Author Topic: The NEW REGIME IS HERE!  (Read 1152 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: September 21, 2024, 02:28:27 am »
I am Ron Besser, and I have been instructed to place a simple statement on line with this discussion forum.

Starting the 22nd of September, 2024, I am relieved of duty to present a Lightline not.  But I am relieved of having to post a lot of material of the past.  I have today given a long post on Stainton Moses and the era of the Urantia Book never knwn by the American fellowship of the Urantia Foundation, and I do not care what they do with it as there is a brand new consideration to be discussed later on today or tomorrow.  The discussion depends on how well MICHAEL OF NEBADON feels about our worth.

This might not make much sense to readers, but let me tell you something most of you do not know.

I have been placed on administrative leave.  That means I am suspended from much talk on Lightlines and what not until Michael of Nebadon figures out how you use this material.

For that reason I am up at 230 am in the morning trying to keep a straight line of  type and I am mostly left to my own devices to say what I  say.  That will end, someone says, when I learn to be better done for those who care about me but never have a chance to say so.  I am grateful such attention but I am unaware who that may be as I have a purely busy life seeing to all of this and I am reasonably happy doing it.

However, I am also told that starting the 22nd of September, there is a big change coming.  What?  I don't know.

Fore reasons of stat craft I allow that I am still allowed to speak and poke around, but Michael of Nebadon is adamant about something that is not revealed to me just yet. 

Then for another reason of State, there is nothing much I can tell you but wait for a change in how they approach us shortly.  I cannot imagine what that might be.  

For your own considerations:  we are going to keep our Lightlines going and the speeches called speeches every day as scheduled.  I do not know what Michael of Nebadon is talking about yet, so we all will know if and when something new occurs.  Thanks to all and good night as it is230 AM as I write this ad to bed I go now. Thanks to all. 

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You are also having trouble with your typing, son.  That is usually a sign of our with drawl but we are not withdrawing from you or changing our frequency of typing with you. Rather we are changing our venue with you slightly and you are now available to us day and night.  You about to add to your your house, and do not make a small addition, as we must have a space of our own and you are supplying it with a brand new build outside of the present house to carry our new work.  Congratulations for understanding tht before we announced it.  You are also going to carry well with healt and speices approval as you are adding it just as the sun is going make it very warm not, but much colder on Urantia, as the entire matter is now for sure:

URANTIA is turning its approval rating way up for listening to it in spite of the problems of war and peace.  The entire Middle East is about to cave slightly and the Suez canal will become unusable until it is re dredged and the US might be asked by Egypt to do some of the work as the US is preeminent  in that world for the world already.  For reasons of State that is all I have to say at 230 am New York time.  GODFREY
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2024, 13:04:42 pm »
This is Ron again on the New Regime that is currently tacking across Urantia that most of you are not ever aware of.  I do want to draw your attention to it and to comment a bit about what it is on Urantia now taking place.
We on this side of the veil get little chance to hear and see what the Deities are doing to enhance our material lives.  Material Realty is the last reality the Father has enfolded to live in.  It contains planets, starts, asteroids, and a whole series of anomalies you and I have never seen, but they do exist outside of our solar system and even outside of our galaxy.  For reasons of State I do not mention what some of this unusual material is, but we do know that some unusual materials exist inside our own galaxy, and one of them is a cement known as "plastatoid glue.

Plastatoid Glue
 I am told that this glue, called plastatoid, is so strong it breaks only under extreme pressure.  They tell me it takes 14,000 thousand of direct pressure to break it off enough to remove anything that is held by plastatoid cement and glue.  One thing that must be adhered to when using plastatoid glue is to make sure you do not catch any of your clothing using it, because it will eat any material you are using.  For instance on the mansion worlds, the jersey you wear as a resident on the mansion worlds is made of long fibers of something called "examiners cloth."

Examiners Cloth
This cloth is made of about one million pairs of gluons made in the manufacturing units on the first mansion world.  There that factory turns out about 3 (three) million yards of material daily to clothe all of the first mansion world arrivals.  You who read this will, when you die on Urantia, will leave Urantia and by seraphic (an angel type) transport  you will arrive on the mansion worlds in about six hours after your death.  The distance is astronomical, but the distance is small compared to the distance to the center cluster of the Nebadon your portion of the Universe belings to.

For your information, when you die you are transported to the easiest mansion world cluster nearest you to arrive upon.  Each mansion world cluster contains over 653 (six hundred fifty-three) planets, and each of those planets is designed to house a certain group or kind of individual who lives in this part of the universe.

Our plant we call Urantia in spirit, is located in the Wintershire Region.
The Wintershire Region of our Universe was named by, not Christ Michael, but by the now missing MOTHER SPIRIT.  For those who do not remember the Mother Spirit, She was a Deity who cohabitated with Michael of Nebadon in the early days of the Local Universe of Nebadon,

In the year 2010 she left the local universe and now resides in the Havona universe, a universe that is a precursor to the Paradise living regime, and is directly next to the Paradise compliment.

The Paradise Compliment is a range of distance between the inner circle of the mansion worlds that surround Paradise and is a compliment of space and no-time which impinges its type of space  near Paradise itself.  Paradise is not in space but it has surrounding complimentary planets such as the consignment of planets being talked about now. 

The Wintershire region is located near Paradise and the distance is so great it does nt translate into any unit your know of.

The last person to be known to fly through the Wintershire Region, was GRANDFONDA, and Grandfonda is a permanent first and the original mortal to ever penetrate Paradise as a home.  Now mortals traditionally make their homes available on a planet adjacent to Paradise called Sonarington. but that planet is so secret no one speaks to it these days anymore for it contains the known representation of human life examples in the entire universe and is off limits even to the Mighty Messengers, one-time humans themselves.

Finally the WINTERSHIRE Region is now so secret even transports taking mortals to Paradise, are shunted around it for fear of disclosing super secret fare going on there.  We leave it alone now.

One last thing I will bring up about the Wintershire Region around the perimeter of Paradise full of secret planets, the Wintershire Region is now assigned to you Ron as your home in the future as you are one of the future planet's inhabitants when you are mature enough to study plasma beings.

One of the most secret trials you will ever come to understand slightly is the PLASMA BEING experiment being conducted on the inner planets surround the Isle of Paradise.  I know nothing more than what I have described here and Ron you are wondering why I trialed the name at all, but you Ron are a likely candidate for the secret Isle and you may be removed from the regular universe early on in your mansion world studies to travel to a planet called SERAPHINGTON not, but (called) SERAPHONON a separate collection of planets in this region used to conduct experiments with unusual human beings.
WE CLOSE this transmission now and hope it meets the approval of our FATHER ON PARADISE.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania