By Jesus of Nazareth
Received by: Salvatore.
Friday July 28, 2023.
"I AM JESUS OF Nazareth.
The Good Samaritan.
"I come with a message of spiritual improvement that helps us revive love for our neighbor to fill the void in our hearts that we need and it is the need to cooperate with each other when there is an emergency situation that sometimes occurs anywhere and there the efforts of those who provide their services of love and compassion to our brothers who need this help are highly valued and that desire to feel promotes the love that motivates from the bottom of the heart that indeed comes from our Father God which is our Adjuster who goes into action to promote so that the person activates and goes to help those people who need help.
And it always becomes a spiritual progress like the good SAMARITAN.
That is actually the truth of spirituality that we always long for to happen in all hearts, because there is no will and in these times of famine we need love to arise in all the hearts of every human being so that there is PEACE and Sincerity. The spirituality that reigns in all hearts
So be it.
Thank you very much for having me.