Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 17 JAN 2024  (Read 12072 times)

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« on: January 17, 2024, 14:58:45 pm »

Thank you to all for attending today´s Lightline.


Link to the recording:

Online Raz

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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2024, 21:28:55 pm »

  • 011724 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Lemuel; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: Acktorus is Chief of the Magisterial Sons, Muhammad is on Mansion World Six, and Nebadon’s location in the ten space sectors of time is described;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Acktorus, and Manituba Melchizedek, 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone. Good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are. Welcome to another Wednesday Light Line on today the 17th of January of 2024. I am Lemuel, your host, as usual. And we have at the moment 14, no I beg your pardon, 16 on the call. It's well, never mind, I was going to say something, but I won't. So let me see if we have someone here to come and act as our emcee for this, this Light Line. Do we have an emcee? Please?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Lemuel. I am not going to be your emcee. But I have come because, in fact, as you know, I mentioned that in fact, I would, earlier on when I was talking to you later this afternoon. And so I will say a few things now again, and then I'm sure it will open up to what has been mentioned in the latest post by Ron, which only a few of you have had time to read, I am sure.

So this is Machiventa Melchizedek and I want to comment simply on the fact that Lemuel, in fact, was asking me because he was thinking about the latest political situation in the United States with the fact that Donald Trump had won easily, what Ohio, what is it, caucuses? Yes. (in Iowa). And that it looks, he looks to be in a strong position to be the number one candidate for the Republican Party. And Lemuel is thinking of all sorts of other things that perhaps I will not mention now.

But the fact remains that at the moment, it seems that Donald Trump is going to be the favorite candidate to run for the presidency for the Republican Party. The other thing, obviously, is to consider who the Democrats have. And if at the moment anyone's strong enough to run against Donald Trump, if it came to that, a head to heads fight between Donald Trump for the Republicans and whoever it will be for the Democrats. At the moment, it is difficult to see anyone in the Democratic Party that would suit the bill, so to speak, to run against Donald Trump. So that is what we were talking about this afternoon, together with Lemuel.

And then the yes, well, the problem that he had with his, he had to go run in to see if he could get his laptop back from the technician who informed him and in fact that, as he has just said that his laptop is on its last legs, but to keep it going as long as is possible. And this is what he has done. And he has opened up the dashboard on his iPhone, and he is all ready to go. So yes, now this is Machiventa Melchizedek and now I want to mention the fact that the last recent posts where the latest post

I'm sorry.

Machiventa Melchizedek
From Ron is really very, very important. And I am wondering, because I can see that most of you have not had time to read this latest post by Ron and Lemuel has got it up on his on his laptop. He could read it out if it was necessary. So Lemuel I want you to ask Ron or in fact, unmute Ron, and I will ask Ron if it is if he thinks it is necessary to read this fully so that all the listeners now can hear your latest message, Ron.

Ron, can you unmute yourself? I've unmuted you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Okay, we both did.

Okay, Ron, do you think? Well, I think it's best that Machiventa speaks through you. Because I had the idea that perhaps it would be a good idea to read what the latest posting by you because I'm sure the vast majority now on this call, have not had the time to read it. What do you think?

Ron Besser  
Well, let me condense it. So we don't go through all of the summaries that it would need to do. Probably the most important thing for you to do is just a minute let me pick up my headphones. Do you hear better with that?


Ron Besser  
Okay. What I want to say is that Acktorus represents himself as the Chief of the Magisterial Sons. And I'm gonna let him speak for himself, Lemuel, for accuracy and also to introduce him.

This is Acktorus, Ron.

Ron Besser
Welcome, Acktorus. Please go ahead as you choose. Thank you.

I'm Acktorus. I am the Chief of the Magisterial Sons. You've never heard of me before, mainly because Monjoronson, Serara, Henson, and a few others like Sen-Sen, and one other I named, which I Herod, yeah, Herod, are all together in the purpose of establishing the Magisterial Missions on Urantia of course, with the Creator Son of Nebadon accepting us and using us, as the visible means to teach.

I, Acktorus am the chief of the Magisterial Sons. I almost never speak for the simple reason I am in charge of all the Magisterial Missions in this part of the universe. It's not just Nebadon. But all of the local universes that are in Dominion, as well as many that you've never heard of surrounding this area of space. Michael of Nebadon requisitioned my choice to speak through Ron. He is quite capable, and never enters into the conversation, except to report word for word what I want to say. For that reason, he was given the choice today to post what I wanted to say. Now, most of you don't bother to read, that's got to stop. It's got to stop in that if you don't do it, you're lost.

There are now instructions coming for those who wish to act in a fully human fashion and work in the missions. Ron will be paying salaries to those who are the chiefs of departments. We can't afford to pay salaries for all who work in them. That's one. Second, the entire region that Urantia lies in as to its space position is that it contains several benefactors that are not available to the other local universes except to Nebadon. Let me iterate two of them.
  • World War Two. The decision by several advanced planets was to help the Allied side defeat Nazi Germany. They supplied aircraft, both the Foo Fighters and other fighters never seen that distributed defenses against the Luftwaffe. For reasons of state, the German nationality is never war-like again. But the cabal is insisting that the German Chancellor become a part of the missions in order to secure those areas of northern Europe and the Baltic areas against the assassination of the Russian army. There may be a big fight yet. 
  • But we are looking carefully at how to defend against the temptation of Russia to reclaim the Baltic states and portions of Poland it considers it belongs to itself. Poland is completely aware that the Russians are eyeing the eastern part. And for that reason, are insisting that the United States stay with its program in NATO. President Biden is entirely sure that the entire missions regarding the area of the Baltic states is being eyed by the Russian oligarchy to take back into its fold. The United States has a defense alliance with Riga, that is the Capital of one of the Baltic states. (Latvia) If Riga is attacked, the United States will stand with its forces to force Russia back. If Russia does not go back, there is a war. And the United States is concurrent with the idea of thinking there is no good reason for Russia to start this kind of nonsense. We will not speak to our decision to remove Russia from the card game of who is boss. 

The United States does not particularly want any concession to its power on the high seas. It took it on and has crushed piracy after piracy and now, those of the Houthi out of the nation-state of Yemen are learning the bitter lesson they can't overcome the American superior forces to route them out of their launch sites.

And finally this: let me report Iran is close to losing its hegemony. That is not because of the Western Allies or the Middle East discourses it is because the Ayatollah has declared the whole issue not of Muhammad, but of the Christian leader, Jesus of Nazareth as the culprit, I said culprit. For that reason, Iran is replying to any mission that stars the idea of Jesus of Nazareth, as a war. Ron says that is entirely in keeping with a view of Muhammad that only the true God can determine what bestowal son is the truth. Muhammed has declared Jesus the truth. For reasons of our own, we do not transmit Muhammed. The Muslims consider him too sacred, to speak again. Ron has had several discussions with him. He is a man ascending. He's on the Sixth Mansion World ready to graduate to the minor sector. For that reason, the minor sector is of little use to Muhammed.

But the truth of the matter is, that Allah is demanding that he take the course. The minor sector that all ascenders must take part in once you're done with the mansion worlds, you rise to the next level which is a minor sector in the major sector of Acktorus. The minor sector teaches each ascender the major parts and departments of spirit and space, how the sectors are arranged, and what they mean, but not discussing the purpose.

The local universe of Nebadon is in Sector Five of the space designed for time. There are 10 space sectors. Nebadon is created right in the middle of all 10 space sectors and is a lynchpin for those areas that must be accumulated as part of the local universes to be rearranged, not along the Dominion but along the idea of a new space order of the local universe. The Dominion of which Nebadon is the capital is made up of seven local universes surrounding Nebadon. Your Urantia Book lists five of them. There are two others which I'm not going to mention. And finally this: the entire region surrounding Urantia is in Space Sector Five. All of Nebadon lies in Space Sector Five and a small portion in Space Sector Four. We now conclude this section. We now introduce you to Acktorus.

Ron Besser
Welcome, Acktorus. Go ahead and speak if you please. We're ready.

Thank you, Ron, you are wonderful to work with. I am the Chief of Magisterial Sons. I am located not on Paradise, but Uversa. For that reason, please understand that we are not ready to speak entirely to all of you. Those of the 17 listening today on this meeting, I can't understand who may be listening to the tape. But as of the 17 who are listening now, 18 of you are not available who usually listen. That's because it's the middle of the week and work.

And finally this to the rest of you: the reason for the Magisterial Foundation is not to obtain residency of Spirit on Urantia. Ron is quite aware we can do it all on our own. But it is to allow you a platform for you to participate directly. Ron hit on the idea years ago and said why can't we offer a landing for those that can work with the human and the human with spirit to obtain certain performances. He then designed a corporation, a corporation called Magisterial Foundation, and arranged with the IRS in Washington not only to incorporate the mainstream of spirit introduction but proceeded to incorporate six other 501-c-3 corporations. We refer to that number, which is a manual that the taxing organization in the United States uses to direct how you pay taxes or not. 501-c-3 is the document called 501, C is a section and three is the paragraph. Everybody refers to a charity as a 501-c-3 because the IRS does not collect taxes from its operation and it's their manual to understand how to report.

Ron has an income of close to 25,000 a year. He relies entirely on social security. He has no other income and has spent a small fortune to see that the Magisterial Foundation and six other subsidiaries are incorporated and are running with a board of directors. Ron has asked Spirit to consider that the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation be the supplementary board for the other six subsidiaries. Right now we agreed to do that. But in the future, all the subsidiaries we wish to use will have their own board of directors. Some of you will be appointed if you would like to be.

Next, I am Acktorus. And the entire remedy for Ron is to remember these things through the personality circuit. He has no memory glands. As a result, he has to reconstruct every memory every time he uses your name. Those who attend frequently are easily remembered by that process. But there are actions and history and doings he totally forgets because it only came in once and there is no memory. We do not understand why this condition exists. But then we don't really know entirely how the Magisterial Foundation is ready to work. I now turn this over to Manituba Melchizedek.

Ron Besser
Welcome, Manituba. This is Ron, I believe you are ready with your circuitry and I'm ready to transmit. Please go ahead. Thank you.

Manituba Melchizedek  
Beautiful statement for a very old Melchizedek, Ron.

Ron Besser  
You're welcome, Manituba. Go ahead, please.

Manituba Melchizedek  
Thank you. Now this: I have in my possession about

Ron Besser  
One moment, folks, we're waiting for a number in there. They're saying who has that paper? Hold on.

Manituba Melchizedek  
$64 million, Ron, I found it. That won't come at you all at once. But about $20 million will. That's enough to do your engineering and prepare land available to produce the pilot plant for free electricity, that is without wires. You broadcast at 86.4 megahertz. That's the bottom of the FM frequency on your radio. We have to get FCC approval to operate on that frequency. I don't think anyone is truly upset by it. And Ron you wish to speak.

Ron Besser  
Just briefly. That frequency is used by the various waterway police. And those that insist that ships use a particular order to run the seas. That is also a forecast frequency for sea conditions in the Chesapeake Bay. I turn it back to you. Thank you.

Manituba Melchizedek  
You are amazing, Ron.

Ron Besser  
No, I've looked it up. I've tried to trace it back. Thank you.

Manituba Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is Ron, you're one of the few that knows enough about this, to police those who might hoodwink you, with all the work that they have to do. You are not going to use all this knowledge to speak to the engineers. You're going to use this knowledge to make sure the United States government is well informed as to the nature and the cause of the Magisterial Mission themselves and the proposed mission of the Second Return. You are truly looking forward to both.

Ron Besser  
Truly so, thank you.

And finally this: I am Acktorus. The true reason for you Ron, is to see to it that the Magisterial Sons have a direct link and source to speak to the people well, mostly of the United States, but the rest of the world can access it information we want to let loose so they understand what this operation is. The Magisterial Foundation still does not have a website. You looked at it yesterday and said it can easily be put up. I will do it. But the factor is there are very poor templates to put up and as a result, you resigned the work until later. We are now going to tell you this Ron, we will provide the template for the website. You will have to use your sources for domain name and hosting. And finally this: the entire matter over hosting you are deciding right now is probably GoDaddy because they now have opened that up as the service. We recommend them, Ron. They are honest and sincere.

And finally this: you are missing a name or two Ron and that is not your concern. The entire reason for today's Light Line is to provide this discussion forum the following announcement: we the Magisterial Sons are no longer interested in providing a Magisterial Foundation per se, but since you have already placed it into the power centers, we will use it. For that reason, Ron, you are reduced in rank even further. And yes, you see yourself with a tattered flag flying in the breeze. Not so. You are the consummate version of any midwayer we would have running it. You spoke to the midwayers last evening and asked for their compliance, not as Assigned Sentinels but as assigned friends, to the needs that you occasionally run into you can't take care of. You and Dominick run it mostly with website interests. But for now, it is under the Magisterial Sons entirely. We have asked the Melchizedeks who now own the site, their acquiescence. We turn this over to Machiventa Melchizedek for his views. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Acktorus. Thank you very much and Machiventa or whomever, please go ahead, if you wish. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. You have a president always in the making. You have secured the Magisterial Foundation with Melchizedek ownership and you request it to be kept the same.

Ron Besser  
I do so, sir. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is the Magisterial Sons do not run websites. But in this case, they wish to become affiliated. The entire name Magisterial Foundation was originally based to provide visible offices for the work of the Sons until they had a headquarters of their own. They will have sequestered offices and uses of communication equipment. We will see to it. For reasons of state, there are several 501-c-3 corporations being addressed around you, Ron. You call them the Western transmitters. Well, they happen to exist in the Midwest too. Those accommodations are not thrown out. But until they unify with accommodation, with our foundation, the Magisterial Foundation, they cannot operate as fully as they wish. The one called Unity is not listening ever. They have separated themselves and are going to reach a bitter end if they're not careful. Second of all, the Foundation called The Urantia has now observed that the correction that you have received is working beautifully. They have no intention of laying down the gamut. They insist on holding representation. But they can't so long as they hold to the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

Ron Besser  
One moment. What are you up to. Let's continue.

Manituba Melchizedek  
The entire matter of the Urantia Foundation and the Fellowship is moot. We are not going to remove them, but they are not the operable institutions.

Ron Besser  
One moment, please. Just so you know what's going on. I've got our old friend, the representation of Lucifer, standing beside me, choking me. He fully disagrees with the dissertation. I return this to you Machiventa to discharge this as you might wish.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. This is Machiventa. That was Manituba. But you were directed to me, Machiventa. They're gone.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. They keep attacking my throat. I can feel vestiges. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
That is removed. It's not a midwayer it's Vorondadek.

Ron Besser  
Typical of those children. Please go ahead Machiventa. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Manituba wishes to finish this statement.

Ron Besser  
Please go ahead, Manituba, we're sorry.

Manituba Melchizedek  
That's all right, Ron. The truth of the matter is to this group that is listening now: you are under the Lemuel Light Line schedule today. Lemuel, you will continue so long as you are well enough to do so. Take care of yourself. Get off the wine, if there is any. Ron says we made a mistake about any of that but be careful with it Lemuel, it affects the brain cells. You don't have a lot to lose.

And finally this to you, Ron: the Magisterial Foundation is your award for understanding The Urantia Book so thoroughly. You outlined parts one and part two to teach it. You pass the outlines out to every student in the groups. They could read it and follow it as you spoke from it. It is an excellent way to do it. For you who like groups in your home, outline the paper you're teaching and stick to the outline, and give them a paper copy of the outline you're teaching from. It is tremendously helpful. And finally this to all of you: the cabal around here is seriously broken. But they are trying to amend it by attacking Ron's throat right now. He will not tolerate it and asks for protection and removal. There are so many we can't attend. But for reasons of state, each name is known. Back off, or you are not going to live very long.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now for reasons of our own and this is Machiventa Melchizedek we're going to close this little section that I was supposed to speak to just how the missions will accumulate through our own visibility as well as the visibility through the Magisterial Foundation. There is no need to understand where some people are Ron as they are unaware of the Light Line.

And totally speaking, it is also near the end of the accumulation of that work. We are nearly ready to understand there is no personal affiliation left.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And this: that was cabal, Ron. And finally this: don't worry about it. It will be re-accrued. And finally, to speak to the group before we turn this back to you Lemuel. The entire matter regarding the Magisterial Foundation and the WTP; it is on. The major powers, which are the Master Spirits and the Infinite Spirit regions near Paradise are now ready to permit this to go forward. You, Ron, have wondered how in the world, this can sit so silent in the middle of a power program problem. They now are beginning to look at it and are sure, you've got something going, they need to hear. Don't be surprised that a major firm approaches you to discuss what to do with it.

And finally this to this group listening, including the tape: don't be so sure you know what's going to happen. Yes, there are missions. Yes, the Magisterial Foundation and its six subsidiaries is part of it. But don't be so sure that the present arrangement fully attends to the Missions without Ron in another position. And finally, this to all of you. Thank you. Thank you for listening. And we return this to you, Lemuel, take it back, please. Go ahead.

All right. Thank you, Ron. And thank you to all the speakers. Well, I don't quite know how to follow all that, to be frank. And just give me a few moments, please just bear with me for a moment and gather myself together. Well, I would just like to say, and perhaps I should say that I'm not able to speak for everyone, of course, I wouldn't dream of trying to do that. But I think I could speak for at least some of us here who have been listening to the speakers and about the content. We have been here week after week, month after month, and getting on for year after year. And we have become quite used to the only thing that has been constant and that is the constant changes. I am not complaining. I am only stating an observable fact that we have all observed. And yet we are still here. And quite frankly, it moves me emotionally that this little family here who in fact do not speak much. Do not discuss much on the forum. Because we find that there's little to discuss in terms of continuity because there is constant change.

But nevertheless, we can see through all that. And we can understand the reasons why there are these constant changes. After all is said and done. We all know and understand the reasons why this planet of Urantia is so unique with its unique problems with its unique history, going back for so many 1000s upon 1000s of years. We know to some extent, the reason why Michael chose this place of all places for his seventh and final bestowal. We have come to obtain and to hold such information that in fact, it is a treasure house for each of us individually. And to have been able to form and become a part of all this taking place now in this year of 2024. God only knows what is going to happen during this coming year.

But we are here. We will continue to be here and to participate to the extent that we are able to participate with our sincerity, with our loyalty, and with love in our hearts, for Ron and for all the celestials who come to give us such information as we have just received today. Well, I have nothing else to say other than that and so I will now close this Light Line with a thank you to all who have participated through Ron. And a big thank you to all of you who have attended this Light Line. And I hope that I will have the pleasure of welcoming you again next Wednesday, for another Wednesday Light Line. And that will be on the 20, what is it, the 24th of this month. So until then, I say thank you again once more. And good afternoon or good night to all of you and God bless.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)