In defense of you Clency, all of us are facing a very difficult transmission problem, and that is some defense leagues has entered into the issue of Urantia communications, particularly to the Lightline idea recently. In truth I do not know what it is about, but I do know we are not facing a ban, but a trial to keep ourselves remotely concerned over issues of State on Urantia. Those Urantia issues affecting our Lightline transmissions is war, war, war. Just why this works against Lightlines is not well understood by me either Clency. Your attitude is the right one, and hope to hold one next week, same time same station. Thank you for your note here. Ron
MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks: "Ron is right Clency, and thank you for your pluck. We on the highest levels are keeping it alive, but Urantia is under the guise of true horrors from a kaleidoscope of evil. Ron says, 'war, war, war' and I agree it has cut some communication in general to transmitters, but keep in mind Clency, you do a parody of transmissions some times and that is only done to keep you well while your body heals from a deep indentation of heartless care by a cabal that thinks you are too dangerous not to hit once in a while. We have never discussed this with you before, but keep your self working the usual schedule and attempt Lightline meetings as best you can. The French version is poorly received in France but your work is heard well in the morontial area very well and they hope you continue as I do, and as Ron does. HE is the only one who truly knows your importance here on Urantia. K"
Ron here - Michael is listening well Clency. Just keep the faith. l