Author Topic: Lightline USA, 4 August, 2024  (Read 2436 times)

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Lightline USA, 4 August, 2024
« on: August 04, 2024, 14:46:33 pm »

Lightline USA, 4 August, 2024

This is Lightline USA for Sunday August 4, 2024

Your host is Ron Besser

Press link below to listen to the recording

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Re: Lightline USA, 4 August, 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2024, 12:40:19 pm »
  • 080424 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: an earlier Lightline due to Michael’s need to be elsewhere, revelation is the work of Thought Adjusters whose number begins with 13, and those beginning with 17 will work with the Supreme Court;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, several Thought Adjusters, Creator Son 171415, Master Spirit 2, Universal Father, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Rayson.
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Ron Besser  
This is an early Lightline for Sunday, mainly because of the confusion that is perpetrated by Michael being on Urantia today. He is very attentive, and he is here. And without further ado, I'm going to transmit him just to prevent my confusion coming in. Go ahead, Michael, if you will, please.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am delighted Ron, you handle it this way. The truth of the matter is that the cabal is trying very hard to knock you off the air. They see what you have to say. They're trying to remove you. And we're not going to permit it.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, this is Ron, I can't see any of you because the device that I use is either broken or I can't bring it up. So I'm using Dominick's sight and hands to control the broadcast. And with that said, Michael, I return this to you for what you wish to say. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. Always a smooth one. Now this to all of you: I am Michael of Nebadon. And for that reason, I want you to understand perfectly well, what is happening, Ron has not been able to raise his dashboard or use the telephone properly. Number one, because we have removed the memory of how to do it. Number two, we don't want him using his telephone but using connection with help to Dominick who has a much more robust way of transmitting. He has it better than Ron does at the moment. For that reason, we are using Dominick's facilities. Ron is connected to Dominick and Dominick is the one who is broadcasting. A little confusing, but that's the way it's working. Now this to all of you: Ron can't tell who's on the dashboard.

Ron Besser  
I assume we have about 10, Dominick.

That's right. 17, now.

Ron Besser  
Well, almost double. All right. Thank you very much, Dominick.

Michael of Nebadon  
To you the 17: We have an important Lightline today. As much as they tried to disrupt it and even came in on Ron's phone and broke the connection. We are connected through Dominick very well. And thank you, Dominick. I am Michael of Nebadon. Welcome to all of you. I want you all to know that today's Lightline may be the last for a couple of weeks. Ron will let you know when he knows.

Why? I have been informed by Paradise that the Lightline series is greatly appreciated. But that the cabal is trying to enter it all the time and is making it very difficult for Paradise to control its portion. Paradise listens. Paradise wants to know what is said. Paradise is happy that you hold these Lightlines and please let me yell it if necessary. Continue, please continue with your Lightlines. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and any other Lightline we can get. Today is Sunday at 12:07 p.m. as I speak. At least that's the time on Ron's computer now.

Ron Besser  
I beg your pardon.

Michael of Nebadon  
The trial that we must address is this. Ron has not contracted any disease but his eyes are very gravelly, he has trouble seeing, his breath is short, and they're trying to kill him. He refuses to even address them. As a result, they are pressing down on him and making it exceedingly difficult to hold normal communications. Today he wrote Elise, but Elise, you have not received it because the cabal has cut it. Ron, rebroadcast it later today when we tell you. You detest what they are and so do We. They cannot get in. And we leave it that way for now. What are we going to do? This is promotional Lightline speaking. The Lightlines will continue here if we can keep them going.

Ron's telephone is a mess because they've entered it and made it very difficult. They did not take into consideration that Dominick could transfer it. That's what you're listening to. And now this: thank you, Dominick. You have an appointment with Ron later today for the store. I'm telling you, it's difficult. Talk about it when you get here. Don't necessarily go to the store. We'll tell you why. And now this to the rest of you: the appointment today is moved up two hours. Ron says; are you sure you want to move it two hours? I said yes because I am leaving Urantia as soon as I'm done with this broadcast.

What I want to say and I hope you all take it to heart. I will return. Jesus will return. Right now we've got to take care of a rebellion and we will not be merciful. Second, we are no longer interested in broadcasting to anybody. I don't have time. I am assigning Gabriel to deal with most of you who broadcast. I will broadcast directly from this station as often as I can. Ron's work is exemplary. And for that reason, I stick with him. He smiles and bows. Thank you, Ron. 

And now this: I am the Creator Son of Nebadon. My voice is heard system-wide and we also have the Dominion. Don't forget the Dominion. It is six S I X other local universes who have joined with Nebadon in a new government. Please hear that. We have formed a Dominion. That's what we call the new government. Nebadon is still Nebadon. It is still designed the same. But we are now including the Dominion. Ron is fully delighted, has known about it for three years at least, and works with it when he can.

What is the Dominion? It is five other local universes, people. They join with this speech. They hear the broadcast. And they know Ron. Ron is greatly pleased and is very happy about the Dominion and supports it thoroughly. He thinks it's great. But Ron, you are such a new being you need training first. When you are trained thoroughly and that means probably a graduate of the mansion worlds, your friend, Dominick, and you will join together in the first humans to work with a Dominion. You are so happy.

Ron Besser  
Yes. And honored. Thank you so much for the chance to work for you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. All of the Creator Sons and there are six of them.

Ron Besser  
Oh, my. Yes, six of you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
And clearly, Ron, they are of the same issue.

Ron Besser  
Well, I love to them. You're wonderful, Michael. They must be just as wonderful and I look so forward to having contact. Thank you very much.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron.

Creator Son 171415 
This is Creator Son number 171415. I am the Creator Son of a name of a universe you do not have, Ron. In any case, I will refer to me not by name but Creator Son 171415.

Ron Besser  
Yes, just a minute. Creator Son 171415. Are you part of the Dominion?

Creator Son 171415 

Ron Besser  
All right. I'm making a note of that. Thank you.

Creator Son 171415
The truth of the matter is Ron your Lightline when it is held is a tour de force. Not only does Michael of Nebadon appreciate it but so do we. There are five local universes who tune into you, Ron, and the questions or the responses from each of you. You are now no longer sequestered to Urantia but we listen to the Lightlines that Michael holds on Sunday. Ron, you made it because of Dominick.

Ron Besser  
Thank goodness for my brother, Dominick.

Creator Son 171415
Thank you, Ron. Here is his Adjuster.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
I am Dominick's Adjuster number 1315271592. Your Adjuster number is 1314271782 They are not evenly closely aligned. But notice the 13th to start the serial number. That is of a particular source and department of the Creator Sons that allows them to use you as they will.

Ron Besser  
Why am I not a star?

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
I don't know, Ron. In any case, let me finish. The truth of the matter is, anybody with an Adjuster serial number that begins with one three has a special obligation to hear a transformation that we are going to make of those on Urantia whose numbers begin with one three. Those are serial numbers of your Adjusters, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. I forgot already. It's bad. And I thank you.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
Thank you, Ron. Let me repeat. Anybody who has an Adjuster that begins with the number one three is subject to revelation unending. You love it, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I do. It's wonderful to be included. Thank you.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
Why do you say included?

Ron Besser  
To be part of a group of brothers and sisters that share my love for revelation and its work. If it hadn't come along, I would be dead by now. I just have no great interest in what Urantia has to offer.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
A most revealing remark Ron. Your Adjuster number and write this down.

Ron Besser  
My Adjuster number is:

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
1315271715. The 13 refers to revelatory work. The next two numbers, one five, refer to the department you are assigned. I can't tell you what they are, they are top secret.

Ron Besser  
I can't spell secret.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
Yes. All right. Now the next six digits of what I've told you are your serial number which are 271715 are strictly your appearance.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Thought Adjuster 1315271592
We dare not tell you what your appearance is about. But Dominick your Adjuster serial number is 132715965. That is 1327 and that's right Ron 15965. That is almost identical in meaning for your destiny as Ron's. Anybody that has a serial number, and that's an Adjuster serial number, beginning with one three deals with revelation for their career, even on Paradise. You ought to remember that once you know your Adjuster number. I'm not at liberty to provide any more numbers here. I know you're dying to know, but we daren't put it out by this person. And now to you Dominick: you have been a friend and support Ron as he ages and has trouble remembering. He has been corrected in mind. The body is a mess because of a disease we introduced by accident. We are going to attempt to remove it. If we can remove it, his legs have feeling again.

Ron Besser  
I am grateful and thank you.

Thought Adjuster 13241715
Thank you, Ron. And finally to all of you: I am Adjuster 1314271782 not, I am Adjuster 13241715. I've got a shorter serial number that Ron carries. What does that mean? If you do not have 10 digits in your serial number that means that you belong to a revelatory corps. You only have eight digits. For that reason, then Ron and Dominick and six of you, six unnamed carry the eight-digit serial number beginning with 13. You are revelatory. You will spend your entire career with Father as Father's revelation. There are other planets involved and other humans involved and the revelatory corps on Urantia is very small. It has Dominick, it has Vargas, it has Valerie, and 16 others. Don't worry if you haven't been named. This group probably all will be considered revelatory in the near future. It's a shame not everybody is listening. But it is noon its not two and people because well not because it's Sunday. But they are often in church or other work.

Master Spirit Two  
I am Master Spirit Two, the Eternal Son everyone. I represent the Eternal Son in universe affairs, Ron. You hardly hear from Superuniverse number Two, much less the Master Spirit. But let me tell you something. Your program in particular Ron is carried by the Master Spirits that are concerned about your health and what you get done here on Urantia.

Ron Besser  
I don't even have the dashboard today.

Master Spirit Two  
But I'm hoping there are enough hearing this to know the number that we refer to as Ron. The number that we are referring to

Ron Besser  
One moment.

Master Spirit Two  
is 171215. He has got a six-digit number appended to his serial number. His serial number is 131528192. That is a new serial number for him. For the past 48 hours, he has felt sleepy, he thinks he's dying, and his eyes are very rough in the socket. He moves them, it tears. He is being revised only, Ron. Not putting out to pasture.

Ron Besser  
A green one?

Master Spirit Two  
Yes, Ron. A green one.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. All right, I'm myself again, now.

Master Spirit Two  
This is someone that's supposed to be a secret, but we'll tell you we are Monjoronson adjutants. What in the heck is a Magisterial Son's adjutants? Well, I'm not sure how much I can tell you.

Universal Father  
This is Father. You may lay it all out to this group.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Father. Thank you.

Universal Father  
I am also grateful, Ron, that you said thank you.

Ron Besser  
I feel a participant with you, Father. Thank you. And you need thanks. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Ron, this is the Universal Father. We have never had a spokesman like you before on any planet. You are scratching the left side of your scalp.

Ron Besser  
Yes, not only does it tingle, it hurts a little bit and it itches. It's quite noticeable.

Universal Father  
I have adjusted the left side of your brain as you face forward to stand the next 10 years. You're saying; oh my. In any case, Dominick must understand that there are changes afoot that affect him very much. You are not forced Dominick to stay with Ron. You may do as you please. But Ron would miss you greatly. We let it stand at that. Now this: Dominick does not know this. What you did last night.

Ron Besser  
I slept. Oh, that's not it.

Universal Father  
Before you slept. You went out to the garage, opened the door, and pulled the car out into the driveway and what did you do?

Ron Besser  
I got out and washed the windshield. That bird spot is gone, Dominick. I couldn't stand it anymore. And that was only at 11:30 at night, early.

Universal Father  
You are a character, Ron. You see something wrong, you must take care of it. The car is now hooked up properly.

Ron Besser  
I don't know how it was hooked up before but it now has it properly done. Thank you.

Universal Father  
That's not Dominick.

Ron Besser  
Oh no. Dominick didn't do that. It got undone somehow and I don't know how. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this to you, Dominick: You have been the loyal carrier. The loyal slave if you wish some time to see to Ron is healthy, eats well, and that the work on the property is properly done. You've had two people working on it now for six weeks. They've got it pretty well cleared up. But it needs constant maintenance. Neither Ron nor you are capable of, but it is very expensive. We will make amends. Yes, Ron, thank you. Ron knows he has been subject ladies and gentlemen to the home suddenly being something done to he didn't do and no worker did. We're going to leave it at that he has had an interesting home life. And now this: that individual providing the serial numbers and the lecture Ron is my Adjuster.

Ron Besser  
Oh, thank you for identifying. Michael's Adjuster provision I'm writing it down and that is the serial numbers particularly my standard serial number 13241715 which I assume is a double that is an additional number?

Michael of Nebadon  
No. No longer, Ron. You carry that truncated number, Ron. Well, thank you for whatever it stands for.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. Dominick, you will receive your six-digit number later today. Make sure you write it down when you get it because I will not repeat it. Now this: Ron don't go to the store today, you're exhausted. Send Dominick to the store when it's convenient. We'll let it go, for now, you have plenty of provisions as it is.

Thought Adjuster 13152724
And finally this: I am Adjuster number 13152724. That is Dominick's new number. Let me repeat it, Dominick your number is now 13152724. Ron's new number is 13142627. All the old numbers are gone.

Ron Besser  
Oh my, all right. I have it down, Adjuster.

Thought Adjuster 13152724
Yes. Those numbers by themselves don't mean much to either you or Dominick. But they are six-digit numbers, not eight. The rest of you have eight-digit numbers yet. But Jose Vargas, your number will be changed to a six-digit number in the coming months. There are six of you on this call today that will receive a six-digit number. All of you, when fully revealed will be a group that does special revelation not just to the mansion worlds but to the worlds in groups that are ready for revelation like Urantia received in 1934. I am hoping that when someone does the transcript for this Lightline that you make it entirely available to other groups outside of this group. It is full of information that must be read and understood. Ron, your dislike of three of those groups already is understood but you tolerate them and even ask them to join. They will never join but they will learn why they must do better. And finally this to all of you: I am Adjuster

Ron Besser  
Just a moment, Adjuster. I'm holding.

Thought Adjuster 13152719
I'm Adjuster number 13152719.

Ron Besser  
That sounds like my number.

Thought Adjuster 13152719
It is. Dominick, your number, and please write it down is 172715. The reason we have just changed your Adjuster number Dominick is that a one-seven designation refers to the Supreme Court. Ron, your one three refers to revelation but you are going to join the Supreme Court and therefore your number changes now to 1727150

Ron Besser  
All right. I've got it. zero. I can't. I'm almost done anyhow. I'm trying to read my writing and it's horrible. But I've got it right. May I repeat?

Thought Adjuster 13152719
Yeah. My change is to 1727150. Dominick's Adjuster is 1728149. Jose's number is number 1727130. And Valerie, we're going to give you your number. It is 1727129. Those four serial numbers are now rewritten on your history.

Ron Besser  
And the rest of you on this call and because I don't have the dashboard. I can't see who it is. Dominick, how many do we have listening? Unmute yourself.

Yeah, the high water mark was 18, a couple of people dropped but Amethyst is the new joiner.

Ron Besser  
All right. And how many are there?


Ron Besser  
19, and that's as of a quarter of one.

Yeah. And that continues your infatuation with numbers. Yeah.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, all right. Well, the numbers are important. They represent what you are.

Thought Adjuster  
We'll tell you what they are, but you've got to have your number first. As a 12:45 a.m. Jose Vargas your number is now 1726137 That's the only additional number I'm going to give. And now this to be revealed: I am Adjuster number

Ron Besser  
That should bring joy to Dominick.

Thought Adjuster 17152715
17152715. I'm in charge of your group. Now, folks these numbers are important to the mansion worlds, not you on Urantia. But it's not that long before all of you are on the mansion worlds and are assembled into one group. Ron is destined to work for the Supreme Court for as long as it takes to gather all of you. Once you are gathered as a group on the mansion worlds, most of you will join Ron on Orion, not Satania. Orion is a special constellation Nebadon uses to train revelatory. We say no more.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you.

Thought Adjuster 17152715
Thank you, Ron. And now this finally to the group. I'm going to repeat my number 17152715. I'm the one who has been speaking. And to you Dominick: you find it well, superfluous, but it is not. I assure you. You've got to learn Dominick to take seriously what we say. I know you do, but because Ron does so well with it he keeps it together for both of you. And now finally this and I'll return this to Michael. Ron, you're new number is 127415 that is the chief of revelation on Orion.

Ron Besser  
Oh my goodness. Thank you.

Thought Adjuster 17152715
You will be trained specially in the Supreme Court

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. There are times I hate writing.

Thought Adjuster 17152715
with Geissinger (Ginsburg) who is now in the Supreme Court. She was a justice in the Supreme Court less than a year ago but is now heading our Supreme Court on Urantia. For some of you, that's a revelation. Learn it well. Many of you are bound for the Supreme Court not just a normal training on the mansion worlds. And finally to you Ron: write this down.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael and I say this: there is no reason to worry about this but Urantia is headed for trouble and we must make amends to you. Now, starting tomorrow August 5th no one may join this group without permission. What that means is that we are going to hold this group liable for some actions that you do not normally take. We will make it obvious in a post later today or tomorrow. Watch for it. And finally to the rest of you: I want you to know that Ron's life has been not extended, but revived to last the duration. He is sending firecrackers up into the atmosphere with pictures. I've never seen a man be able to do that before. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I am so happy. Thank you for the great gift.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. I am no longer concerned about you or Dominick. But I'm concerned about Elise. Elise, if you can manage it, get to the United States and visit Ron's living room. You will hold quite a session there and you will learn your destiny. That's all I have to say right now. Don't make plans until you talk to Ron. Ron, don't make plans until you talk to Dominick. And Dominick listen, we are using your aural A U R A L abilities and he will provide that this afternoon when you get there. Bring a sandwich, a hoagie if you will and something to drink for both you and Ron. He is not to cook. And finally this to you, Ron. We're going to end these comments. Machiventa has a word or two for all of you and I must return to Salvington now. I received an urgent call. I'll talk about it later. Good day.

Ron Besser  
We are grateful Michael, thank you very much for the time. Happy travels.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you Ron. Good day.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. You have five minutes left of your hour and I want to fill it with this. This Lightline is not a classic. This Lightline is one of a kind. Those of you who have participated and Ron can't tell because his software is down. You who have participated today, here is the truth. Don't worry about what else may be transmitted. Use a transcription of today's Lightline to remind you what will be done. Finally to you Ron, you have lots of time left, truly. You thought we were going to cut you.

Ron Besser  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Your life is happily done as long as you are working with us.

Ron Besser  
I know of no other life possible now. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
For that reason, you continue with Dominick, Elise, and the others who have joined you including Louisiana, Indiana,

Ron Besser  
Or is it, Yeah, it's Indiana for Raz.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
and the others. I have an announcement coming probably either late today or tomorrow.

And now this is the Magisterial Son, Rayson.

Ron Besser  
Welcome Rayson. Go ahead, please.

Thank you. You're surprised?

Ron Besser  
Yeah. I didn't feel you come in.

Yeah, I'm good at that at times.

Ron Besser  

I want you to know, Ron, that you have brightened up Urantia considerably by being a good transmitter. All of you who can transmit be good transmitters! It's valuable. I don't know what happened to the others but there has been a winnowing of those who are willing to listen. You say they have nothing to do with anything at this point and probably nothing again. You can't see because you have no device.

Ron Besser  
I don't. I can't get in. Thank you.

And for reasons of state that's probably required. And finally, this to all of you: Jose Vargas to you in particular and to you in particular, Valerie, you have stayed the course beautifully. Stay as long as you can. Because you share the destiny.

Ron Besser  
And finally to everyone, and Dominick, I turn this back to you now, as a finished Lightline from me. Would you take it back and close it for us, please? I thank you all for staying the course. This is Ron. I'll be in touch. Thank you. Go ahead, Dominick.

Thank you, Ron. And one clarification its Ginsburg is the name of the justice.

Ron Besser  
And what did I say?

Geissinger which is our local, one of our local healthcare providers. So that's stuck in your head.

Ron Besser  
I find it self-amusing. Go ahead.

That's it for the transcript. I've unmuted you, Elise. Are you okay for tomorrow? Would you like to swap days or anything?

No, I'm okay. I will be there. So we'll see each other tomorrow.

Okay, and that's our normal time at 2:00 p.m. New York time.


Okay. Well, have a great day, everybody. Take care.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)