Author Topic: Pleiadeans and Freedom  (Read 6114 times)

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Offline SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans and Freedom
« on: July 31, 2024, 13:44:21 pm »
July 31,  
Good morning everyone! Thank you for listening in, and sharing your thoughts.

Concerning the Lightline Elise gave on Monday July 29 there was the following quote:

FATHER said: 

 "and man is endowed with free will, but he must learn to understand the term free. So that he does not interpret it to his own choosing, but learns the divine meaning of true freedom." 

Weydevu commented: I found quite interesting because so many people use the terms freewill & freedom.  The first thing that comes to mind with freedom is freedom from & freedom to.  And it seems we get those two freedoms confuse. Freewill also can go both ways. 

Carole: Excellent question Weydevu! I am sure many people are wondering the same thing.


Hello Pleiadeans! I invite your comments regarding this. You have come to a very high position because of your good choices, and I'm sure you can show us more about "freedom" .
"Liberty " and "Freedom is a concept Lucifer sprang from.
Please show us what we need to know.

Pleiadeans: Thank you for the question, Weydevu.


The divine meaning of true freedom has everything to do with your relationship with God. God is very interested in human freewill and that is the purposeful choice to "free yourself from" ego, personal preferences, habit, greed, covetousness, and every sort of worldly diversion, and "to freely choose" God's full participation in your life.

That "freedom to " choose such a relationship has nothing to do with political groups, philosophies, economic considerations, and input from others and the environment, and other factors that pressure one to conform.

The political ramifications of "freedom" are the stuff of revolutions, and dire political anticipated consequences.
Who wants security? who wants control? Why?

Is not our security much better under the control of Father?

Don't be afraid of what people say, especially in the face of great political conflict. God is not in the picture, is He?

The many choices we made over the eons to choose the Father's way, has led us to this place, and our opportunity to share with you the importance of Freedom the Divine Way.

Thank you for asking! We love you all!
The Pleiadeans.

Thank you Pleiadeans! Carole

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Pleiadeans and Freedom
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2024, 10:48:25 am »
From the Pleiadeans!
"WE must warn all transmitters that they are to extremely careful about taking messages now.  UNTIL THE SERAPHIC REBELLION  is quelled we will not transmit to Urantia and Carole please be very careful today about your concerns.  I leave that alone for you to decipher my dear.  The planetary rebellion on Urantia is severe and you must all take extra care about what you may receive on August 1st or later until the rebellion can be accounted for in all cases. 

WE are the Pleiadeans and are most grateful you can still do this Ron.  We wait until there is a "CLEAR CHANNEL"  to operate from to Urantia.  K
The Pleiadians.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania