Author Topic: CHANGE UNKNOWN YET - READ PLEASE  (Read 2808 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: July 27, 2024, 11:20:59 am »

- I am posting this unfinished as there is a major attack or settlement as I was writing this and they want me off posting right now.  Read it as far as I can take it so far . . . .  MORE TO COME WHEN WE KNOW MORE.  k  RON BESSER
- - - -   this starts normally enough .  . . .
The Magisterial Son, MONJORONSON speaks:

“I am MONJORONSON, and I am a MAGISTERIAL SON.  You all know me mostly thanks to Ron and his way of pressing this news to all of you.

“I want to say this and quickly:

“The entire message today is to remain SEQUESTERED!

“That means to keep your doors and windows out of worry and just stay comfortably home this day (27 July noon and beyond) and listen carefully.


/ / / / / / / / / / - MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
It is 10:41 AM as Ron attempts to produce this.  I am asking him to hold back momentarily. MONJORONSON has been cut off by high officials under the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE speaks conditionally:

“WE are now experiencing a huge shift in consciousness.  That is very rare in earth history, and for that matter Ron, is waiting for a message in the middle of this shift.  Good luck, Ron.   W   A   I   T  -

(A lot choking is taking place with me, Ron.  I have trouble easily getting my breath back.   What? )
About 6 minutes later in surreal time. . . . .

( I am being told to stand down for now. . . It is 10:39 AM NY time zone USA as that order is received.)

10:41 am NY Time Zone, USA:  

“The DEITY ABSOLUTE wishes t o convey to Urantia, the following perception of the truth:

“WE are no longer considering Urantia a viable planet of welcoming humans at all.  The planet earth has not been attacked by aliens but by the conscription of the past several years of attempting to resume normal peace talks over various concerns on Urantia, and that they go no where due to the liberty consciousness forced on t he people of Urantia, without consideration of what that does to the System Sovereign of the Norlatiadek and the following concerns:

1 - No further concerns are to be enunciated by the System Sovereign over Urantia until it is understood just what may be happening to its PLANETARY GOVERNMENT and to its neighbors, particularly to the human planets of Algar [??? not quite right]  and Panoptia.  Algar is not known to you but it is even closer to Urantia than Panoptia is, and both of those planets are obscured now by a dense cloud of hydrogen vapor.  WE wait for additional information, Ron.  I am your Chief of Seraphim, from  Ensa.”

Ron here - I am connected but I personally have no sense of reality yet. . . .  What am I connected too besides to the local universe of Nebadon and close to the Planetary Commission of Reality and to the local  manifestation of the Trinity court.

Breaker 10:34 AM . . . . .

Breaker 11:08 AM.

[Ron here - -  they send the word Breaker to show we are still connected  FYI]

Breaker 11:12 AM

Breaker 11:15 AM on 27 Oct 2024 New York Time zone . . . .

11:15 AM New York time - MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK reporting:
I am insisting you close this now Ron and let them imagine what may be changed.  Allow me some time and pick this back up when we allows it . . . .

Thank you MACHIVENTA.  I suspect we have a major shift in planetary purpose at least and I close this off way early to keep out of the way. . . .  Thank you.   R
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania