Author Topic: Repost from Progress Group: Living with Intensity  (Read 687 times)

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Repost from Progress Group: Living with Intensity
« on: October 02, 2024, 11:42:09 am »
Good morning All!
I am reposting this because it is so appropriate for today's day and time.
Alabama, US of A, May 8, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Intensity and Purpose”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “When the children of God begin to awaken, they realize the great opportunity that has been given to them when they consider their life and all the great things they can achieve with their time. It is through progressive spiritual enlightenment that a person acquires the discernment to choose things of eternal value instead of the temporary and the vain.

Human life is designed to be a school, a learning ground where everyone can acquire and practice the skills that will serve them throughout eternal life. The plan of mortal evolution is so full of wisdom that it is virtually impossible for a human being to avoid the experiences and opportunities that will help them grow spiritually. It is only human free will that determines whether the opportunities are taken advantage of or whether, on the contrary, the personality becomes self-centered and materialistic.

In this world, regardless of origin or initial conditions—whether you are rich or poor, whether you live in a developed country or the most primitive, whether you have outstanding intelligence or average—all human beings have what they need to find the Father and live a life full of true spiritual satisfactions and spiritual progress. The environment in which you live guarantees that regardless of the talents you possess, you will have the opportunity to explore them and choose to use them.

Learn to live your lives with intensity and purpose. Take control of your evolution and see every challenge, every problem, and every unexpected situation as another opportunity to express the best of your personality. Remember that it doesn’t matter the season you are in at this moment in your life. What is more important is where your will and your intention are directing you, for it is through your will that you will help your Heavenly Father create beings of light for universal service. Yes, you have in your hands the opportunity to create a new being like God and indispensable for creation—your own being forged under the yoke of experience and polished by your desire to become more and more like the Father.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.