Author Topic: SUNDAY LIGHTLINE ON JUNE 2ND IS CANCELLED unfortunately  (Read 4756 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: June 02, 2024, 06:36:03 am »
This is Ron Besser.  I must cancel the Lightline for this Sunday, the 2nd of June, due to the misfortune I cannot make it or see to it easily.  This does not abandon you, but it does state that there is cabal so strong on Urantia, that no one can do the usual business and be secure about what it to be told, said, or otherwise promoted.  Here is Machiventa Melchizedek to say a few words about today and the proposed Lightline that should be held today, but there is no wisdom enough to avail a good transmission at all.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK SPEAKS:  "I have held forth for centuries on URANTIA, and I have never seen what I am seeing today.  For reasons of State there is nothing left to say or do at the moment, and Ron loves doing these Lightlines, but he is being scalded to  death by an unremitting cabal that hates first and never lets a thing pass for good reward to humans now.

"I am sure that Ron prefers a tidy way to exit the scene but they are blocking the normal processes, and for that reason no one dare pass today or tomorrow without special permission from Michael of Nebadon, or anyone can adjust to any requirement for any purpose.  It is painful and it is reminiscing  of Lucifer so many years ago.  For t hat reason we must truncate all Lightline until there is room for them, and there is a decent way to say good bye to the decent traditions Ron has placed before you. 

"From now on, the entire race of men and women on Urantia, are under siege  until the Melchizedeks can refrain further from this radical emergency started this morning and will continue until we knock the insurrection quickly.

"I am quite sure this can be handled better than we are doing right now, but until we can get free to do it, there is no Lightline of consequence until the seraphim in charge of this insurrection are set free for all of us to reserve the ministry of God correctly.  No one is expected to post to this notice, but if you do, do it gently as there is very little left of Ron's temper to say much further.  Good day until we have a better announcement in the future.  

"I am MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK reporting one favoring factor for Ron and the rest of you:

"No one is allowed on or off this sphere of trust and good will until there is an adjudication not only of Ron but all of you for daring to hold a Lightline proposal at all.  More on  this later.  Meanwhile, the LIGHTLINE FO 2 JUNE 2024 must be cancelled until further notice.  Good day to all of you.   K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania