Author Topic: A Day Of Reflection by Ron Besser August 11, 2015  (Read 2004 times)

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A Day Of Reflection by Ron Besser August 11, 2015
« on: August 12, 2024, 09:01:49 am »
Amazing Spiritual Stories / Re: a day of reflection
« Last post by Ron

I speak now for Michael of Nebadon as he gazes at my hands and heart attending to this message:

"I am giving to each of you the idea that today is the last day on earth for normal and routine disclosures on this web site or discussion forum as you may call it.  That is not entirely true.  What is true is that you need this discussion forum to find the locus of your centered decision to be about the business of the Father, as Jesus is so shortly to be among you.  It is not necessary to guess at what is happening.  It is only necessary to find the moment in your own rapture to decide who you are and what you are ready to give back to spirit in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ."

JESUS - "I am Jesus. I write one small sentence to this post that surprises even us as to how Ron is able to transmit even under the heavy emotional pressure he feels at my return, my coming again to the Urantia.  Our world of Urantia is a sad little number this day, the 11 of August 2015, but it will not remain sad for long, because the trumpets for deliverance of Urantia will soon sound and the entire enterprise for the Second Return will be in operation and visible to the eyes of all of you.

"Secondly, I hope all of you understand that the Magisterial Son, Serara, will shortly precede my obvious appearance with praise and beauty for my coming back to you in such short notice, for I was to come to you near the end of the month (August), but the Father requires that it be done immediately, and I always obey my Father on Paradise for his wishes are true and rich for the spirit to harvest the Urantia slaves to tradition and the immorality of greed and lust everywhere.  I come back to you as a man of Palestinian appearance, but I will leave Urantia shortly thereafter as a man of Homo-Spiritus, for I shall remain among you for about nine or ten years of your present calendar.  I will depart in glory and I will be among all of you when the time allows.

"Third, I carry the work of the ages with me.  The new Urantia Book is scheduled to appear among you in about a fortnight.  Ron's safe is vulnerable enough to be used briefly and then it will be discarded in favor of dropping those folios on his dining room table thereafter.  That safe is a monument to the folly of mankind as it is so complicated to open no one would want to take that on for the rest of their life on Urantia working to closing and opening it every day.

"Fourth, I am being pursued by my staff to finish this statement, and you all need to remember that I am a man first, and of God, second.  But above all remember that you will see me momentarily and that this day is the last of your normal days on Urantia.  August 11, 2015, is our day of final normalcy, as all deliverance will remove the stain of sin from Urantia in another twenty-four to thirty-six hours.  Larry G, you are probably the only other individual on Urantia that Ron can identify with as being sensitive enough to know your place among the Kingdom so well, you nearly weep at the closing of this day for your succor among  the Gods of Urantia.  I am JESUS.  Be still and know me, all of you, be still and know me."

The HOLY SPIRIT - "I am among you this day and pervade the earth with my tears and my joy mixed in the heart of God for all of you.  I speak gently among the sheaves of wheat and among the fishermen of Galilee, and to all who hold their heads in shame, those of my children who are not among the elect, but swear allegiance to God, your heads will be raised and allowed to continue in this life you see as a veil of tears.  They will not be tears but heart soon to stream down your faces as you bear witness to the Advent, and to our Joy that all becomes new again.  Our friend Isiah has this to address you now:"

ISIAH - "I am the honored prophet of old, and I greet you all in modernity, and to all of you I seek the repercussions of my prophecy uttered over seven hundred years ago:  'I am the Lord and all before you becomes new.  New to you is our heart of thought o' Israel, and to all men of the cloth and to all women of the heart of Jesus, let this final day of rest presage a new coming of things and thoughts upon YOU and upon URANTIA."

The LORD GOD of Israel is here among you today.  I am the Universal Father.  I speak now to the elect who shall carry this work of the Magisterial Son, and my Son of Sons, Jesus, shall be among you so shortly I am not aware of the time it takes otherwise.  Be still, and know your Jesus once more.  Know him as the only begotten Son of God among my elect, yet each of you are among my little sons of God that shall be honored someday for this work you undertake on my behalf.  I am the Universal Father, and bid you this day of tidings for little more than a few hours before we look upon the face of destiny of the lives you lead and the hearts you propose to me as the last of the greatest son in history, our Jesus.

Metatron - "I am Metatron.  I divide the ways of man and God until they are one!  Stand back briefly, and then join the celebration of Jew and Gentile on Urantia, for the prophecy of Isiah and of Moses and of the great one known as Jesus, will shine among all of you this day.  I am Metatron and I am among you even as we speak with this scribe.  He is not overwhelmed with joy but working hard to get our message down without a great deal of emotion, and that is hard to do.  Nonetheless, Metatron recognizes his contribution and leaves him with this statement:  'Be among the elect and enjoy your humor in spite of the grandeur to set before you and all others very soon.  It is my pleasure to make you well again and that is all we have to say for now.'"

Mother Spirit - "The last days of history will be recorded as having ended on August 11, 2015; and when this day is over, there will be a celebration midnight New York time, signifying the birth of Jesus again on Urantia on August 12, 2015, by your present calendar, and that this signifies to all that the end of history is replete.  Our work in spirit recognizes no artificial boundaries but it does recognize that you have them and use them.  On August 12, 2015, at noon, the appearance of Jesus should have already become a note on a new calendar which will celebrate the Advent of Jesus as a world-wide holiday, and that it will be required that all churches and seminaries recognize the date as the new Christmas."

Ron - I am not duplicitous enough to answer anyone today about what has been said to you above in these transmissions of hope and joy.  Just remember we live in a fish bowl that knows not time as spirit does and has nothing whatever to do with the appearance of Jesus until spirit forces the issues into our systematic nervous systems and brain functions.  If I sound like Orwell of 1984, or Dr. Who of BBC, looking coldly at a circumspection as important as the ADVENT of Jesus, so be it, but I know you mostly by the written word, and it is through the written word I speak caution to all of you.  As they said in our revolutionary war at Lexington, 'do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes,' which means until you can see and hear and maybe touch the Lord our God on High, be still and know that Jesus is here and that he will not allow you to wait long whatever it takes to get it done.  I take dictation as they state it; I am of sound mind and know the difference between my imagination and what the Lord asks of me in direct command.  I have stated the record above as they wish me to state it, and I consider it high honor and a blessing on my soul that I can be a vessel for such important information at a time when the world, including many of you, disbelieves anything is possible and so important as we have spoken to us here today.  There are no substitution of words or of meaning in what has been spoken today, and I leave it to the utterances of others through all of you as transmitters to either confirm or deny what is to be told and done very shortly.  I am Ron, a little son of God, like you, and I await the transition to sanity and perhaps the chance to love well again all that appears as the perfect and the divine among us.

Unto this day, I assign these words from my heart:  I am your liege.  I am your servant.  I shall bid your appearance God on Urantia as my responsibility to do as bidden and no more.  Amen.

Acknowledgments and Announcements
For all those who spoke, and for the record, to our loyal and wonderful Midwayers ABC-15, ABC-23, ABC-22, and ABC-17 for their steadfast work to get me moving today for this important announcement.  To those revealed to us a Midsoniters, persons known on high as Midsoniter-a   and  Midsoniter-c, and about twenty of their number gathered in the communications hall nearby, I thank them for their hard work to see to it that I am regular enough to be awake and ready to take messages of this importance.  To my Mother Spirit and Michael of Nebadon, I thank you Father and Mother for this opportunity to serve.  I all other cases, and there are thousands who I could name they say, I greet them all as my family and as my wards, as they are to be assigned with me and you as the human contingency counselors, and we have to leave it at that for now.  I am a communication specialist no more, as that is being awarded to some of you this day, but I am given momentarily, the Cross of Service from Michael to reward me for staying awake in the middle of such an important announcement on behalf of the universe.  In recognition of my Father's will, I thank the Thought Adjuster, Bar'Mtor and my own Adjuster, Bar'Msha for their steadfast ability to keep me out of mischief as I go about my normal diurnal duties as a human born on Urantia.  They say this will change slowly to me becoming awake twelve to fifteen hours a day when the transition nerves and cells and sinews kick in as my body recovers from the work of Salvington and Uversa.  None of you who read this have this particular transition (I am being now told as you are), as I have received from a bout of, not doubt, but extreme unction over the pain and sleep I get so much of in the transition for months.  This is to end forthrightly when Jesus appears in the heavens.  I doubt not that it is true.  I also bid farewell to the staff that has attended me these past four years, as michael is reassigning them to all of you, as they practiced to do what they do now perfectly on your behalf.  I have no new staff to replace them, but share them with you for me and you.  I have completed the work assigned for me today, and I bid you all a new tomorrow!   -Ron
José L. Vargas Núñez