Author Topic: Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024  (Read 4222 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024
« on: June 30, 2024, 08:38:10 am »
Due to heavy fog this morning - most unusual for this part of the country to receive heavy fog around July 1st (tomorrow), I have to cancel the Sunday Lightline by myself, as there is nothing to report that is salient today.  MONJORONSON, however says this:

YOU who are waiting for a moment of silence and perhaps a Lightline about what is to happen, must be secure in your knowledge that Urantia will receive a Mission of worth.  However, right now there is an argument over who is in charge of Urantia, and while Michael of Nebadon is the planet's care giver, he has refused to accept the personnel who are assigned to control the planetary Mission of concerns to Urantia.

There is an argument by MICHAEL OF NEBADON that how the Missions go onto Urantia is fully critical to the planet first, and to the people in charge of celestial Missions like this, must afford just what the Missions are to be about before they start. 

So far there is not agreement on what the Mission to accomplish.  Ron is entirely sure this leads to chaos and refuses to allow anything to pass his announcements an lips about what should or might happen on Urantia in the month of July of 2024.

All of you who read this are transient care givers as a planetary mission is meant as a sacred vow to the UNIVERSAL FATHER who sees to these Missions as they occur, and this time the Missions to occur on Urantia are battled over by the old seraphim still resident on the planet who refuse to accept the trial they feel must be done to Urantia's future.

Ron does not want to do a Lightline as he wheezes through a very foggy morning in York, and rain is forecast but it does not happen either, and wants this to settle down before he has an say in it.  Yet, MICHAEL OF NEBADON is quite sure the Missions by the MAGISTERIAL SONS must proceed and this week!

For reasons of State, I Ron Besser, just sit back and let MICHAEL OF NEBADON figure out what Machiventa Melchizedek is doing for the Missions on Urantia and waits for something to accrue on the subject.  A LIGHTLINE today is not good to issue because there is so much indecision on how to produce a Misson solidly for Urantia yet.

I Ron Besser, therefore, decided to let this entire matter pass without trying to elucidate what is to be dome when the Magisterial Sons and the Creator Son, feel the Missions are ready to go, and personnel like the Assigned Sentinel are beefing about any such preparation.  The Assigned Sentinel, by the way, is an official supposedly in charge of, not Missions, but of PERSONNEL for Missions on a planet, yet this Assigned Sentinel is trying to  worsen the Mission situation by insisting participation.  That is unheard of!

Those of you who think you know the Urantia Book, have no idea what the issue really is over the proposed celestial Mission to this planet called Urantia by the sphere originators.  Yet the Assigned Sentinel wants to call the planet's name other than URANTIA at this time and that is a hallowed name, Urantia, to Jesus and the Creator Son, and they will nt hear of the Assigned Sentinel trying to rename the planet to begin with.  What is it then we are to do?

"Ron you are forever getting into policy over planets and that is fine, but this time you bit off more than you can chew.  You say we are all interested in the promised Missions, yet there are endless delays and we are interested in the problems that cause these delays,  And that is the extent of our interest, you say.  However, this interest in the planetary care is eroding our trust not only with you, but with the entire regime on the planet who sees to its running and care.  I am not at liberty to announce anything, and hence your LIGHTLINE today is cancelled mostly be cause of this.  I leave it for now.  K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON has spoken and is on the planet this morning the 30th of June, 2024; however, there is not precise moment to identify with MICHAEL about what to do from the human stand point.  This discussion forum pays little attention to payloads like the one over us now, andI am truly disappointed it has come to that, but I am interested not only in celestial policy, but what the celestial might do meanwhile, as this planet is drifting once more into the 1930's chaos of war again.  We need it stopped and certain countries reminded they must obey an injunction from God:  NO MORE WAR!  Disagreements exist every where but the war idea is getting too well aggrieved not. 

Those of you who complain about the wordiness of these posts must stand back then, as there is a word or two that must be spoken and the Universal FATHER has this to say:

FATHER =  WE  ARE QUITE SURE Ron must pass shortly.  Yet he is the one who hears this controversy on high.  I am certain there is a favor on Urantia that does not want this to he beard or known, but it is about time that Urantia personnel get the idea that the Master Universe, will not tolerate much more of this on Urantia and goad the Planetary Prince and the sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon.  For that reason we asked Ron to print this controversy out so you can hear it and see it, yet he holds most of you incapable of understanding much of anything when it comes to actual sovereign policy.  That is truly your fault and we cannot help it.  Meanwhile this:

I am happy that Ron understands it well enough to print it out.  But I am not going to fool with individuals who cannot add two and two and not get four.  This entire matter is a policy concern not to Ron or you, but it is holding up the work to regain Urantia in the proper ways to become a happy and normal planet again.  For that reason Ron sees nothing he can do under the circumstances and closes the idea of a Lightline while we argue this problem through.  The Assigned Sentinel has no business working the controversy, yet Ron is constantly harassed by the Assigned Sentinel for reasons I still do not know well enough to rule against the problem of interference  .  K   FATHER.

FATHER HERE  again:  "You Ron are fighting eyesight problems this morning again and that is not the cabal but the final solution you have ingrained to end the problem of seeing well.  Keep yourself well done today and this will pass too.  FATHER.

Ron - Thank you very much Father, andI am closing this post finished now and I am not going to hold a LIGHTLINE when we have this kind of problem and my best wises for solving it to your satisfaction to you FATHER AND MICHEAL OF NEBADON.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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Re: Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2024, 13:39:03 pm »
Ron, not to show disrespect to any of the celestials but The Assigned Sentinel has been a problem here lately.  He may have been affected by the lost of the supreme also. If he is not part of the Mission but part of Personnel, from what I understand shouldn't he be taking that to The Associate Inspector, seeing that's who he is under.

From TUB

[font="Times New Roman", Times, serif] Within a local creation the Assigned Sentinels serve in rotation, being transferred from system to system. They are usually changed every millennium of local universe time. They are among the highest ranking personalities stationed on a system capital, but they never participate in deliberations concerned with system affairs. In the local systems they serve as the ex officio heads of the four and twenty administrators hailing from the evolutionary worlds, but otherwise, ascending mortals have little contact with them. The sentinels are almost exclusively  concerned in keeping the Associate Inspector of their universe fully informed on all matters relating to the welfare and state of the systems of their assignment.[/font]

[font="Times New Roman", Times, serif]Changing the name of planets and participating in Divine Missions is not part of his M.O.  As for as I can see.  [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", Times, serif]When the Sixth Epochal Revelations come out, I really hope it has an adept detail explanation of FREEWILL.  Because this Universe doesn't look like the universe I read about when I first started reading TUB some time ago.  So many ORDERS of Beings are either flipping or causing some type of confusion.  But then again, this universe is evolving and there's going to be hiccups along the way.  What you say, Ron?[/font]

[font="Times New Roman", Times, serif]Weydevu[/font]

« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 13:58:46 pm by weydevu »
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Re: Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2024, 14:17:26 pm »
I have no idea how that font showed up.  I paste it from TUB and that's what showed up.
And the World Knows Not

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Re: Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2024, 09:09:08 am »
Weydevu, that's a very good point. I think it is all related to the rebellion and it will ripple down (wine off, loose power) over time eternal. We just got in the midst of it hard for our entire life on Urantia. It is depressing, and for this reason we are eternally thankful to able to develop some higher perspective. I am really looking forward to experience how will I see it from the hind side thousands of years form now. At this point I only wonder who knew what while those 24 administrators reported to the Assigned Sentinel. Of course, celestials new there was/is a rebellion on Urantia thus quarantined the planet. So, there might have not been a report going out from here. How about Gaia? What could she report when she was abused for millennia. I believe it is hard for everyone not to get involved when Urantia degeneration is screaming for resolution. Yet, every spirit person and other types of living beings must trust Father that he got this. It only matter of time. The Missions are ON! Thank you Father and all Holy Ones involved. If I may comment here by switching the subject, the only concern I have it time. Will I be around long enough to see substantial changes to participate?  

The font brackets, Weydevu, are generated by the system depending what font you use. You can check the outcome in preview and if needed switch the letter type to solve it. Bless you and all of you with a bright and lovely day. 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Cancellation of Sunday Lightline for 30 June 2024
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2024, 10:10:05 am »
For your information Weydevu, the Font, Times New Roman is often the default font for word processors although Arial is sometimes the default font too.  I use Times New Roman precisely because I favor its appearance.  Most people however use the Arial font because it is so clean and  clear and easy to read too.  What you read here is the Times New Roman lettering I am using now..  This is Arial and I like it too but Times New Roman is what is set on my computer as the default font.  

Here is the word "ROMAN" IN the Arial font.  Now here is the word "ROMAN"  in TIMES NEW ROMAN font and look at all the curlicues on the  Times New Roman word versus the Arial font word.  I like both but my computer is set up to run the Roman lettering unless I change it and I am too lazy to change it to Arial as a  matter of use.  I personally like both.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania