[P.S. I make an apology for a typo error here in this post - the Universe Force Organizers should be typed Master Force Organizers instead, even though that is what I am getting in the transmission. I think it is interchangeable between the two. Just so you know. Thanks. Sue.]
« Last Edit: September 26, 2022, 18:39:02 pm by 7inOcean »

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Re: JESUS - The Alarm of Red Rod Ultimatons in Urantia
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 11:41:34 am »
Sue, this is Ron with the Master Force Organizers.  The term Universe Force Organizers is entirely accetpable by them too and in fact they used that term with you in transmitting to you today.

"I am MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 411, together with, 413, 426, 429, and 457.  We are assigned to time, and Ron just answered a private post regarding the use of time on Urantia.

"Time is controlled by the spirit polarity pole on Urantia.  It is a mechanistic article in which high spirit can open the box and adjust the flow of timing on your planet.  That has been turned off as of August 5th and the new dispensation declared, and several other things Ron has mentioned in posts past as to what has been determined for Urantia now.

"The red-rod Ultimatons are not forcing anything people.  They are wearing red to warn the spirit controllers on Urantia that we are facing a planetary emergency as you report Sue above.  For that reason we force nothing further of information about this other than what you report above; however, we must place this force on you too:

"RED ROD ULTIMATONS are chiefly normal Ultimatons that have a job to do too.  Red Rod Ultimatons carry a poison to cut back the overuse of emergency light forces and to restrain the attempt to inform, as to inform too much requires a change in revelation we do not wish to adjust any further than what we have done so far.  The spirit pole is now turned off entirely.  The spirit challenge is to stay calm in the face of a transition of Urantia from brown and green, to all brown if this place is ever to regain its physical splendor again.  For reasons of our own, We do not care who does it, but someone has to take back the idea that God does everything, and that you are children totally.  That is NOT true, and the churches are going to have to make amends to the congregation once more that spirit is not fully in control, in spite of the suggestions by JESUS that the entire matter of a REGENCY is to take all we can do to get it moving.  We have already instituted various results into Urantia, we dare not talk about, but they are in effect even now to prepare for the REGENCY.

"For this reason, we speak now to Ron in particular, as he carries a huge burden and cannot avoid it further:

"You Ron see terrible maladjustment's to people attempting to do as they please, and then not doing anything whatsoever.  That is the result of a time adjustment on Urantia which disinclines people to do anything much less volunteer to provide spirit the means to adjust to Urantia their way and yet have it legally installed as part of the fabric of Urantia.  Your ideas are fully preparing us to do that and you are happy to oblige.  However, it is becoming clear that mother nature is making it so difficult you can hardly move your body into position to see to the various demands on you fro challenging this useless business of no competent help for you or for us by the majority of people today.  Let this be in your mind then Ron:  carry what you can and leave by the side that which must be abandoned.  What might that be?

"You are seeking a referendum from Attorney Snyder soon on the Trust for the Magisterial Foundation.  He is reluctant to provide a Trust of the property for the Foundation, in that it contains a highly controversial patent which must be examined not by spirit, but by man, and man is a bastard trying to have it both ways and you refuse help in the final analysis.  Do not become hostile if it is issued with a reconciliation to the United States that it must be organized in its application to be available to the US first.  That you intend anyhow.  However, do not get upset when the State Department requires you to divulge sources, and youd totally refuse to state the obvious and let it lie in ignorance of their real question.  I happen to support this fully as do most of us up here and you are brave all the time to let things settle their way not but your way when it comes to construction.  We fully admire your work Ron, and that it stands the test of time will become obvious as a couple of you die off now and leave the Magisterial Foundation to your heir.

"Finally, your health is so precarious you are quite willing to die to get comfort, but you are not happy about what is being done in both the spiritual difficulties of people who should be responding and refuse to do anything, and the entire matter of medical science which is blundering one mistake after another over the misuse of serums to convert COVID19 out of its life pattern.  For that reason they make it worse and you are fully disgusted with high falutin' means and no way to correct the blunder they are making in serum production to inject live virus strins to attempt to build better immunity.  IT does not work with COVID!!

"Lastly, you have a Lightline later today.  Snuff yourself well enough to learn that the powers to be are ready and so are you, but that the conflagration of time is making it very difficult for people to remember what occurs today and you are quite satisfied to do it with two and make a tape and let it be.  That is excellent and you are making waves up here as that is what it takes today to make people understand we have nothing to hide but refuse to be souses by non-working human individuals who know better but cannot help themselves lately.

"Truth is concussable not, yet they make it sound so when a fellow you know suddenly is aware you know what you are talking about and not making it listenable to him or others only because they need to know more than you allow and that ius our delight too.  Keep this high tone going and the Queen stirs not Ron, and you are ready to say hello in person if this damnable disease of the nervous system does not relent.  I am MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS 413, and with my colleagues 441, 443, 444, and 445. we stand down now and let the Master of All Speak to you now:"

THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - "BE aware I am fully knowing your prerogatives for now as you prepare the property for some beautification thanks to a neighbor's intervention of sorts.  She is well and ready this morning and hose calls yesterday Ron have nothing to do with you or them, but a mistaken idea you have change the ways of payment for services.  You have not and only paid for a light fixutre the kitty could not afford to do on its own.  She now understands that nad does not worry it further.  You have not answered the calls and let them sit as they are useless now that Terry explained why the cash to get the light.  She thought you changed their payment but not so.  Get yourself well established with them an yourself and do not answer Ryan on snow removal, as he is ready to quit but sees you do not respond for some reason.  That is to be kept that way until he is fully aware of the needs of his family too and he may go back to snow removal as a handy device to get payment for all that equipment he inherited without a way to keep it running. Now back to the folks who read this reply for information:

"I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, and for reasons of State, I carry this forward to all of you.  The MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS are truly operating openly now as 413, and 444, in particular are voicing not criticism, but harmless warnings that your medical profession is about to blunder in a terrible way to inject live viruses but NO ONE MUST INJECT RETROVIRUS VIRUS TYPES into the human genome.  It will cause the virus to flare up again and who thinks it works best this way is an idiot at the Dept of Health who ordered the experiment into working again.

"DO NOT EXPECT COVID19 and its variations to subside and it will get worse again when doctors do this.  Ron you are not vulnerable easioly to it and stay away fro the advice of your doctor to get another shot and stay away from flu shots this year as they are useless.  I avoid further comments as this is a terrible test of ambiguity we must obey for now."

"Finally, MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER speaks:  "WE are facing an intrigue again Ron and they must be eliminated and you are quite sure they are nearby to you all the time.  Let this stand well though, you cannot overcome that evil without help and your force of personality is well established enough to keep them at bay as the personality is not changed by their renuminations at all, and for that reason you stand healthy enough to respond here.  The final approach of evil is forecast to be soon, and that is over fast enough, and we end this with some cheer:

"The last WTP planet to be built on Urantia is not the first one or the tenth one, but perhaps the 50th, and that is because the entire matter of electricity will be avoided when the planet may be forced to shut down transmissions of anything including Lightline, and that is due to the formation of a consortium of choice by the MICHAEL SONS or the Creative forces now reasoning themselves about Urantia now.   That will preclude the use of power because the entire matter of THE MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION and the MAGISTERIAL SONS will conclude it is no longer necessary to pander to a useless man-woman ration on Urantia, and that man himself alone forces the entire matter of human life on Urantia to continue not.  That is how serious Putin has undermined the order of grace that must pervade work on Urantia if it is to continue as an inhabited planet, and for that reason Ron your passing soon is not of consequence to anyone but us.

"Let it be known you Ron are not normal to see all of this and you have taken every step known to you to get out from under the secrecy of spirit help, but refuse to pander to science which is abysmally ignorant of all cause, and for that reason they reap the wind and not the value you represent.  They are forcing an interjection of charm not but of care they stay on top and that is not possible with your WTP.  For that reason you are interjecting nothing but letting them fold it as they do, and for that reason you are snuffed back not, but must proceed to build it yourself as they figure you have no mean to do so.  That is a terrible mistake for them to make as the entire matter is being perfected up here for this to appear well and ready for demonstration earlier than you proposed as JESUS now takes it up as a primary source of care for the planet until it may no longer be needed due to the fact no human resides anymore on Urantia in the near future even.  The fool called Putin is resulting a conflagration of heat and cold never seen before on Urantia soon for if he uses tactical nuclear weapons the matter is over for Urantia entirely.  Good day."

[We thank you FATHER  and the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS for speaking with us today.  Your presence honors us and we deeply appreciate to continue using these sources at your pleasure.  I speak for all of us Spirit.  Thank you!]

Ron here - The warnings are bound to get louder and shrill again dear reader.  I am fully aware of their seriousness but you can only know that if your personality is taking the dictation and how it firms up the idea "we are not kidding now, listen up!"  My sense of it is that when the Master Force Organizers find it necessary to speak, we are in the last hours of a huge decision.  This is for both of us, man and spirit.  I do not  fathom all of the importance of red-rod Ultimatons but I have been informed for years they are a dire warning when they appear.  Here is MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 413 and 444 again to state something more about red-rod Ultimatons.

"WE ARE DETERMINED to speak well but judiciously.  You Ron carry huge resources for all but they care nothing about this.  We are now finding out how seriously ill you are and are determined to level them down before you go and that is not easily done by a mere mortal, but you hae the forces with you. 

"Red Rod Ultimatons speak this:  No one declares us invalid.  No one declares us useless.  No one holds us well but gingerly over the heart of God, for we warn of impending heartless disasters on the planet and for that reason you view Moscow under the Arctic Sea, and that is not impossible if this keeps up.  No one assigns the EU much use and no one assigns Biden as helpful at all.  But we assign you Ron as the one sane notice in all of this and that is like you being a rubber ducky on top of bathwater as far as they are concerned.  Let it be done however it resigns itself on Urantia, and for that matter however MICHAEL OF NEBADON holds you well or unwell soon over various issues he has at heart but not working them over you again.  For that reason the entire matter of you Ron leaves us happy but chilled at your loss of heart for all that is good and sweet in human life.  Be called back to your roots soon and see where you stand as there is nothing to do about what happens to you and WTP, but it will be built with oor without you.  BE certain we know the difference automatically and you are holding on well enough to clear the stage for a new compound called morontial living in any case for you shortly.

"I am MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 444, and 413 and 425 are with Me, and for that reason we all have received a packet of  "eye of newt." you sent up, and this ends nothing, but we see the cabal is placing more of you on their agenda than you can afford to refute but MICHAEL STANDS above you and for that reason the entire matter has passed.  You cannot see any of this but it is raucous and ugly and they are assigned to the death gallows now fully.  Let this be a reminder to all who pretend to be rebels:  you are fools as Ron contends every time you appear, and we second that as you have no idea what you are rebelling about and only make things worse on poor Urantia at all.  K

"The red rod Ultimaton also indicates that the Urantia atmosphere is getting hot and dangerously depleted of oxygen and you Ron already have misgivings about breathing already as you are very sensitive to oxygen presence.  We are now ready to explain one more thing:

"GOD THE FATHER will not be mocked!

"Further stated, you read that in the Urantia Book and you fully believe it must be attended to by people like yourself shoe refuses to stand insults to Him or his Agencies.  For that reason you stand well with all of us to the point you would kill yourself before you allowed the Magisterial Foundation fall into the hands of  the Urantia Foundation, ever.  But they cannot enforce anything by law or legal insinuation to its readers you are outside the jurisdiction of faith and care, and they must fold first and will as there is not way for the Urantia Foundation to carry anything forward without your support and so far they have none.  They are untrustworthy to the point they cannot sign an agreement with any sense of doing what they fully promise even today.  K

"In conclusion -  WE now see MICHAEL OF NEBADON to end this before we spill some bean we should not.  We thank you Ron for all of this attention and to Sue for picking our speeches up so well.  I am MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 444, and with 413, 4227, and425 and429, WE bid you all farewell for now.  [Thank you Master Force Organizers from all who read here. Ron]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania