Author Topic: USA Lightline 26 June, 2024  (Read 4077 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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USA Lightline 26 June, 2024
« on: June 26, 2024, 15:24:58 pm »

To all, 

Today a short LL of approximately 14 minutes was held at 2 pm.

Ron has been advised to try to hold another LL, to possibly get some more information.

            We invite you to try connecting again today:

                  Wednesday 06/26/24 at 6 pm NYT

Thank you,

This is the link to the Lightline at 2 p.m: 

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: USA Lightline 26 June, 2024
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2024, 03:01:21 am »
All right, everybody. This is the light line for Wednesday, June 26, 2024. I'm Ron Besser, your host. We'll see how far we can get with this light line. To those who may not understand, the problems that we're having is partially due to an insurrection and partially due to our equipment not working very well at all today. I do not quite know what the problem is, but at least I'm getting through.

Michael of Nebadon
Now this. I am Michael of Nebadon. Ron doesn't have the numbers, he doesn't have the display, so we're guessing how many are here. I would guess about, oh, between 10 and 12. That is unusually low, and it's because no one is able to get in. Those of you who have gotten in have more than dialed once in most cases. In any case, Ron, we are holding a light line in the middle of quite a disaster. For those who are not able to hear well, try bringing your volume up. If you can't hear well, do the best you can. The entire reason for holding the light line today is to tell you that we are cutting the light lines after today until the planet is back to normal. Ron is having extraordinary problems. I know some of you are having trouble dialing in or getting in. That is to stop. And the rebels will pay a price.

Now this, this is not going to be a light line of any length. We're going to get in and then out without concern for the hour. Ron felt that Lemuel's place should be honored and is here to do that. Lemuel is very ill and he can't even turn the phone on to listen to this light line. We have reached the end of an era. I do not know what's going to happen to our transmitters or to Ron in particular, but he has refused to fold under the pressure of too many insurrectionists around him that he can't get any peace. They are held back by a cordon. And for the rest of the day, you're protected, Ron.

Thank you very much, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. I want to tell you the following. The cordon that is around Ron so he can broadcast is not strong enough to take much more of the rebellion. So let me unwind fastly and tell you what I have in mind. Number one, we are going to re-bring these missions back alive. We're going to resurrect what was to have been done and Ron will be here, we think, to see to it that they are done properly and in proper sequence.
Number two, I am Michael Nebadon. I'm on the planet today. And I have this to say to the insurrection. Get your fun in while you can, because we're going to clean house and there will be nothing left of any seraphim excluding those that the Magisterial Sons have brought to Urantia. And finally, this; We are determined to allow Ron to continue as long as he can. Today he has been hit back several times and there is nothing that we can bring to the situation other than to mention to you that his light line has gone blank and that he can't tell who is on the line with him. There are ten on the line with you, Ron.

Thank you very much, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. We're going to make this recording last a little longer. But the truth of the matter is those regular attendees cannot even get in. The cabal has drawn a frequency blank across this. And for that matter, some of you may drop and can't get back in. Don't worry about it. The next regularly scheduled light line, which is this Sunday, will be held. Don't forget that. And finally to you, Ron, the entire matter of the light line is fine. It's running. You can't tell.

No, no more. Alright, there I got it back.
Michael of Nebadon
And finally, this, this is Michael of Nebadon. Some of you are quite capable of getting in and not having a problem. I don't know what that means. But Ron's dashboard is highly irregular today. He can't even get a count of people. We are letting it alone for now. And for the future; there will be more activity online for all of you after Sunday. I'm expecting Ron to hold the light line on Sunday and to take care of the problem. The real situation is pretty dire. The Seraphim who have rebelled hold the planet pretty well, but we are not going to permit it to last any longer than necessary. And finally, to all of you, Ron can't tell the number, he sees gaps, and that is a problem with the phone company. Of course they would have trouble the same time we are. I am going to close this down fairly early after Machiventa Melchizedek speaks. Take it away Machiventa.

Welcome Machiventa. Go ahead please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I have seen to Ron's health and nature today. He has had nothing but trouble because the cabal has doubled in size and is vicious. They know that the final meeting is going to take place between Michael and the Cabal. The Cabal, for your information, is 75 Seraphim who have taken the Urantia territory as their own. We're not going to permit it. And finally, the Melchizedeks, who are normally here to portray the honesty of the moment, cannot get in. We are going to truncate this meeting shortly. But at least you know what's going on. I have only one other bit of information, and that is that Ron's supple nature is truly tested today because they tried to kill him. He refuses to deal with it and will have nothing to do with them. The truth of the matter is the liaison forces are now here and we are again evacuating the planet. The government is shut down. The protection for Ron is up. The care for each of you is in place. Stay the course. It will get better and shortly. Ron, would you hold a light line later today?

Well, certainly, do you suggest a time?

Machiventa Melchizedek
How about 5 p.m. New York time?

Well, that's less than two hours from now.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Does that give you enough time?

No. Let's try 6 p.m. that is a little less than four hours from now.

Michael of Nebadon
Try to hold your light line at 6pm and we'll try again with more news because I'm brimming with it.

Alright Michael, I'm glad to do what you asked. Do you need more time today?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. It's this. You've written down the schedule.

Yeah. It's 6 PM Wednesday. That's today. We're going to attempt to hold another light line, folks. I know that's terribly inconvenient to you. But we've got to get this out.

Michael of Nebadon
For now, Ron, I am pulling back. You should close the light line and be done until 6 p.m.

Alright, thank you, Michael. Machiventa, did you have anything?

Machiventa Mechizedek
No. Shut it down.

Alright everybody, that's about it for now. We're going to attempt 6 p.m. Wednesday. That's today 6 p.m. New York time to try again. I thank you for attending. My dashboard doesn't tell me numbers. It shows me people, but great big gaps. Thank you for attending, and I hope to see you later this afternoon. This is Ron Besser saying goodbye until 6 p.m. today. Thank you.