Author Topic: Wireless Electricity and Preparticle Issues  (Read 17751 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Wireless Electricity and Preparticle Issues
« on: March 08, 2023, 16:11:06 pm »
March 08, 2023
York, Pa
Subject the Magisterial Foundation & Wireless Electricity & Preparticle Issues

Dear List,
“Today Ron finished the last reports for the tax year 2022.  Dominick did and filed the reports quite nicely and they have fulfilled their oboligation to the United States Internal Revenue Service of the US Treasury.

“For that reason we are providing you a statement for our own purposes:

We are concluding this Magisterial Foundation arrangement not today but on March 15, 2023.  That is the approximate date for the Magisterial Foundation to entertain the idea of sever tranches to provide the reflective requirements to stand tall for the declaration of the control to build the WIRELESS ELECTRICITY PILOT PLANT in the United States.  Fon is being forced to write this without knowing what I have in mind and does as he supports always, “WRITE IT WITHOUT KNOWING IT!”

“For that reason we state the following too:

“The entire matter of work and play has been suspended for Dominick, Ron and most of the Board because they have determined this is their work to process and this is the work to finish always.  We now have finished the tax season and now enter the ENGINEERING SEASON.

“For reasons of State the engineering firm Ron contacted for some preliminary information has deprived itself of a large tract of concerns and wishes not to answer the question he proposed.  However, it is well established already that the new patent is worth listening to, as it is now necessary to consider the ELECTRON to be containing more than empty space as the definition for the classification of LEPTONS occurs.  For that reason we stand ready to question not only the reason Ron state it, but why does he make it part of the patent?”

RON - I explain for patent purposed that to provide electricity, we have to remove the electron entirely, as it is gravity dependent and does not transmit off a radio tower we intend to use to send wireless electricity to people’s homes and cars.   IF the electron has part of itself removed, it changes charge and is no longer subject to gravity to hold it back.  For that reason we remove one Ultimaton, and that forces the electron to become an antigravity particle, which is called the Muon.  When the Muon is transmitted it is connected to huge strands of Muons as they link to each other and go out like a long string which does not get broken until it hits the house antenna and there is reverts to electrons into the electrical box in the cellar for most people.  Without removing something inside the electron we could transmit the Muon to your home.  There the Ultimaton has to be mentioned to the patent office as the cause, when we remove one from the electron,  that allows us to broadcast the means of electricity to the home.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON  - “You should also mention Ron that the Ultimaton you remove stays alongside the Muon, and when the Muon flows to the radio tower, the Ultimaton stays beside it and pushes it up the south tower leg.  Why the south tower leg Ron?”

Ron  - For wireless electricity to work we have to make the radio tower an electro-magnet.  Spelled  properly, electromagnets have a positive pole and a negative pole.  On our tower, the north and south leg act like the positive and negative ends of a battery.  That allows preparticles, such as in a battery, to flow easily up and down the legs of the tower.  No one understands that and I do not make a big deal about it, but I am sure that if the entire matter were examined under a microscope, it could be observed that the preparticles from the sky about us fall down on the tower and attach themselves to the magnet the tower becomes.

For that reason then, when we aim the north tower leg to the compass magnetic north, the tower is an electromagnet attracting electrons onto the north tower leg.  The north tower leg then sens to south tower leg the preparticles it gathers and up to the top to broadcast if they are Muons.  We convert the electrons falling down from the sky into Muons and they7 easily flow up the south tower leg for broadcast at 86.4 Megahertz (the low end of the FM radio dial.)

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “That is a precise explanation.  Why do you think you have trouble explaining that to people?”

Ron - Science teaches electrons are empty Leptons.  They also think Muons and Pions are empty Leptons.  They are not empty particles as they are constructed of pre-matter electric sparks you can never see but they make up the presence of a preparticle in the first place.

For that reason, science consider the patent to be a fantasy for they fully support the preparticle called a Lepton has nothing whatsoever inside of it and assume its construction is a nature unit of its own.  That is just not true as it contains construction materials called pre-matter for not materialized object is every empty.  Materialization of matter depends on electrical properties, and as such, those properties must be contained inside a unit we call Ultimatons.

There are one hundred kinds of Ultimatons, and each kind forms its own type of preparticle.  The electron contains one hundred types of one type of Ultimaton and the electron should be used as the standard for all electrons to be compared to as to charge, orbital spins, and other electrical properties.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Why do you think this important to know then?”

RON - If science is ever to have an improved cosmology about the universe, it must recognized that the universe is divided into two (2) main components: The universe of life and matter are not one, and the universe of life is designated the Deified Universe; the material part of the Universe is the unDeified universe.  Those two major breakdowns of how the universe works are relegated as one in the central control of universe existence dead center in the mass called the Master Universe.

I use the term “MASTER UNIVERSE”, because time and materialization  are two different things, and there are universes without time and universes without materialization, but all obey the basic scientific laws of unDeified materialization, or if they have life in them, in Deified laws of medicinal operations.  When we say “Master” it means it controls every part of these differences as one Universe control factor from a Central Universe science does not even have a clue it exists at all.

The conclusion the Master Universe has a central control section is based on the fact that the flow of orbits of planets such as like moons and earths around stars, flow always in the same direction.  If there were no controlling central universe, there would be orbital chaos and that just does not exist.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “We see you have thought long and hard on this subject of Deifies and unDeified and appreciate your view points, but let me say this to the reading audience this: the central universe exists, and the gravity control of orbital electronics exists as Ron speaks to it’ however, gravity control out of the central universe inside of the Master Universe, is not the only gravity it controls.  Personality gravity (that is being drawn to certain people you really like), and spirit gravity (an energy system that knows everything), and intellectual gravity (the appearance of mind to organize thinking), all exist with gravity control for the rest of the universe between material objects and things.

“For that reason Ron, wireless electricity contains two Deified examples you do not know.  

1 - There are granules in the preparticle which are attracted to planets which have a magnetosphere that are called INTERFERON granules.

2 - Additionally, there are Deified granules in the preparticle which are called SEPTOGRAPHS.  They are depicted in some of your drawings but you do not speak to them often since you really do not know their control purpose.  I explain both simply:

Interferons and Septographs like people who treat the preparticle with respect, and you do and make them much more visible with your wireless electricity patent.  For that reason the Deified universe hopes to make use of the person you are to explaingto science that when they are smashed into each other, huge energy clouds form over the use of the preparticle being destroyed to protect other preparticles in the vicinity from being destroyed too..

“The physicist, JESE OPPENHEIMER, withness the first atomic blast at Los Alamos, New Mexico on Jly 16, 1945, called the TRINITY TEST.

Oppenheimer was genuinely afraid the atmosphere might catch fire.  He also decided the explosion opened the world to deep black secrets of destruction he feared could end the life of the planet.  Oppenheimer has spoken often to Ron about these concerns, and Ron often placed these conversations on line.  Now the scientists on Urantia think they can control nuclear explosions well enough, but the Deified universe is not so sure the atmosphere of oxygen in particular on Urantia, will behave to not exploded into a fire ball if, say, a tachtical nuclear bomb is dropped and the entire village underneath it suffocates to death.  

“Suffocation is the danger to a nuclear explosion over homes today.   We are not so sure it will not happen if Putin detonates a tachtical nuclear bomb this time, as the oxygen on this planet is getting very old and its molecular structure is weak in many cases.  When that happens death by suffocation can happen itself, but place a nuclear bomb in it, and it could collapse and burn itself out over a detonation site.

“I am the Creator Son of the universe you live and read in.  Do not make me worry over explosions like this and that is first, to respect the preparticles that make your life see the visible structures of life too.  BE assured I have not control over what man does with preparticles as that control exists in the central universe which also is the origins of prematter.  Thank you and good day.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K”

Ron - We thank our Creator Son for stepping forward to advise us how dicey our existence can be when matter is abused through the materializing process of Ultimatons inside the idea of a preparticle.  I thank you Creator Son, MICHAEL OF NEBADON (The capitals reflect His order name and our universe name where earth lives) and good day to our readers as well.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania