Author Topic: A BEACON OF LIGHT IN DIFFICULT TIMES  (Read 6722 times)

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Offline SophiaVeronica

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« on: October 22, 2022, 20:42:29 pm »
This is Michael of Nebadon, your Universe Father and I have this to say: Stay the course, these times are not easy, but even in difficult and uncertain times there is much to be gained through introspection. Learn to remain calm and expectant and create peace within yourself, for that will help you organize your thoughts and give you strength to build stability for the trials that come upon your world.

There is so much to adjust during these times of great change in a New Universe Age that Father deemed necessary after all the turmoil that has so completely disrupted the universes. Adjustments are constantly needed in all segments of the universe and this is especially true on your planet where a Magisterial Mission is ready to operate, but where spiritual and global governments are suffering from rebels and insurgents who refuse to understand the real situation. 

Times have never been easy, each generation has its own problems, life on a material planet is a challenge to prepare for higher worlds and must be experienced to mature the planet and the people living on it. No experience means no progress and life on an inhabited planet is all about progress. 

Be a beacon of light to those who feel lost and lonely and unable to adapt to the new world that will appear before you. The members of this Forum are prepared and instructed. You heard us well when we spoke to you in earnest about future times, which will not go unnoticed. Stay connected with your Inner Voice, your Adjuster who lives within you and guides you along safe paths because you have learned to listen. 
Do not give up, do what you need to do and do it with the highest intention and love.There is much joy to be found in serving the Father in Heaven and His children who are your brothers and sisters in the flesh. Give thanks to the Father for every blessing that comes your way and do not let yourselves be influenced by an outside world of hatred and turmoil that distracts you from what you are trying to accomplish.

I am Michael of Nebadon and I encourage you to remain calm and patient, keep your faith and act accordingly. I am your Creator Father, I know you all, I love you all, for you are the children of My Universe.

Thank you Father Michael for your words and your love.


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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2022, 00:45:22 am »
October 23, 2022. Samara, local time 8.20. Strong short call on the left. If it's me, I'm ready to receive the message.
Since you responded pretty quickly, I'll dictate.
Is that Arthur?
So be it.
In these busy days, it is necessary to exercise vigilance, reason, sobriety and caution. Trouble may lie in wait for you at every step, for Kabbalah knows all of you and is hunting for you. While we manage to repel all attacks, but if you show weakness, open up for a blow, it will inevitably follow.
What does it mean to be open? This means your fear, your manifested hatred or impatience, the same anger at someone or something. Be calm and patient. Fear nothing, for God is with you.
If something terrible happens in front of your eyes, do not be afraid. Fear paralyzes the will of a person, makes him obedient in other people's evil deeds. If there is an opportunity to help someone, do it by all means. But if you are in mortal danger, leave this place immediately. It is better not to leave the premises after our warning. If you are in mortal danger, we will warn you, if, of course, we have time.
I repeat once again: be calm, be vigilant and do not be afraid of anything. Listen to your tuner.
- Thank you very much for your guidance.
23 октября 2022. Самара, местное время 8.20. Сильный короткий вызов слева. Если это мне, я готов принимать сообщение.
Раз ты откликнулся довольно быстро, я буду диктовать.
– Это Артура?
Пусть будет так.
В эти напряженные дни необходимо проявлять бдительность, рассудок, трезвость и осторожность. Вас может подстерегать неприятность на каждом шагу, ибо каббала знает всех вас и охотится за вами. Пока нам удается отбивать все атаки, но если вы проявите слабость, откроетесь для удара, он неминуемо последует.
Что это значит откроетесь? Это значит ваш испуг, ваша проявленная ненависть или нетерпение, та же злость на кого или на что либо. Будьте спокойны и выдержаны. Ничего не бойтесь, ибо с вами Бог.
Если на ваших глазах случиться что-то страшное, не бойтесь. Испуг парализует волю человека, делает его послушным в чужих злобных делах. Если есть возможность кому-то помочь, сделайте это обязательно. Но если вам грозит смертельная опасность, немедленно покиньте это место. Лучше после нашего предупреждения вовсе не покидать помещение. Если вам будет грозить смертельная опасность, мы вас предупредим, если, конечно, успеем.
Еще раз повторю: будьте  спокойны, будьте бдительны и ничего не бойтесь. Слушайте своего настройщика.
- Большое спасибо за наставления.