Author Topic: Lightline Netherlands International  (Read 1201 times)

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: September 23, 2024, 16:10:11 pm »

Lightline Netherlands International,  23 September 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday 23 September 2024 
with your host Elise. 

Our thanks go to the following Speakers:

Thanks Ron, and your Adjuster and MICHAEL of NEBADON for the additional information 
we received through you. 


Link to the tape:

Online Raz

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2024, 21:08:51 pm »
  • 092324 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: Pleiadians have lived on Urantia, Michael’s plans are proceeding very cautiously, Spirit is amazed that humans will allow others to suffer without providing them assistance, humans are so preoccupied with things they forget God, God does not forget us, Jesus is our example for how others should be treated, Ron’s Adjuster is now an independent Adjuster like Jesus’s became, stay close to and work with your Thought Adjuster daily, and Monjoronson remains the Magisterial Son of record but now goes by Horson;
  • Speakers: Pleiadians, Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Unknown Adjuster, Horson, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Universal Father;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone. This is Elise. I am opening this Lightline, and I hope we may receive some words from the celestial world. It is Monday, September 23rd in 2024 and I'm your host, as usual, on Monday. I welcome all who took the time and effort to join us. We pray for Father's help to proceed safely and to be protected. And we hope to make contact with someone from the spiritual world who would like to address this group today, and we thank our Universal Father. We thank Michael of Nebadon and all other official celestial representatives who are working so hard to keep us up to date and for the changes they make for a better world for all. I am asking for a clear channel and also now, if there is anyone from the Spirit side to please step forward and speak to us and we thank you. Amen. Well, we have a couple of more people to welcome. Roger Krupa is here, and another two internet numbers. You're all very welcome.

Good day and good evening. We are the Pleiadians.

Oh, welcome Pleiadians. What a surprise. Speak please, if you like.

Thank you, Elise, and welcome to all, we are the Pleiadians, and we come to this place to inform you that something very important is brewing and about to happen on your planet, but Michael of Nebadon and his associates cannot yet be sure if or when to bring these messages out. The thing is that much has changed in Michael's mind when finally the planet becomes almost cleared of the rebels, which is the cabal and other insurrectionists who have constantly caused problems to Michael, to Jesus and the Magisterial Missions, and even to some of you humans in what you are doing as co-workers in God's plans and purposes.

It is now still too dangerous to even speak about certain plans that have to remain secret until Michael of Nebadon declares the situation safe and agrees there is a situation of good standing on your planet, Urantia. We, the Pleiadians, are well aware of what is happening on your planet. We do have the utmost interest in your well-being and the evolution of your planet, to which we feel connected, and where at certain times, some of our people were left to live among you as humans on Urantia, you even carry some of the seed that is similar to our seed for much has taken place in the mystery of the universes, before Man on Urantia became aware of the universe and of the idea of other living humans on far away planets.

Our civilization is much older than that of Urantia. But we have had an interest in your planet since the beginning of the development of humans on your sphere, and we are well acquainted with its important mission and development as a planet of great example, for many future inhabited planets. You also know that your history is very different from that of any planet, and this became even more obvious when Michael of Nebadon chose your planet for his final bestowal, as you have all learned through the fifth epochal revelation, your Urantia Book.

The Lucifer rebellion, the bestowal of Michael of Nebadon on your planet, the self-destruction of the supreme; are all important facts that play a major role in what is happening today and must be concluded in this time on your planet. We see what is holding back the missions and the reappearance of Jesus. We know what difficulties the Magisterial Sons are facing time after time when they are ready to enter the planet. Michael of Nebadon has nothing but opposition since he wanted to begin cleansing this planet of all evil and starting missions as planned.

We, the Pleiadians, are not involved in planetary missions as such, but we are always there to offer our assistance when requested, and currently, we are very concerned about the warlike situation that still prevails on your planet. We are concerned for all people on Urantia. We know what the planet needs, but first, there must be an overall will for peace among the inhabitants, and we do understand Michael's decision to postpone any action until that is achieved. Michael has great plans for your world, and He is ready to go ahead, but not before any of the disruptions have been resolved, and the noise of elections and war have been settled and reached some sort of agreement.

We advise you to hold on to your beliefs and your confidence in your Creator Son; for Michael of Nebadon is a wonderful administrator, and he is so much more that you do not know about. He knows the right time to begin what is needed on your planet, but he has to deal with the many issues and problems that take priority on his agenda, but he knows exactly how to keep this planet a safe and dignified place, which is a huge task, knowing what needs to be done.

We are the Pleiadians. We keep watching your planet to see where we can and may offer our help. We have great experience and a long history to draw on, and we know the traps that are set by evil forces, but we may and cannot interfere in any way with the natural or political development of a planet. We are only allowed to teach and give our assistance when we are asked to do so. We are the Pleiadians. We are your friends. We are your sisters and brothers, keep your trust in the Father and in Michael, his most honored son, Who loves you dearly and is working hard to give you and the planet everything it needs to reach its ultimate destiny. We leave, and thank you for listening.

Thank you Pleiadians, thank you very much.

Michael of Nebadon  
And this is Michael of Nebadon. Good day to all my beloved people here. My message will be very short. I can only say we are very careful not to say or do anything before the whole thing and all things are settled that have been in our way for such a long time, we are very cautious in setting foot on the planet, and even more cautious in appearing before you, for spirit has had to deal with too much fooling around with unfair and even childish behaviors and we will not allow or give any room or freedom to those who are not of goodwill, to the Father or to me, Michael of Nebadon, to be around or contact us, or with even a human being that has been assigned by us to do serious work for the missions prepared for so long by the Magisterial Sons and by Michael of Nebadon and by Jesus of Nazareth. This is Michael of Nebadon for today, I wish you a good day, and I hand you over to your spiritual teacher for today.

Thank you, Michael. Thank you for being with us and taking the time to speak to us. Thank you very much.

Thank you, Michael. This is Arthura. Hello, people. I am indeed Arthura, and I would like to touch a social aspect on your planet, regarding those in your society who are completely deprived of the basic necessities to support their families, because there is almost nothing available to keep them alive. They die of terrible diseases like cholera because the little water they can get is usually so polluted that it kills them or makes them sick. You on the planet, have your communication systems all over the world. You have your means of transportation that are sufficient and well equipped to reach those on earth who hunger and thirst in places where war prevents people from setting up safe homes, and where children are deprived from education because schools have either been confiscated by the military or burned down, and some governments allow to take the young boys and girls from their homes to be trained as soldiers for their deadly actions against their own people. These are civil wars and are very difficult to interfere with. You have learned not to interfere as long as they're fighting and slaughtering each other over territories, and you let them fight it out until they learn how to behave and settle things in a more civilized manner.

But that does not absolve you from the obligation to help your fellow men in keeping themselves alive in areas of hostility and insecurity. Man's civic duty does not stop at the border and on a technical world like Urantia, there are always opportunities to reach anyone in need and provide assistance in whatever form. In Spirit, We are amazed at the ease of which one-half of the population abandons the other half and does not feel the call to provide help through joint approach of your worldwide organizations as a global aid to strengthen the brotherhood among men. But a difficulty in bringing people together is their disinterest in the world around them.

Today's citizen is aiming for financial gain, for pleasure, and luxury, making men increasingly dependent on industry and the promotion of products and spiritual life of the average person in the Western world is at an all-time low, considering how little attention is paid to nurturing the knowledge and hunger for God in your schools and in other educational institutions, your churches have emptied out due to lack of support for the layman in his spiritual search for clarity and truth in their belief systems. And with that, the attention for God and His presence among the people has quickly disappeared.

But God forgets not His people, even if he finds little response among a population that lives for entertainment and consumption, meanwhile producing many waste products that is creating a major problem in an overpopulated world. And on top of that, shifting the problem to areas that are already struggling. Transport of goods and of production must be stopped and governments need to start to think about better ways to process residual products and find joint solutions for the garbage that is now choking the world. I am Arthura. We observe that man is being suffocated on all sides and that there is no room left for his spiritual needs making him more and more a consumer product, and thereby missing the opportunity to satisfy his spiritual hunger.

In the future, Adam and Eve will have their teachings on such a policy. They will have an extensive curriculum, and they are waiting with hope to offer their teachings on a large scale throughout Urantia, where they will pay attention to all aspects that need to be addressed for a healthy material and spiritual life for all. To live is to give, and unfortunately, life on Urantia is currently defined by taking, and giving is pushed aside as a forgotten gesture. People in general cannot feel for those who are not part of their small circle, and they easily let their own advantage prevail.

I Arthura, am not involved in the lives of the individual on this planet. My job is to assist Michael in his work for Urantia. But in Our observations of your world, a little care and attention given to the welfare of the planet and its people should be the prime premier duty of every inhabitant and social compassion must be instilled at an early age. It's crucial for the growth of a well-ordered society based on brotherhood and serving one another. That is what man must pay attention to, and where social and loving attention is shifted to the needs of man and to his spiritual hunger for knowledge and truth and for certainty that one is supported by the strength of everyone in a society that helps people find their way in the multitude of choices that life has to offer them.

One person cannot change the world, but through a collective consciousness and awareness of the great needs in a world where millions of dollars are being spent on overproduction, it is time to become aware where the responsibilities lie and how to solve these problems and force them to the attention of the governments. Jesus did not interfere in the political affairs of His day, but He himself was the example and a model of simplicity of love, and passion for all people. And He never allowed Himself to ignore the less fortunate who turned to Him in their misery or their quest for knowledge. Jesus spoke and encouraged the poor and the rich, the sick and the healthy, the believer and the wandering and all were encouraged by His words and the attention he gave them.

Jesus was open to the whole world, even though he could not reach it in its entirety. But he set the example of social duty towards others who thereby receive the courage and strength to continue. In this time of so many means of communication, it is easy to offer actual help in all forms, but man prefers to close the eyes to what he does not like to see. Did not the same Jesus teach people to be kind to one another, and even in a very simple way, by treating your neighbor as one would like to be treated. That is the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus that can be lived to bring the will of the Father on Earth and equality among people. Never forget the words of Jesus when you wonder how to do the Father's will, what you do not want done to you do not do to others. I Arthura have spoken of how to understand the will of the Father. This is Arthura at your service. Good day.

Thank you, Arthura. Thank you. Okay, this is Elise, and we're with 15 together at the moment. I'm going to ask if there is anyone else who would like to speak today.

Unknown Adjuster  
Yes, good day, everyone. I am an Adjuster. I am an unknown Adjuster, as you call it. I roam the universes, and I interact with many I meet along the way. I take this opportunity to address this group of good faith and intention, as you are all familiar with your Adjusters and how He is guiding you during your life here in the flesh and will be in the next phase of your ascension career on the many worlds and spheres besides this planet. Every day in your lives is a new beginning and offers you a blank slate to start with, still empty, but soon to be, filled with your daily activities.

I want you all to realize how lucky you are, all of you, to start the day with your Adjuster in full consciousness. Most people get up, start their daily routine, and do not even know that they have got so close and can talk to Him. They do not know that they can say good morning to God and to spend their days in the presence of God. Realize what it means to greet God and to make Him part of your lives, to share your sorrows and joys with your Creator, Who will always be there for you in your needs, in days of doubt, often distracted by what you hear and see around you.

Stay close and work with your Adjuster. He is your compass and your roadmap. He is your guide and faithful protector, and He makes your path smooth and swept so that you can walk without stumbling. Give Him your hand, and He will guide you where you need to be and how to find the way that has been set out for you to become an example to those who do not believe and have no idea of a universe full of life and evolution with humans like you, people who are learning to serve God and who are on their way to the eternal goal to reach God, the Creator to whom you will return and find your happiness and bliss. Understand how carefully the ways have been chosen for you that you may enjoy and learn from God what He has prepared for you, that you may experience in 1000 ways, all that his universe contains and has to offer to all who know the Father and wish to serve Him by doing good to one another, by loving each other, and to lend a helping hand where needed.

Man never has to find his way alone. Share your days with each other and support each other in difficult times, reaching out and helping. The Father wants you to learn as much as you can from all that He presents to you and through which you become an experienced traveler on the path that leads you back to Him. Be brave and accept things as they present themselves to you, for every opportunity holds a new lesson to move forward in your career of this world and through the universe, wherever you may find yourselves, to solve the puzzles and to go through the trials that come your way before you can take the next step in the great challenge of life given to you by your Universal Father, the First Source and Center of all.

I am that unknown Adjuster, and I know that you all recognize God within you, and I tell you that before you hear one word spoken, God has already spoken many words to you. You have God within you, but His words are hardly heard. But now that most of you have trained your mind to be still, you have all created the opening for your Adjusters to speak to you and even through you, which means that you can hear God and that you are able to communicate. Every person connected to the spirit within can learn to hear God's voice and many other voices that speak in his name. God has largely disappeared from your society, and so many have turned away from the guidance and words given to them over the centuries. In fact, man has changed the truth many times for his own false reasons, and now there is much confusion on the planet, and absolutely no knowledge about the existence of God, your Father, who created this world for you.

Many beliefs and religions have emerged as people continue to search for the source of their existence. And yes, your scholars and scientists think they have found evidence as to how life began and has developed, but they have always left God out of their ideas of reasoning and thinking as evolution developed, and this is where your scientists are stuck, and they need to change their vision to see the hand of the Creator in all the mysteries they try to solve in order to understand the universe  and its perfect and ever applicable laws. What God creates remains and will exist forever in its origin, but in and to His creation, God gave to everyone and everything the power to grow and evolve into the highest potential that the Creator has placed within you.

Evolution is growth. Growth towards God, growth in goodness, in beauty, in love, with the aim to approach the Creator until you are beginning to recognize him as your God, Who claims His divine powers over everything that comes from Him and is returned back to Him, to glorify Him in His beautiful and perfected creation, which can be experienced and understood through the ever-increasing capacity of your mind. I am an unknown Adjuster. I am here and there and everywhere. I leave this group, but not without giving all of you My blessings to continue on your way with your beautiful Adjusters assigned to you. I bid you farewell, my dear Urantia children.

Thank you. Thank you, unknown Adjuster. Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to speak? Well, if not, I'm looking at the dashboard. Well, I would like to open the Lightline to you, Ron, since you are here, you might have some words for us. So please, I'm unmuting you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Maybe you are willing to speak.

Ron Besser  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. You Ron are listening carefully to what Elise is saying. You're making application to yourself, and hope that the others listening really hear it. That Adjuster is your Adjuster, and for that reason, you're surprised.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I didn't realize it because I didn't feel it.

Unknown Adjuster - Ron’s Adjuster
The truth of the matter is, I am now an independent Adjuster, Ron, and for that reason, you are adjusterless, like Jesus. What does that do for you? Well, we can tell you this. It makes you dependent on your mind and your consideration for others. Your consideration for others is fully done, your consideration for yourself is not. You have some plans, but they keep getting pushed back by the situation that you find yourself in. That will end in not your death, it will end and it will bring a species of care to you that you're not used to. What do we mean? Well, we mean, for instance, that your plans for your house will go forward.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Unknown Adjuster - Ron’s Adjuster
And for your means with others, they are considering leaving now for whatever reason, let it go. And for reasons of state, you are being considered, Ron, along with several of your brothers and sisters, what to do about the coming time that is left between seeing the visible Magisterial Sons; Horson and one other that we are not permitted to speak. The one called Monjoronson is really Horson. H O R S O N. He has used the terminology of Monjoronson that was originally assigned to you, Ron, but you mistakenly thought it was assigned to the Son. Not so. But he wound up with the name Monjoronson as a result. You chuckle slightly and say, then we call him Horson. H O R S O N. 

Thank you, Elise, for allowing Me to speak. This is Ron's Adjuster. We are going to change something right now. Elise, you have been truly a godsend to Ron and to the things he feels need to be spoken to and four or five others have also turned to do the same thing, these Lightlines. But We are going to change the Lightline procedures, and We're going to change it in a way that Monjoronson may speak freely. Monjoronson is known now as the Magisterial Son of record for Urantia. Serara is His partner. And Steven Gitz and several others of you are now more important than ever for Ron has learned that there is a dangerous movement apart and moving to you, Ron to disenfranchise anything you do over the lack of money and the lack of facility. No one is going to take that from you, but you're going to die and it disappears. For that reason then We're going to make a statement.

Believe it or not, I Henson, (Horson) the old Monjoronson, want you to hear the following facts: Number one, Elise, is to come to the United States and join you in your home. She can live where she wishes, but she's always welcome in the home, there are spare bedrooms. And two, the one that you know as Dominick, is available and ready to join you, but he has had a call from his sister that his Mother has suddenly become hospitalized with a broken back. She fell trying to do something, and it broke her back. He must return home. He's not telling you. And for reasons of state, Ron, We are advising you that your health has gotten rickety. Don't worry about it. It will improve. About eight years ago, you had an evil transient Seraphim come to you and inject you with poison. It's crippled you. But that is being removed, and that Seraphim is removed.

And fully to the rest of you, there have been incidences where you have thought you received one thing, but in fact, you received another, we're not going to address details. The truth of the matter is Ron that the life and times of those you cared for are going to be reinstated shortly, and that includes Dominick. But he has a tale to tell you. We'll let him tell you. And finally, to you, Elise, Ron is adding an addition to the house. It is going to be about 27 feet long and 20 to 25 feet wide. He is going to appeal to all of you for some help. But until We know the details, and Steven Gitz is responsible for some of it, We will remain silent. And finally, to you, Ron Dominick will be back with you shortly. He has been exhaled upon and no further requirements out west, for reasons of state, we let it go. And now this to you, Elise; Ron wants you here on your own free will with your husband if he wishes to come. We're building an addition to the house, including one new bedroom. We will be willing to talk about it. If you would like to come to Pennsylvania and live some of your life here.

Universal Father  
This is your Father, Ron. She will become the lady of the house if you let her. It's a big house, and Ron needs help. And finally, this to you, Steven Gitz, Ron is favoring you to take charge of the addition to the house. Get up here and plan it when you can. And finally, to all of you, my ward, Ron Besser, is going to stay the course and be the leader of all these facilities he has put into place so all of you can use them. He has no ownership but wants to support them.

And finally, to all Celestials who may be listening: Ron is not a leader, naturally. He prefers the background and seeing to it that facilities are available for all to use. He will continue. There will be an addition to the house that will be 30 feet long and about 25 feet wide. It will have a mantle a fireplace and eight chairs around a conference table. You will meet regularly in this room and decide what is to be done for the following: We want a new revelation, a new Urantia Book if you will. We may call it different. The second thing we want to be known is that Ron will have a slightly extended life to take care of all of this. He bowed his head and said; well, thank you. I didn't expect that. You will be feeling much better shortly, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Universal Father  
And fully to you, Elise, you and your husband are welcome here in Pennsylvania, whenever you want to come, we will accommodate you. And finally, this to you, Ron, your life has been more or less a lonely pilgrimage to see to it that things are done and well. You will have a midwayer, Claudine.

Ron Besser  
All right, Claudine.

Universal Father  
And you smile because you immediately get the picture of a closed fist with claws on the end. That's not her.

Ron Besser  
I know, I know it's not, but saying it as Claudine, it reminds me.

Universal Father  
Claudine will have this to say to you. Listen to me and do it.

Ron Besser  
Well, that's fine. 

Universal Father  
You are one of the few who is so spiritually directed Ron that when we order something, it is done. Furthermore, this is to be added: the trial called Pennsylvania may dedicate the land around you as a surreptitious reason to allow Spirit to permeate the state. It is called the Commonwealth, and it means it belongs to all, as We do. Please remember that your God is also everyone else's God and that you need to understand that when We arrive in the flesh to be seen, We expect all to give us a curt bow and bless us. Ron already does it. He's done it for over a month. When Jesus arrives, he bows his head and brings it up sharply. We would love to see that practiced when We are in person and We meet you. And finally, this, before I turn this back to Elise. Ron Besser, you have seen to the facilities of several Lightlines and of several other uses. You're going to be given a radio station to take care of. Yes, Ron, you are hilarious because you have trouble filling the space of one day, much less of seven days a week for 52 weeks. But that is what is going to have to be done. You will learn what the station will be called, and it's in York, and it will be yours.

Ron Besser  
Yes, a good grief. I have no idea how to handle that.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron, that is what we expect. Put that addition on. Steven, get ready and do the plans. Don't wait for Dominick to tell you. He's got his own problems right now. And finally, this to you, Ron: he will return.

Ron Besser  
I hope so.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
And now Elise that we have scattered the lots a little bit we turn this back to you and your gracious goodbye to the Lightline for today, take it please.

Yes. Thank you, Ron. Thank you for everything you told us. And well, I am closing the Lightline, and I thank of course, Michael of Nebadon, our Father, who were speaking through you, Ron, and the Adjuster, the unknown Adjuster, who happened to be your Adjuster, that's a big surprise. I thank you all for being here, all the other listeners, and of course, we thank Arthura for speaking and the Pleiadians. Well, there's nothing else I could say. I think we have to say goodbye and till next time.


Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)