Author Topic: Lightline USA - 25 August - 2024  (Read 1534 times)

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Lightline USA - 25 August - 2024
« on: August 25, 2024, 15:27:48 pm »

Lightline USA,  25 August 2024

This is the USA Lightline for Sunday 25 August, 2024

Your host is: Ron Besser

Transmitters: Ron Besser and Dominick Ohrbeck

Link to the tape:

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Re: Lightline USA - 25 August - 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 16:47:40 pm »
  • 082524 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Ron Besser; other transmitter: Dominick Ohrbeck;
  • Subjects: Michael’s appearance with Jesus is cancelled, others are welcome to Ron and Dominick’s nightly evening meeting with Spirit, and authority without the agency of your Thought Adjuster is agency without authority; 
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Domicles - Master Spirit Five, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dominick Ohrbeck’s Soul, Arthura, Monjoronson, and Serara;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Ron Besser  
Hello, everybody. This is Sunday, the 25th of August, 2024. I am Ron Besser, your host.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. Thank you for getting online and finally, making something quite worthwhile for your listeners. You no longer have the number of attending and your device is not working properly. There is no way to fix it. They've had the same thing happen to them. We do not know how they're going to respond. In any case, we can see those who have joined us today.

Ron Besser  
It doesn't tell me the number. Mine is slightly broken, but it looks like about 15. I welcome you all and thank you for coming.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael of Nebadon, and because Ron has managed to do the Lightline, in spite of all sorts of problems. I want you to be invited to listen to this. The entire matter over what we must do is now changed again. You had Me doing a mission, you had the Magisterial Sons doing a mission, and you had Jesus doing a mission. All three elements were to be present on Urantia shortly, but I now learn that Jesus is not happy, not with you Ron, but with those who are producing other Lightline materials without the Lightline, they are simply producing a dictation. Machiventa Melchizedek sees to it. This is Machiventa Melchizedek speaking to all of you about his view of the current practices.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome Machiventa. And thank you, Michael.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa and thank you, Ron, your protocols are perfect. I want you all to know that after today's Lightline, catch a Lightline when you can, if you can Monday, which is tomorrow is you Elise, try the Lightline. See who's available, and go with it as best you can. Dominick, you are on Tuesday, do the same, attempt it at the regular time, and see what's available. If Ron is available, he will supply. If he's not and he is sick, then you try to bring it on by yourself as best you can, and remember, please try. Don't let it go. Follow your regular schedule and do as you have done in the past. Attempt to transmit. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron is deeply aware that we have had a tragedy. It's this: the appearance of Michael of Nebadon on Urantia with Jesus, I'm afraid has to be canceled. Ron is checking to make sure that that is not a bad transmission.

Ron Besser  
My response was; Father, can you ascertain that transmission?

Universal Father  
And this is Father. I do, Ron. Thank you for asking me.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this to those who are a bit shocked: the entire matter for the last eight years, has been to prepare Urantia for a transmission from Jesus, and then the Magisterial Sons would walk in and provide Urantia its mission. Today, we learn that the Magisterial Sons have not canceled, but they are waiting for permission from their council to continue waiting on Urantia. Ron spoke to them yesterday, and there was no problem. Today, there is a big problem. The Magisterial Council on Paradise has ordered the Magisterial Son, Serara back home. They are asking Serara, what is going on on Urantia that you cannot proceed with the mission. Serara, of course, will answer them, and then maybe make it available to this list.

You, Ron, are on your last legs. It is very difficult for you to move and be alive. All of a sudden, you're seeing an end. To you, Dominick, you are the heir apparent. You often sit with Ron in the evenings and you plan and you discuss, continue to do it, Dominick. Please put that into memory. If you don't, there is tragedy. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. As of today, and that is the 25th of August, 2024 at 2:10 p.m., Eastern Time. We want it to be known that I Machiventa Melchizedek am withdrawing from any further transmissions and will only deal with Ron and Michael for the foreseeable future. Ron will have to transmit to you what I have to say. Further, Michael of Nebadon is closing the last ramp down to Ron. Ron was to receive the Paradise Sons as they appeared and transmit them. We must close that communication circuit for now.

Secondly, you all have been faithful. The people on it today are those that we have seen for years. Your names are known, your cares are understood, and we will not take the Lightlines away from you. We just don't know who the Lightlines will be about as of today. Ron will always be capable of transmitting. He's a transmitting machine himself. He has been attacked unremittingly now for two days. He gets very little sleep, and when he does get up, it's difficult.

Michael of Nebadon  
For that reason, I Michael of Nebadon am keeping my hand in and for reasons of state, I apologize for the break, but we have something unusual here. When I addressed that statement just now, for some reason or other, Ron bowed. He knows sometimes as much as I do, what the Universal Father lets be known. I am being told as I speak to you the following, no further Lightlines are possible. That means you Elise, you Dominick, and anyone else for the foreseeable future. Ron will be the only one transmitting, and it remains on Sunday.

You have a Lightline this Monday, about 24 hours from now, Elise. I suggest you go online and try to connect. We'll try to connect you up, but try it. Don't quit yet. The same for you on Tuesday, Dominick. Lemuel held it on Wednesday, if he can still hold it on Wednesday, try it. Ron will always have the Lightline on Sunday.

Now this: the trial that Ron is going through is that we have pulled his vitality center, that is a number of cells on the brain stem near the tip, if they are ever effaced or moved or changed, the vitality you feel for living into the next day disappears. They were pulled on Ron this morning, and he felt terrible. He leaves it alone. He does his chores, but he is wondering where his vitality has gone. He insists on a Lightline, that is our communication to all of you at the same time. I Michael of Nebadon will always transmit a Lightline through Ron. I'm asking him to do it on Sunday only at 2:00 p.m. where you are now. The other Lightlines, Elise yours is tomorrow morning or at 2:00 p.m. today, it's dark where you are. I'm asking that you Elise attempt the Lightline. Don't put it off, please. Dominick, don't worry about the Tuesday Lightline or the Wednesday. Ron, I'm asking you to do a Thursday Lightline.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally, this to you, Dominick, see to the visitations at 2709 religiously for the next week. Very important to you and to Ron. Let me repeat it. Please visit with Ron today and the next six days, because I have something very important to engage you with. Don't rush it. Be your natural self and Ron's fine with that. And finally, from Michael of Nebadon, let me tell you something that's quite a secret. I am no longer concerned with Urantia. It's a difficult planet. Manjournson has assigned to him; Serara, Hanson,

Ron Besser  
just a minute, I am getting Domicles. That's a new word. Is that correct?

Michael of Nebadon  
That is correct, and He is not a Magisterial Son, Ron. Domicles, is a Master Spirit name for Master Spirit Five.

Ron Besser  
The power Master Spirit.

Michael of Nebadon  
That is correct. Thank you. Look it up, why Ron says that. Now Domicles, D, O, M, I, C, L, E, S, has this to say.

Ron Besser  
Welcome, Domicles. Go ahead, please.

Domicles - Master Spirit Five  
Thank you. I am Domicles. I am a new name and a new personality. Ron, just wrote the name down so he doesn't forget it. This illness fools with the mind, and he sometimes forgets. Today, Dominick, make sure you get there on time. It's important for Michael, you, and Ron to understand what is coming. I will also say this to all of you: Ron holds a meeting every night for the past two years with Dominick to make sure they are on the same page. We need a third person to attend. Is there anyone who will come to York and attend on a nightly program where we inform Michael and Ron what is to happen next, every day, seven days a week, for about two hours. They are rich in hearing the Creator Son, Gabriel, and one or two other Sons, plus the seraphim. That meeting should be extended to at least three others. Those of you, perhaps Steven Gitz should learn that you would be included in those meetings nightly if you can get to York and live there. That's asking a hell of a lot, but the invitation is now open. Ron will live.

Ron Besser  
Ron says, what does God know?

Domicles - Master Spirit Five  
In any case, this: Ron, you idiot, the one called Monjoronson, is ready to be yours. 

Ron Besser  
What do I say to the council?

Domicles - Master Spirit Five  
You don't say anything? In any case, Ron, thank God you're nuts. The Trinity is assigning you to the Supreme Court when you go over. You have been in deep conversation with Ginsburg for weeks now. She is running for the hills, but she accepts you.

Ron Besser  
I'm not so sure she needs two marriages. I'm sorry you have to give up your first husband.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
This is the head of the Supreme Court. I am Ginsburg of the Supreme Court of the United States until about eight months ago when I died. I have been appointed to the Supreme Court of Urantia. Ron has been assigned to the Supreme Court with me. I, of course, am over him, and for that reason, Ron

Ron Besser  
I've been very good.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Haven't you. The truth of the matter is he is one of the few Americans that I can tolerate because he's funny. He makes the work here enjoyable, and I look forward to doing my work with him. And now this: because Ron, you are who you are, I am asking the Father to assign to you someone else when they come over. Who would you normally pick?

Ron Besser  
Normally it would be Dominick, but he has choices of his own. I must agree that it has to be his choice too. So, Dominick, you are free.

Dominick Ohrbeck's Soul  
Thank you, Ron. I am the soul of Dominick. You have taught me much, but I must be part of my family unit, the Orbecks. They are insisting that I join that family group when I do come over. You are not my ward, nor are you my boss, but I will make every effort, Ron, to join with you when I am free to do so. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Well. thank you, Dominick. The soul of Dominick has spoken. And now this to you, Machiventa, I have no real sense of my worth. Machiventa, I assign myself as best as my superiors believe I should be assigned. I have no particular reason to choose one over the other at this time, I am at your service. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. People, you are hearing something very unusual. I think Ron is near death. He feels it. He can't quite clear his mind, but he's getting there. I, Machiventa Melchizedek will see to it that the path remains clear, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. The truth of the matter is he's made severe enemies out of the angelic realm and the Vorondadek realm. They believe he thwarted them from taking over Urantia. No one can hear that, Ron. good.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, Ron. You're one of the few that has joined me in this battle. I'm keeping you. I'm not going to hold you by your feet and hit them, but close to it. The Supreme Court on Urantia is headed by Michael of Nebadon, and as a result, he is aided and abetted by the Magisterial Sons; Monjoronson and Serara. And you properly bowed to them, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Oh, they've been wonderful people to know. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
They consider you one of the best ever on Urantia. They will use you. You have quite a career on the mansion worlds, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I look forward to it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
It be possible that it's years before you go over but Dominick must assume some responsibility. You'll talk about it this evening between you two.

Ron Besser  
I look forward to it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. And Dominick, make sure you get your legs over there before dark. It's important. And finally, this to you, Ron: you are one of the few that has generally made communication possible in great detail. You won't stop.

Ron Besser  
Can I go over?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yeah, there is old and then there is very old, right?

Ron Besser  
Yes, that's what I'm concerned about.

Michael of Nebadon  
And this: you'll have a normal lifespan.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
And this to you, Dominick, you find yourself bored to death at times with the assignment. Ron depends on you in spite of that boredom. You are always ready to go the extra mile for him and he for you. See to it that you do not break the habit. It's too important. Furthermore, Gitz you belong in the group in the evening. Get your legs and whatever's attached to them, to York as soon as possible and join the daily evening contact and discussion. It's important for you, for them, and for me, Michael of Nebadon. Come alone. Don't drag anybody else with you. And finally, this to you, Ron: you're going to live a life of promise, mostly, but there will be a few things assigned to you. Don't go to Lancaster for commiseration. You will not get it, nor any of that family. They are done.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you for telling me explicitly.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. Thank you very much. And truly to you, Dominick: you're bored to tears with the process. It's not going to last too much longer. Stay there and do your work. It will make a huge difference to you. And finally, to you, Gitz: get there if you can. Don't kill yourself doing it, but get there. And finally, this to you, Ron:

Ron Besser  
I'll call him for you. He's here. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I want you to understand that you are the idiot that can make things work. I have spoken to the Supreme Court. She is delighted to know you and work with you.

Ron Besser  
And I am delighted to know her and work with her. I suppose she is the epitome of what a Supreme Court should be, and I serve in any capacity You desire. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am fully unaware of who she is, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Down here she was Ginsburg.

Michael of Nebadon  
Oh, yes, some of you actually recognize the name. She was a lady on the Supreme Court that died about a year ago. For that reason, she has been assigned Ron to teach the Supreme Court to him, he would love it. The truth of the matter is, so would Dominick. But Dominick, you don't know

Ron Besser  
I can't repeat the word.

Michael of Nebadon  
You don't know quite what you are about yet, and for that reason, stay the course, it will become apparent. And finally, to you, Ron: you will own 2709 for years to come, don't give it up. You must stay the course with Dominick, and for that reason, with Gitz, if he can make it to York. Others will be welcome to York for a dinner and for other conversation, if you would like to have it. York is oh the meeting place, at least for those who work the Magisterial Sons and the Master Son, Michael of Nebadon. And finally, to the rest of you: 2709 Sunset Lane in York, Pennsylvania is a home for you, too. If you're ever visiting, come and we will have an evening together.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And now this: this is Machiventa Melchizedek. You have about 25 minutes to go, but we have run out of the important information. Is there anyone here that would like to transmit and fill the space of time for me?

Ron Besser  
I'm going to unmute you briefly. Does anyone wish to speak up to take a transmission? Is there anyone there?

Yeah, the second one, Ron, this is Dominick.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I think I know you. Yes, Dominick, would you take the transmission and then pass it back to me when you are ready? Do you have do you have controls?


Ron Besser  
Okay, well then take it.

All right, everyone's muted again, and my line's open. Thanks, Ron for the opportunity, and just give me a moment.

This is Arthura with the subject keyword being incremental. Evil often happens in incremental amounts through compliance with authority in small incremental bites. Evil is never overtly seen to be confronted and slain with a sword these days. The spell must be broken. Your mind is Adjustered. It is indwelled with God. The spell to be broken, to release your freedom of a relationship with The Divine releases the spell of trauma, dependency, repetition, and the proper invocation of symbols and ritual.

Furthermore, the awareness of electrochemical distribution of your conditions and your emotional responses. The missions of spiritual nature will release the evil of incremental disassociation for a new approach to break the spell of rebellion. No longer will there be the prefix of incremental. The new symbols will be related to discremental, comcremental and arc or archcremental. Overall, you will learn that God is archcremental. Authority without the agency of your Thought Adjuster is agency without authority. That is how I like to leave, the word was leave, you with that little riddle today. This is Arthura, and I bid you all a good day.

Back to you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. Thank you, Dominick.

This is a Magisterial Son speaking. I am Monjoronson. Ron was relaxed and waiting for you to go on for 30 minutes, and was surprised to learn that you passed it right back to him. That's okay, and thank you for what you've given us, Dominick. I asked that you, Ron, be brought back in for a particularly good reason, and that is to speak generally to this audience. We are quite sure that you're being heard, Ron, but your facility is misbehaving.

Ron Besser  
Yes, it is, there it is. It's brought back.

Now that you see yourself speaking, we can continue. Did we make it otherwise?

Ron Besser  
Yes. All right, go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is, I am a Magisterial Son too. I am Machiventa Melchizedek.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, you're bemused at my power.

Ron Besser  
Yes, no, and I'm glad you can surprise. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am also one of the few Ron that is quite sure that you will be quite a figure on the mansion worlds, as long as you have to be there. The trial that is that you will be on the Supreme Court. She doesn't know you. No, to get her to smile you don't have to tickle. Thank you, Ron, we'll manage it somehow.

Ron Besser  
Well, please see to it.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
And this is Geissinger or whatever passes for my name, Ginsburg.

Ron Besser  
There we go.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Now, you Ron, have a problem.

Ron Besser  
I can barely see.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
That, plus this: you are not easily designed to be with me.

Ron Besser  
Oh, well, you're a clown.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
I am not a clown. I want you to understand that it is illegal to do that to anyone speaking to you. But this: I am not sure that you are one of the most valuable persons I've ever run into. You are not against anything, but when the authority is so heavy and it crushes you. You come back with humor.

Ron Besser  
Yes, that's one of my best bones.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Yes, thank you. Yes, I see they are.

Ron Besser  
Yes, all nine of them.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg  

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon.

Ron Besser  
There, there ginger.

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this: this is Michael. She greets you, Ron, and welcomes you to what will be the Supreme Court.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I do look forward to learning. I don't think I have it in my background enough to be usable easily, but I really appreciate being able to serve in such a high institution. Thank you very much.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, beautifully spoken. The truth of the matter is, Ron, I don't know what to do with you.

Ron Besser  
Well, I am also a papoose.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. I am not going to carry you on my back.

Ron Besser
And who are you to stop him as a Creator Son. I've heard of him.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, Ron. Will you please be still! Machiventa Melchizedek has a special award for you.

Ron Besser  
Is it a boot?

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
I don't blame you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
That's all right, Ron, it's this. Ginsburg is one of the best judges on the Supreme Court to ever have appeared. Death cut her short, and she is going to live up here as the head of the Supreme Court as soon as she acquires all of the requirements. For that reason, you have a human finally in charge of justice for Urantia. She is highly qualified. Stuff it, Ron. And you are glad to assign yourself to her.

Ron Besser  
I am very carefully assigned. Only she knows how to spank.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. I am not going to do that now, but I will if you force me to.

Ron Besser  
Of course.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And now this: you, Ron, are not coming over soon. You have your own time to finish with this Lightline in about five minutes. You and Dominick have been close friends. You get together almost every day and talk about what has happened and what is to be assigned. You and Dominick know thoroughly what is to be done. We need at least four people meeting in the evenings with Ron. Gitz, you belong up here. See to it if you can, and if you can't, it's okay. The fourth person we are leaving out of question right now. In any case, it's a nightly report that you do together, and you receive our instructions. Dominick and Ron have done it now almost for two years. It's well-established.

And finally, this to you, Ron, must go the last word. We're going to cut this Lightline, off just a little early, and that's because we have finished what we've had to say, and I don't want Ron going on and on. First of all, to all of you, Ron established the Lightlines out of pure penury. He said no one was producing the voice of God anymore. We've got to find a way. So he figured out; form a discussion forum and then place the speeches of these meetings with us as part of the agenda with as many transmitters as possible. It has done splendidly, Elise, Dominick, Rene,

Ron Besser  
and the gal, I can't quite name, Augusta, Georgia. No, it's Amethyst.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
You have a memory like a sieve. It's Amethyst. All right, Ron, goodness, and all else who have passed through this portal. The truth of the matter is, Amethyst could do it, but she doesn't want to. That's all that's preventing it. And finally, this to you, Ron: you're about to lose one or two of your favorites. Lemuel, I don't know if he made it this time or not, but let's assume he has. Lemuel, you, and Ron will soon go over, and the rest of them under Dominick will prevail. When that time comes, you will know it.

Second of all, these Lightlines were not your original idea, Ron, but they work so well that you've revived them and made them possible again. You now have three or four that are dependable and are usable. Elise, make sure you continue, and the others, you know who you are, continue. You're coming up to the critical moment. It's critical because you are the only voice left. You'll see it. And finally, to you, Ron: because you are the one that instigates almost all this. You're too valuable to just throw in a grave. You will go by transit to the place of assignment. Thank you. You thought you were being joked with.

Ron Besser  
Yes, and I apologize. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
For that reason, Ron, this: you are the American emeritus of all that should be heard, the principal Magisterial Son has this to say:

I am Monjoronson. I am not only a Magisterial Son, I am now partaking of the Creator Son. And you bow to me and are surprised.

Ron Besser  
I never know what's possible. I never would have guessed that was possible, and thank you for sharing it.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you. You think it's very important that those who speak to the human side of things be very clear who they are and what they have to say.

Ron Besser  
It's a great learning experience. The average person would never know. Couldn't even guess, Monjoronson, without you saying so. You're very important. Thank you. As is Serara. Oh, yes, it was Serara I met first.

Yes. Thank you, Ron. Yes. And finally, to all of you, we are going to continue these Lightlines on Sunday, you Dominick, will continue with me, off and on. You all will continue with the Creator Son. Elise, you have a new name to appear soon. Just do it. Don't worry it. And for you Gitz, get your legs up here. That's being polite.

Ron Besser  
It's two of everything.

Yes, Ron. Thank you. And finally, this to all of you, we have reached the end of this Lightline for Sunday, August 25th, 2024. We're going to maintain Ron as best we can. Every Sunday will be his. Every Wednesday will be Dominick. Every Monday will be Elise. Who fills in on Tuesday, which is Dominick, and who fills in on Wednesday we're not sure, but Lemuel, as long as you can, take it.

And finally, this to all of you. I am the Magisterial Son of record. I am not Monjoronson. I'm Serara.

Ron Besser  
Glad to know that Serara, and welcome.

Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
And great success. My life depends on it.

Yes, Ron. He said, with a mild scalp, thank you. I fully understand my responsibility.

Ron Besser  
We are grateful.

And to all of you, thank you for being an audience of good cheer and laughing along with us. Ron is famous for cutting loose. It's because his nature is of that variety. He will be used well, not only as a spokesman with us, but he will maintain these Sunday Lightlines with all of you as long as you want them. Thank you Ron, and you Dominick must attend Lightlines wherever you are on the same day.

I am Monjoronson to you, Ron and Dominick, you two get along so well, we think that you belong together in future service. That's up to you, Dominick. Ron has already determined you're more than satisfactory for him. But when the time comes, look to it. And finally, to you everyone that ends this Sunday's Lightline for August 25, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Thank you for attending, and good day.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Henson, Monjoronson, Serara, Michael, and those who make this Lightline possible, the batteries, the institutions, and the care of all sons. Thank you for making it work for us. I am most grateful and see us again here on Sunday Lightline when the time comes. Thank you and goodbye.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)