Author Topic: Bulletin 18 by Ron Besser August 30, 2020  (Read 1107 times)

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Bulletin 18 by Ron Besser August 30, 2020
« on: September 01, 2024, 10:11:55 am »
30 AUGUST 2020 Bulletin 18 – A NEW UNIVERSE AGE HAS BEGUN!!! Page 1 of 18

In this Bulletin:
➢ Some Facts about the changes
➢ Policy Toward New Epochal Revelation
for Urantia and for Satania in general
➢ Why all this happened
➢ Reasons Why there had to be a New
Universe Age (NUA)
➢ The Trinitized Sons Report on the Lucifer Rebellion and the Bestowal of Jesus 1st Century AD on Urantia
1. Existential Deity proposed and then installed these changes by Deity Fiat.
2. The supreme was eliminated from the Grand Universe.
3. The Ultimate no longer proposes
two Outer Space Level modifications for himself.
4. Nebadon is now in Confederation with Seven (7) other Local Universes; that means a modified administration for its governance and redefinition of planetary governments starting with revisions to the Urantia Planetary Government which is no longer Seraphic as defined in the Urantia Book.
5. Seraphic rebellions broke out on Urantia and other status spheres
in Superuniverse (SU) 7. Similar rebellions took place in SU5, SU6 and a portions of SU4. Creative Spirits supported the seraphic rebellion in time-space and have been removed to Paradise for modification in entirety. This changes the Holy Spirit applications; it changes the use of the Spirit of Truth; it confines the idea of human ascension to a very range of persons who can deal with not using the Creative Spirits for ascension direction.
Local Universes are now helping to administer and protect Municipal Universes and Nebadon adds two Municipal Universes which now orbit the Salvington complex consisting of four planets itself. Uncovered and prosecuted is a Quisling-Caligastia-style government run in secret from an outpost of Uversa. The execution of the quisling Lanonandek Son was immediately carried out to prevent further reuse of Uversa as a base to fortify underground groups, in various parts of the universe, from ever becoming organized well again. This alone
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has started another backlash in Nebadon by those who supported Lucifer secretly, and the Michael of Nebadon government now succeeds all Lanonandek Sons as corrupted somewhat and, as an Order, revised entirely. Loyal Planetary Princes will retain their office, but many will be dethroned, and then they will be placed on Uversa for restatement as a new Order of divine Local Universe Sonship when the time comes.
8. New Deity has been created to assign to the mansion worlds those instructions to aid the Thought Adjusters of ascenders to rise (ascend) on their own, and not to be dependent on the former supremacy educational curriculum; this new Deity is without title because it is too early to reveal the nature of these modifications of the human and midwayer ascension careers at this writing.
9. Cancelled are the Urantia Magisterial Missions for now. As an alternative Urantia is to receive a Michael Mission replete with an incarnation of Jesus. The Magisterial Sons SERARA, MONJORONSON, and RAYSON will
participate in the Michael Missions
to Urantia.
10. The new Urantia Planetary
government is under the newly appointed Father Melchizedek, who presently serves as the Urantia Planetary Prince. The Father is Machiventa Melchizedek. The Urantia Planetary Government now consists of a Receivership of six archangels and six Melchizedeks today. Urantia can expect further modifications of its Planetary Government as the Michael Mission proceeds.
11. The last of the appointed Planetary Princes in Nebadon was aborted on Urantia when the Urantia government was received by the Caligastia-style Lanonandek Son in April of 2020. All then pending plans to remove that individual were aborted by a decision of the Paradise Counsel of Equilibrium to abort the entire use of the divine Local Universe Sonship for good on Urantia. It was then that Machiventa Melchizedek was promoted to fill the vacancy of the original Father Melchizedek, and that became a permanent assignment when the
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NUA was declared on August 22,
2020 at 7am New York time.
12. The Father has orchestrated the Second Return in order to advise national governments on Urantia that the United States government hosts the Michael Missions, but that without permission from the highest levels of federal administration, the new provisional Planetary Government will insist that the Presidency of the United States withstand a Regency. A Regency is an interim government that proposes to the newly elected President that he must avail himself to the divine administration and to institute policy that trains other world governments to learn their place in the administration of a proposed world government perhaps one
hundred years from now.
13. No United States administration in the executive branch will deter the use of new legislative means for the USA and other close allies to institute major revisions to their constitutions - where constitutions may exist at all, as Great Britain has no written document, but relies on the traditions of
government accommodation with King John in the 13th century who issued the Magna Carta, declaring even the king was not above the law. It is our contention this document prevailed as the finest example of constitutional law until the new American government issued the Declaration of Independence in about 1774 and published it in an oratory by James Madison on the steps of what would become the New York capital of the United States, and where George Washington took the office as the first President of the United States. Since then 46 other presidents have served this Constitution including Trump, but for Trump narrowly so. It is the proposal of the new Michael Planetary Government position that no one will countervail the spirit government to use alternative plans not already constitutional by the present 1776 document proclaimed by the first Congress of the United States on July 2, 1776 and celebrated by publication on July 4th, 1776.
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We solemnly announced that most of what is noted above is already law. We also solemnly speak to the idea that nothing will prevent the new Planetary Government administration from dunning the entire mechanisms for epochal revelation for Urantia, and that directly affects the Urantia Foundation at 533 Diversey Parkway in the City of Chicago. For that reason we add the following caveats to describe the attitude concerning the entire idea of providing Urantia with epochal revelation.
We regard the 5th epochal revelation as no longer viable for it contains only distortions of what law and facts and truths were announced in that 1934-1935 revelation. In 1942 the entire matter was rescinded as impossible to happen, and the then Power Directors on Urantia, declared Urantia inviolate from future catastrophic events. Such a decision to do was rescinded in April 1945 when the United States configures a nuclear apparatus to end WWII. Since then the Power Directors have stayed out of the game to protect any planet and have not protected Urantia since it invented nuclear weaponry.
For that reason, the United States is held libel for the nuclear wars not started in particular over North Korea in recent years. That decision was made by Trump on August 4, 2019, and it holds yet as a particularly difficult decision for him in that he hates the dictatorship of that country enough to blow it off the map. It can be fully exonerated if and when that leader learns a bitter lesson, and that is no one fools with the power structures that keep the world entering into world wars using nuclear bombs. The Michael Government has forestalled many liaison work projects in order to avoid exiting Urantia as an unabashed miscreant of a spiritual nature to human governments, especially the USA Government, entirely. For this reason the new Michael Missions to Urantia are now charged with sixteen new proscriptions, of which only four have been provided above as the itemization of major changes bringing new administrations to all of the planetary governments in Nebadon and probably all of Orvonton, and in SU’s 4, 5, and 6 at least.
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SU governments of 1, 2, 3 are under existential decisions and not the Master Spirits alone for reasons of State. There is a complete revision of who and what the Master Spirits become, including Vicegerents of the idea of supremacy as to what may be retained of supremacy at all as an idea to govern ascension careers in time alone.
For reasons of State, the following policy is announced:
1. No further epochal revelation is to be published once the Michael Mission establishes itself fully on Urantia in about four months to a year from the date of this bulletin;
2. There are no longer any good uses for the idea of Conventions, Meetings, or other designations of Urantia Book readers gathering in large numbers in places around the world. Michael of Nebadon considers this era of over-socialization in this manner as detrimental to the spread of any epochal revelation from now on. Periodic sentencing of meetings is forbidden until there is a decision just how this information is to reach the readership, other than through Bulletins like these. We allow these Bulletins to continue so long as they are addressed under the auspices of the Father Melchizedek and any other individual who is designated to rule on these publications;
3. No one wishes to make us obtrusive, but constant communication must be established in some way until media broadcasts suffice. The Voice of God transmission/broadcasts are to continue from the Magisterial Foundation now trending to be eight in number and will grow exponentially once the Magisterial Sons decide on just what format they should follow. Ron Besser has formatted most of them for use worldwide and they work very well, but we can add broadcasting areas not used on Urantia for years now and intend to do so for all of the LIGHTLINE calls now established in four countries other than the United States. For that reason we authorize more Voice of God broadcasts that operate to inform the readership, and anyone who wishes to listen through conference calls and streaming of them, to promote what changes we feel all should know about.
In conclusion, we submit that all formal corporations and/or organizations of any kind, need to pay homage to the honorary titles we grant the Magisterial
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Foundation, for it contains the seeds of all we need to establish on Urantia well done and speculative not.
The URANTIA Foundation has foolishly decided to expand the idea of more editions of the Urantia Book, and that will be rescinded quickly, as we have no need for a book full of errors to be distributed to the faithful.
For this reason, the Urantia Foundation will likely be asked to close its doors permanently while the Second Return of Jesus is in process starting we aver to be late in 2020 or early in 2021. No one precisely knows the return of Jesus, but it is imminent.
Readers of the 5th epochal revelation are the primary benefactors of what is produced in these Bulletins. For that reason, those readers need to understand that epochal revelation may be designed to last a hundred or more years, but epochal revelation also changes rapidly when Paradise no longer supports the spiritual and intellectual designs of a previous Universe Age.
Ron Besser declared the supreme antichrist. We do not declare that label wrong.
Further, the one known as Paul of Tarsus – Saint Paul to some of you – has declared Urantia in default and asked the Universal Father to remand all seraphic members back to their billets in June of 2019. We failed to do that and now have suffered the consequence of a serpahic rebellion, aided and abetted by certain groups of Lanonandek Sons, and in one or two cases, by several Vorondadek Sons, an unheard of proposition in the annals of Local Universe administration.
Worse yet, Caligastia trained two Lanonandek Sons missing since June of 2013 and now are recalled, to face the Ancients of Days to stand before them for their lives. Further evidence suggests that Paradise inadvertently chose one of them to represent the supreme, and he did, but with devastating consequences to the supreme itself.
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The supreme destroyed himself on September 26, 2019 and blew apart the status sphere on Havona circuit three and by association, destroyed materials on Havona circuit four. By that action the supreme was depersonalized but the residual effects of the supreme on Urantia has forced the seraphic community there to openly rebel against the Planetary Prince and then to openly rebel against the Paradise assignment of the Deity Absolute, to quell the rebellion and restate a good planetary government back on Urantia again.
The supreme was further annihilated on Uversa after mysterious plasma explosions went off in the sectors devoted to Nebadon and related Local Universes around Nebadon. The Ancients of Days declared those areas irreparable and will not repair them until the new universe age is working and dependable again.
For this reason MICHAEL OF NEBADON was declared invaluable for stemming the flood tide of rebellion into, not open warfare but, conciliation. He cannot work with humans in this capacity since the rebels are hell bent on removing free will choice to place them under the rebel control mechanisms and this has caused great unrest on many spirit producing humans as allies to the common cause of Magisterial Missions and the Second Return of Jesus.
Consequently the Father reviewed the entire matter with all levels of Deity, and on August 22, 2020, declared the old universe age of supremacy over and the reader can note some of the consequences of that above. Yet there lingers the possibility that the supreme may revive some of the ascension career prerogatives he has always held, but individuals who are in alliance with Michel of Nebadon, cannot, dare not, work with that residual supreme, and we hold Urantia solidly out of the camp of future supreme development if that can ever happen again.
For that reason then, we state the following:
No one is allowed to further disassociate the 5th epochal revelation for public distribution again. It will be replaced, and all will have to take the consequences of these changes.
Mis-handling of the 5th epochal revelation has been rampant, and the Urantia Foundation was asked nicely to consider reforming some of its policies but
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steadfastly refused to heed the warnings and the requests. Therefore the Universal Father is preparing to remove the Urantia Foundation from future distribution of the replacement epochal revelation. It is then we expect the entire matter to be appealed by the Urantia Foundation, and its review of administrative charges leveled against it by Gabriel of Salvington, on behalf of the first Revelatory Commission under the tutelage of Mantutia Melchizedek, who wrote the book so all of its individual contributors spoke in the same voice. For that reason, the book is considered to be almost spoken poetry by some.
I am sure we are listing about six percent of the reasons, but I also say to the reader, most of what I do list I personally experienced as negatives in my material work for the spirit of God, and I know what happened as a consequence of these actions by spirit when they were in actual rebellion. You do not want ever to experience the factors of a rebellion as a human as it is cruel and ugly which I can attest to.
Now hear this if you can absorb it:
The Lucifer rebellion was never fully adjudicated. That happened by accident, but Caligastia and Lucifer set up secret hideouts around the Local Universe of Nebadon to supply future rebels a place to gather and with a leadership already trained to continue the wily ways of Lucifer so disastrous to Urantia. As a consequence the Father removed all statements regarding the adjudication of the Lucifer rebellion and Uversa must now comply with a new order by Paradise to redistribute the Lucifer Manifesto and attend to its demise.
The Creator Son of Nebadon never dismissed Gabriel to resolve the issue of collusion between the Creative Spirits and the Lucifer rebels and then the collusion between the supreme being and the Lucifer rebellion. This should shock any of you who know the story well enough to decide that while Lucifer was punished as were all of the other leaders and participants who refused to recant their choices, there
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was a secondary wave of rebels unidentified in the 250,000 year history of Lucifer holding the mansion world capital, Jerusem, as his personal headquarters at the cost of millions of souls who refused to accept him there.
The power of the Local Universe of Nebadon had become excessive in the view of the Paradise Supreme. The Havona Supreme was centered on the third circuit of Havona and existed primarily to obtain to ascenders for the Deity Adventure, a list of means for those ascenders to maintain equilibrium with their planets of origin and their Local Universe of origin, well enough to provide a sense of completion. The supreme conditioned ascender minds when they progressed through this Havona 3rd Sector, in order to better prepare them for the Deity Adventure coming in their future. The Local Universe of Nebadon sent to the supreme at least 14,000 (fourteen thousand) ascenders which later became Trinity embraced and Trinity Associates of Ascension with the coordinate creations of the Universe Censors, Divine Counselors, and Perfectors of Wisdom, otherwise known as the Stationary Sons of the Trinity. The supreme viewed this addition to the Paradise Trinity a dangerous means to force the supreme to consider reusing the idea of the Trinity of Trinities, which he preferred not to use at all, as the supreme considered the Trinity to be a competitive organization rather than promoting his sense of the oversoul of creation. This was not known until recently and contributed mightily to the decision by the Paradise Father to scrap the entire idea of experiencing the Trinity on sub-absolute levels ever again, thus ending the concept of a Trinity of Trinities in the NUA. As a result the supreme attacked Nebadon in June of 2019 in a liaison military-style campaign destroying equipment and personnel that he killed to prevent the Bestowal Son from regaining ascendency on Urantia and for other reasons too as the supreme never forgave Michael for using Jesus to undo his hegemony of Uversa.
From Paper 10 of the Urantia Book we read:
10.7.3 The Supreme Being is something less and something other than the Trinity functioning in the finite universes; but within certain limits and during the present era of incomplete power-
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personalization, this evolutionary Deity does appear to reflect the attitude of the Trinity of Supremacy. The Father, Son, and Spirit do not personally function with the Supreme Being, but during the present universe age they collaborate with him as the Trinity.
The new universe age now recognizes that the supreme no longer wished to collaborate with the Trinity but insisted on an independent decision making process as an alternative to the Paradise Trinity oversight counsel. Only after the supreme rebelled so fully, did the Paradise Father decide that the Paradise Trinity was undermined with regard to time-space control. The supreme himself settled this argument by removing itself from time-space agencies that lent the supreme the controls they usually maintained, and as a result the Creative Spirit adjudicated this loss without making it clear there was a true resolve by the supreme to control everything in time without the Supreme Spirits intervening. As a consequence the Paradise Trinity resolved to recall the Supreme Spirit actions of the Creative Spirits in all of the Superuniverse of service then known as SU 7.
Consequently, the Ancients of Days of SU7, regarded the hostile actions of the supreme to be surmountable only if the supreme recalled his Vicegerents then numbering about six million for all of time space administration.
When the supreme was advised of this ruling, he adjudicated Urantia and placed six supreme vicegerents on the surface of the planet. He then ordered that all supremacy on Urantia and other planets designated not revealed to us by name, but are in the Satania system itself, all were ordered to be removed for reasons of State. The Planetary Supreme, never revealed to the readership, blew her mind out of constancy, and left immediately fearing execution. She was not wrong, and the one earth calls Gaia is so damaged she cannot perform her oversight duties on Urantia ever again.
It was at this time on June 23, 2019 that the one who is now director of the Magisterial Foundation, blew a hole in the plans of the supreme by announcing that
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he was not going to finish any bestowal approach and let the cards fall where they would, as he was not capable of fending off the harsh attacks on his body and his mind and even the codes and the chips in his computer. The computer had to be sent out for a new chip set and the software reinstalled to overcome the loss of formatting.
Machiventa Melchizedek lost his position as Planetary Prince he was then holding and had to flee to Uversa. It was at this time that the supreme invaded Salvington and killed at least 1,435 individuals maintaining equipment to restore the Bestowal of Jesus on Urantia. There are reasons equipment was necessary, but they remain unrevealed as to their nature, but it is essential to maintain the incarnated form of Jesus as he now has resolved with the Father to become part of existential Deity. That is correct: we mean to write “existential Deity.”
In December of 2019, until March of 2020, the Trinitized Sons of Attainment were ordered by the Deity Absolute to produce an investigative report on the nature of the supreme, and his work during the Bestowal of Jesus in the first century AD. That report was just issued and is reviewed here where it can be revealed as to its conclusions and results.
The Trinitized Sons of Attainment Study Commissioned Reports state the supreme colluded with Lucifer and the post adjudication of the Lucifer rebellion to provide more leadership to continue the rebellion even on Uversa, after the death of Lucifer. The Father agreed with units of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment (Mighty Messengers, Ones Without Name and Number, and Those High in Authority) for them to be sent to Urantia in the past few years to investigate why the supreme kept complaining about their Order as undue influence on Paradise Trinitarian actions. Those High in Authority reported back to the Paradise Father and the existential Trinity, that the supreme complaint was invalidated by the simple act that the supreme suborned additional rebellion by forming caldrons of his own to aid and abet the Lucifer rebellion secretly. From that report it was determined that the supreme could not dispel his dislike for Michael of Nebadon and for Nebadonia, the honorary title/name given to the Creative Spirit for her prosecution of Lucifer before the Ancients of Days and the final court rendering of life extinction.
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New epochal revelation will be released on Urantia in the coming years. In this instance, the very name of The Trinitized Sons of Attainment, will be re-titled and reauthorized to allow those embraced as Finaliters, to become Ones Without Name and Number and Those High in Authority, to obtain higher service than is presently described in the 5th epochal revelation.
The astounding findings of this Trinitized Sons of Attainment Study and Report suggests that higher service to the Father by humans is essentially ready to be recognized by Paradise itself, as essentially the reward of patience for human growth to take place after all.
The entire wrangle of misgovernment and misdoing shocked the Universe of Universes quite used to shocks in its creative and infinite existence. Not until the supreme killed hundreds of millions by creating an explosion, now revealed as from an ultimatonic plasma detonation which destroyed the supreme and the planet he used to rule from on the third circuit of Havona and that planet was the size of roughly 6 (six) Jupiter's in our solar system, over the idea of being caught and to be adjudicated out of existence. The Report later found the supreme colluded with God the Ultimate to rescind the work of the Bestowal Son, Jesus, on Urantia. It was then that the Father finally decided the entire mess was far beyond mere correction, and that the universe age using the supreme had to be dismissed and the supreme characterized as criminal.
Believe it or not, the supreme impugned the Jesus Bestowal as unfathomable twaddle! The supreme was outraged when the Father so honored Jesus, he all but stopped the presses by insisting that Paradise honor Jesus with other honors never given to Bestowal Sons in general. For that reason, the supreme announced that it was no longer going to honor the Paradise mechanisms which promote humans into ascension careers of powerful glory. The supreme considered these honors to
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attach as prowess that damaged the supreme command over time and would not allow any human like Jesus ever to approach him without benefitting the supreme better on Paradise. I cannot call this anything, as your editor here, as anything but jealousy by what I would call a grade school child in competition with other children on the playground.
But the supreme was a child even when he blew himself up on the Havona home planet he cherished to reside in for eternity. In that place he held sacred those things that gave origin to him and to his policing of time as an experiential Deity without precedence, as he was without precedence, and the Father Himself likely considers that as a factor in deciding that the supreme no longer could adequately reign his position ever. We suspect, purely on the human level, that the supreme got wind of this thought and decided to get out of jurisdiction before he was embarrassed by arrest and disclosures that came out anyhow after his suicide.
But we cannot help but have our jaw drop when we learn that child of future majesty, as he was now, also charged that Jesus was using idolatry to provide false values of bestowal to the universe, and that Jesus was a wanton bum that could not keep his thoughts together long enough to outwit the murderous Sanhedrin. In all cases the supreme charged that nothing about the Lucifer rebellion, or the Mount Hermon episode, was worthy of note even in a biography of the Life of Jesus in the 5th epochal revelation.
Furthermore, the supreme charged Urantia and its subsequent Governors from the Council of Elders (of the Twenty Four as reported in the 5th epochal revelation) was remorsefully insulted by using members of those Elders to run portions of the Bestowal Commission and the Bestowal itself. Finally, the supreme alleged, no one would ever treat the Bestowal of Jesus as a trial for justice to remonstrate against Lucifer as Lucifer kept his hands off, other than to confront Jesus on Mount Hermon.
Finally, the report from the Trinitized Sons of Attainment remonstrates exactly what happened so well done that the Father has authorized its use to me, a mere human reporting on Urantia through the Magisterial Foundation, that its findings secretly entail the use of liaison forces to destroy any hope that the Sanhedrin
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would comply with the edict promulgated by Gabriel of Salvington, to stand down and let Jesus pass through the lands he chose to teach in, and to allow no further discussion within its councils, as to what and who Jesus was until Jesus passed from the scene.
It was the nefarious son of the Chief Priest who hatched plans to remove Jesus by assassination and who insisted that when he took over from his father as Chief Priest, he would utterly destroy Jesus for ever having drawn a breath near the sacred, he thought, council of Jewish Priests then operating under the fallacy of the Temple.
By contrast, Jesus never knew who constrained the Sanhedrin entirely, but this Sons of Attainment final Report indicates that Jesus was betrothed to none other than the old Chief Priest through his grandmother, now known as Saint Anne, but then known to the Sanhedrin as the wife of Josiah, and she was a prophet they seriously listened to. These were two powerful elements that kept the Sanhedrin caged. The beast that murdered Jesus in the name of the Sanhedrin came out of the fact that, when the elder chief priest was no longer capable of sentient thinking, he then assigned his own son to lead the Temple authorities and that son was destined to rule a spiritual empire but got so entangled in the work of Jesus he decided to be rid of the entire matter through murder. We have no direct evidence, according to this report, that Caligastia stepped in to push the son into murder but, the Lucifer rebellion was so fully exercised in Jerusalem, it did not take much for the opposition to support Jewish Law and would openly support the trial and death of Jesus immediately.
In concluding these various strands of reasons as to why the new universe age was required by the Universal Father, please understand I know only a small lot. I further accept that the Trinitized Sons of Attainment have perfectly found the criminal behavior that necessitated the Father to reopen the present means of humans and others to their ascensions without the supreme being.
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Jesus recently spoke at a convention of fellow Bestowal Sons and he said then:
“Had I known what I know now, I would have stayed away from the death on the cross, and I would have fought the devil humans who make it impossible for me to ascend to my Father quickly and remorsefully, as I should have ascended. But I did not so ascend. I had to finish my morontial career and then my sub-absolute spirit career before the moldering glaze of a supreme being who actually forced the conditions into existence that killed me. I will never forgive the supreme or the ultimate ever again for what they did, and I intend to return to Urantia someday and to force the evil that still lurks in institutions and hearts of mankind thereon. I declare the entire matter no longer under review, and now we must report these findings in a new epochal revelation to Urantia as soon as we can muster the right people and places to provide the truth to sincere adherents to Michael of Nebadon. For these reasons we stand adjourned until then.”
This report as Bulletin 18 lists these other events and facts as contributing to the reasons the NUA was announced. Here is a small list for your consideration:
Michael and six other Local Universes decided to Federate and received permission from the Uversa Ancients of Days to do so. The supreme, in a jealous rage for the power it held, viciously attacked Salvington and particularly Urantia for being the Bestowal planet of record;
The advent of new epochal revelation then being set for release within one month of the attack on Salvington. I was summarily attacked on Urantia and much of what I held together with that work was destroyed and deleted from the computer;
The Sadler commission operating then from mansion world four, was attacked and the one we know as Lena was severely injured, from which she has recovered. Only the fact that Dr. Sadler was on assignment out of the region was he spared by the forces of the supreme at that time;
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The new sixth epochal revelation as it was then called, contained a one thousand page Life of Jesus biographical revision. That has now been pared back to eight hundred pages for the new release. The supreme decided that part of the revelation was so excessive, he destroyed the building and the personnel working on that as well;
The supreme found that my human work on Urantia with the Deity Absolute and most of the Master Spirits colluded too much to overextend his sense of supreme overcontrol where humans were relegated to subordinate positions, and sought to end the contact work of new epochal revelation to be sent to Urantia via this human and his own Contact Commission;
Machiventa Melchizedek received serious burns and injuries from the Deity of the supreme when that supreme detonated the explosion on Havona and reports he is seriously impaired on his ability to move about stations quickly now. These corrections in the NUA are not yet apparent, and we conclude this report by stating the following acknowledgements to the reader:
I, the Director of the Magisterial Foundation have been found not guilty of any collusion with the supreme or the ultimate. Further, I am restated as a user of epochal revelation as may be necessary to produce a replacement document to further be known as a new Epochal Revelation, as all dispensation in the time universe have been rescinded and sent back to zero. For that reason, the 4th epochal dispensation, which was the Bestowal of Jesus to Urantia, no longer exists but is fully recalled in memory by all in Nebadon.
For that reason, the appearance of Jesus shortly is not the sixth dispensation, nor is the epochal revelation to follow his appearance the sixth epochal revelation now, but is to be called the FIRST EPOCHAL REVELATION and our new dispensation at the conclusion of the Jesus Bestowal, will be referred to AS THE FIRST DISPENSATION.
For that reason, my life has been so dedicated, and I leave history to determine where all of this might go good or bad. I am ready now to provide the reader the sources for these reports, as follows; to wit:
For reasons of State I do not mention some backchannel instructions which are elucidated from the Commissioner to the Consummator of Universe Destiny. The
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Consummator of Universe Destiny is Number Six of twelve Consummators, and they are extra-infinite, if I can use that word, as they are not exceeding our Infinity but are on the edges of its definition of Infinity. For that reason I also remind all of you that our Paradise Father is the Consummator of Universe Destiny, number six, and it is His determination that I shall use this sparingly ever while I am resident in the flesh on Urantia.
I further state, that I have received counsel and adage to degrees of in-depth information not fully included in the Associate Trinity Representatives, although I have adhered strictly to their mandate that I repeat only that which they authorize me to repeat to you, the reader of the 5th epochal revelation.
Further, I have received full reports from Mantutia Melchizedek, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monotia Melchizedek, and one called Tarkas, with Jack a former Midwayer taking origin on Urantia and now promoted by Trinity embrace to the high councils of Paradise.
To these contributors, I am fortunate to have a full blown liaison circuit to the Creator Son of Nebadon, and his Chief Administrator Gabriel of Salvington, from Immanuel the Trinity Ambassador to Nebadon, and from Heldron, another Trinity embraced Midwayer from a far distant Local Universe. And lastly, the very energetic and stalwart voice of the UNIVERSE FATHER in my ear when direction was correction as to what to say and what not to say to all of you for clarity sake.
I conclude this immense Bulletin 18, by noting it is awfully hard yet to get these things distributed, but in the future I am assured they will leave by better issues than I can provide now. I thank all of you for reading through this lengthy report and expect that next time we may meet we will have a full blown Mission of some sort moving across the lands of Urantia.
Thank you.
Ron Besser/Director of the Magisterial Foundation
30 AUGUST 2020 Bulletin 18 – A NEW UNIVERSE AGE HAS BEGUN!!! Page 18 of 18
José L. Vargas Núñez