Author Topic: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers  (Read 10141 times)

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Online SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« on: May 18, 2024, 22:30:49 pm »

Good morning All! Hello Pleiadeans! and Arthura, Melchizedeks, and all interested listeners!

Hello Pleiadeans! Thank you for joining me. What would you like to say today?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you Carole. We watched as many of you on the forum slumped a little as the pull-back announcements were made. Yet still you all were admonished to "stay the course!"

And the reaction was "uh. . . . OK". An announcement? Not much. Unless it is.

That is where we want to pick up the thread. You all have been "staying the course" a long time. What have you been doing during this time?
Just "waiting it out" does not imply vigorous mental and spiritual participation.

Let us ask YOU the question: What is "The Course"?
Each of you has a different answer to that question.

Perhaps many of you have heard the quote: "Run with patience the race that is set before you.. . but only one who has run to the end gets a prize."

Some of you who are runners know the "brick wall" runners face halfway through a marathon. It is a huge temptation to quit.

A common tool in the advice category is "Revisit your long term goals. And connect with people who can team up with you to reach those goals."

"The Course" is a path YOU pick!

Recently HelderPoeta outlined a desire to do effective work in the health care field. And the question came up about "healing chambers". Here is something you all may not have thought of: A "Healing Chamber" can be found right between your two ears!

This is what we mean: Healing can be physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual.

Healing is a huge topic, ranging from the plight of the earth itself, to the smallest personal physical need. But understand physical healing also involves with it emotional (both conscious and sub-conscious) spiritual (realigning the spiritual focus of what, and why the healing), mental (addressing both ignorance, mis-knowledge, and apathy) factors, yet not to forget the common presence of genetic aberrations that may interfere with optimum health. Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.

Please remember, people, that the Mansion Worlds have healing as a priority, removing from our lives those things that contribute to death in its various ways.
As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. Many things can help in the healing processes, and being in contact with the spiritual source of your health and energy can help you create a different perspective on your current condition. Don't forget, your body has an immune function that is often sabotaged by our lifestyles. Your body can heal itself in many circumstances. Just give it a chance!
Being grateful and thankful for the health you do have is a big step in maintaining a positive frame of mind, which is a healing factor in of itself.

We are here to help, but we do not do physical healings.
Thank you Pleiadeans!

Carole Dawn, aka S@S

Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 14:29:32 pm »
So, there are some people talking about Med Beds, and that they are a thing given by the Pleiadeans and the Galatic Federation... so these talks are lies?

Online SongatSunrise

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 15:18:12 pm »
Hello HelderPoeta,

Here is a link to a website that may help clarify things.

Thanks for asking.

Song at Sunrise.

Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2024, 15:40:07 pm »
And all those videos about messagens from Ashtar Sheran or something, are they all lies too? Why is there people that spread lies in the name of pleiadens then?

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2024, 20:16:06 pm »
Start by learning about energy as frequency. Those frequencies will have a wave form. Even a color. Everything has a frequency to it

Offline weydevu

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2024, 10:30:09 am »
I want to thank you and the Pleiadeans for this post on healing.  Most of us on this list are up there in age and I'm sure a lot of times we wake up sometimes and something is wrong with our bodies.  It felt alright when we went to sleep but not so when we woke up. 

Could you SongatSunrise or the Pleiadeans explain this statement:
Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.

Thank you

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Offline weydevu

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2024, 11:15:02 am »
To HelderPoeta: 

Don't forget that Lucifer and Caligastia were the Father of lies.  And they laid the seeding and groundwork for deception on this planet.  Like you I believe it should be a crime to false advertise.  [I can't stand to be trick into believing in something that's based on a lie] I believe it should be a crime for our politicians to lie to the general public and so on.  Some people lie to save themselves from public embarrassment others lie to scam people for their money and some people are just habitual liars.  Now be careful of the internet and YouTube because people lie to get ratings and the more ratings or more people you get to watch what you put up the more they get paid. I'm sure you know these things but sometimes we forget.


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Offline HelderPoeta

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Re: Pleiadeans and Healing Chambers
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2024, 22:46:19 pm »

As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. 

I would like to know more about proper sleep , new exercice methods  nad proper information about my job, if possible.  As well if these news about Gesara and the Galatic Federation is true. 