Author Topic: A Post to Review a Few Things for You . . . .  (Read 16450 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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A Post to Review a Few Things for You . . . .
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:26:39 am »
Welcome to The SERARA FORUM on line.  This is a posting attempting to tell first time readers of what we say a lot about the Universe and how God tells us about it.  We cannot easily explain what this site is, but at root to explain what we do is God has recently enjoyed speaking to those of us and we adopt the ways to hear Him, as he speaks with many voices.  

First it is helpful to know something about how they name our planet and how they  refer to it.  They  pronunciation that name “U RAN SHA,”  and that SHA is pronounced with a long “A” at the end of the word.

U - RAN - SHA, and that is their name for our planet, and it translates to English, as “a planet of beauty.”

The letters in the name “Urantia” has a “TIA”, ending.  We learn that anything in their spoken language ending in TIA, is simply pronounced in English, SHA.  And we do not have a lot of English words that rhyme with it, so I went to the Internet to ask for a list of words that end in TIA too, and if that helps you to pronounce URANTIA, then help yourself to other English words ending in “tia” as they all are pronounced similarly.


This Internet list of a web site is named  Originally it was called something else, and now even the title of this web site as named is not easy to figure out.  The original naming of our site was to reference the divine Magisterial Son group coming on a Mission, a spiritual mission, to our planet.  That was as far back as 2003.  I am not going into a lot of the history on this planet since 2003. But every time the spiritual powers were ready to start, something happened to delay the entire Mission to this planet.

Briefly, here is a small time line of what corrected our time to speak to this plainly for years, and it still is not entirely straightened out for a Mission to this planet.  Here’s recent history:

2014 - Decision to send Mission to Urantia was stated and readied;

2018 - An insurrection occurred that barred this planet’s use of the Mission;

2020 - It was determined to hold back until a seraphic insurrection could be controlled and the usual matgerials could be provided for a spiritual mission to Urantia;

2024 - The insurrection was calmed down enough that the chief spirit of this local universe had decided to go with the Missions here.

Prior to 2014 there was about ten years of discussion just how to approach this planet, and by 2014 it was understood just how it was to be done.  

First in 2011, it was decided to call upon Jesus to head the Mission.  But the insurrection of the angels of all things, complaining about the loss of God the Supreme, erupted and only now in 2024 is there arrangements back into place to conduct a spiritual Mission to this planet.  The “GO” was decreed in 2023 and 2024 was supposed to be a Mission year.  We do not know yet if it is.

Finally in 2024, the spirit in charge of all of this is our Creator Son, and He decreed it was now possible to bring a spiritual Mission to our planet.  BUT: wars like little hot spots in a grass fire popped up, and the Creator Son, NO!   We are still waiting for that “NO!” to disappear so we can get back to planning for the spirit Missions to our planet.

You now know what I know, and we leave this for now, but here is the Creator Son to speak to all of you, as follows:

“I AM THE CREATOR SON OF THIS PLANET and the universe you see twinkling with the light of stars at night.

“Ron has dared to easily explain what must be one of the most difficult period of life I have ever spent as a Creator Son.  All you see as to starts and the worlds at large, are My creation, and I must  not offend you, but your planet almost stinks with error and sinful reproach to our FATHER In HEAVEN.  Let me explain something to you now”

“Ron insists that people understand what has happened.  Well, he provides a litany of truth but leaves out huge volumes of what has been done.  He knows a great deal more but is silent for reasons of State too.

“First I do not like someone talking about this mess on Urantia, but he has done a superb job to let you know some details since, and actually, 1994, when I conceived the idea of a Mission to Urantia.  But since then there has been nothing but insurrection again, and I am going to put that away until we have a decently peaceful Urantia again.  Then of course the Russians up set the cart and I had to replan for that now, and finally, Israel lets loose with a final war of attrition which is hard to watch up here on the divine spheres of Salvington.

“Finally, I am quite sure most of you know nothing, but Ron helps plan the small tweaks to start these Missions, and even he is disappointed with the results.  First there was an insurrection of seraphim.  Then they were joined by the Vorondadek Sonship in this local universe.  And than, finally, I the Creator Son, said enough is enough and came to your planet this week (the second and third week of April, 2024).  I found the Urantia planetary organization totally out of control again.  I have returned back to my headquarter star system where I am speaking from now.

“You are being informed that this is typical fare, but it is not and Ron simply updates you where things stand right now (April 23, 2024).  I am happy to let this go as he spills no secrets which he knows more than anyone else so far.  But:

“I say “But:” for one good reason.  Today is the 23rd of April, and Ron is seriously ill and may not survive what is to happen, but whatever happens he is ready to work with us as a final attribute of his stay on the planet Urantia.  I will make some statements later today, but for now let this be our last reward to all of you who want to know what has been happening lately with Me and m Staff.  I will greet you later today on a Lightline, a recording we make as a tape to all of you scheduled on this site at 2PM today, the 23rd of April now. Good day.”

Ron here - I have given some of you an idea of what is transpiring, but only the Creator Son can design a Mission, a spiritual Mission, to a planet, and we look forward to hearing him later today on the lightline.  

“And I also close this message with the hope that I can maintain enough health to join with you on Urantia to see that justice is done and I hope to be able to see more than that wherever I am sent shortly.  Good luck, and best wishes to all of you.

Ron Besser, the Magisterial Foundation and its ownership of the Electricity Patent that will change this world forever.  Best wishes to all for now.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: A Post to Review a Few Things for You . . . .
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2024, 09:45:11 am »

Good morning, Ron

Thank you for your post above because it opens the door for a question
that I had for quite a while. And I quote:

'' But every time the spiritual powers were ready to start something happened
to delay the entire mission to this planet.''

Some members of this Forum always get attacked by the cabal and Ron is 
their number one target. Every time they remove them, they always come

1- Can the rebels be sent permanently to a different space area?

2- In the Mansion worlds when we start our ascension career are we
 getting attacked sometimes by the insurrectionists?

From the Creator Son I quote: 

'' I must not offend you, but your planet almost stinks with error and 
sinful reproach to our Father in Heaven...''

'' But since then there has been nothing but insurrection again and I am
going to put away until we have a decently peaceful Urantia again.''

Is it time now for a good demonstration to show who is really the Boss.
A lot of people on Urantia do not believe in God because they do not
feel God, they do not see God. Is it time for now to find a way to make
people think more about God, to make them believe that there is a God
in Heaven. 

I thank you again for the post above and may God bless you always.


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Re: A Post to Review a Few Things for You . . . .
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2024, 19:45:20 pm »
Great summary Ron, I wish the missions starts soon. I hope God or maybe some other brothers gives you the gold necessary to make the electric power plant finally being built.   But I wonder why the Creator Son said you won't survive? Why?