Subject: Your Soul
By Lemuel and Thought Adjuster
Date: 31st October, 2024
Transcriber: Moses Ouko
Hello everyone, good morning. Today is Thursday, the 31st of October 2024. It's just about 11 o'clock in the morning. We're just outside Girona. It's a lovely day. We have 20 degrees. It's quite balmy. And at the moment it's not raining, but there's been a tremendous amount of rain flooding in Valencia anyway.
Tomorrow, being Friday, I would have liked to have done a recording tomorrow, but in fact tomorrow here in Spain, being a Catholic country, they celebrate the 1st of November as All-saints day. And so it's a day where traditionally people go to the cemetery and to wash and clean the gravestones and to lay flowers and to take care of the graves of those who, family members, who have gone. You know, that sort of thing. So it's, so the first of November here, being a Catholic country, is a day of remembrance for those who have gone before and the cemeteries are filled with fresh flowers and clean gravestones. So well that's tomorrow.
So today I don't know if you can hear it. Clock striking 11 o'clock here. Just about half a kilometer away. Anyway, we want to talk this morning about your soul. Well, those of you who listen to these recordings, you may or may not be very familiar with what is written about the soul in the Urantia book. But there is still a great mystery about the soul, where it is, what is it for, etc.
Those who know absolutely nothing about the soul, well, they need to be instructed from the beginning, so to speak, because even for those who think they know a great deal about the soul, as I mentioned earlier, there is still a great mystery about the soul. People want to know where is it? Where is it in me? Is it in my brain? Is it in my heart? These sort of questions, you know. And the great philosophers of Greece, many, many years ago, they also had their theories. Some thought it was in the pituitary gland in the brain and well as I say no one really knows for sure.
So let's talk about your soul. So, we will use again, as we've used many times before, an analogy to explain certain things that may appear to be complicated, but by using the analogy we hope that at least you will get some understanding of what we are trying to say. So let us continue to use the analogy of a car. Any car. It can be a Ford, a Rolls Royce, a Volkswagen, a Saab. Doesn't matter. Just a vehicle, a car. One that you are familiar with, let us say. Well, a car needs a driver. And...
Well, the question, yes I want to digress slightly because the question has been asked recently, but who is the owner of this car? Who has bought my car, that is to say, who has bought your body? Well, the owner of your body, or the owner of your car, obviously, are your parents. Your car, your body is a result of your parents coming together in sexual intercourse. And through a stream of your father's semens, one of the spermatozoids, managed to penetrate the egg of your mother, and so the production of your body, your car, began.
And I must say, at the same time, what we mentioned in this, your personality, also from the moment of inception, was established, or that is to say, the pattern. The pattern of your personality was established and also your ego, the potential of your ego was established from that moment.
We mention this because most of you I am sure, have seen from time to time, a very young child, just maybe two or three years old, demonstrating such a rage of anger or tantrums because maybe the mother is not paying attention or the mother says, that you cannot have it, or whatever reason.' And you can see that this child, this very young, adorable child, nevertheless is demonstrating that it already has a very strong and developed ego to demonstrate such anger and frustration. Well, how is this possible? How is it possible? Well, it's quite obvious.
It's in the genes of the child because of the parents. Nowadays you say, well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? Well, you're right, it doesn't. That adorable young child is demonstrating what it has inherited from its parents. And the parents also inherited from their parents a very strong, well-developed ego. And so, well, that suffices for the moment. We may talk about the ego at some other time.
We want to concentrate at the moment on the soul. So, you know, also so many children, young children, they die at a very young age. In fact, before they have a soul, well how can this be? Well, those of you who are familiar with the Urantia book will know the answer to that. But those of you who don't know... A child does not receive a soul until it becomes indwelt by God, by your Thought Adjuster, by the indwelling fragment of the Father. You are aware of this, those of you who are familiar with the Urantia book. It is in fact the Thought Adjuster brings with it to indwell you, your soul in embryonic form.
So to continue with this analogies let's look at your car, your body. Your ego will drive your body. Your ego is your chauffeur. But behind in the back seat you have two passengers. One is the Thought Adjuster, the fragment of Father, and the other is the embryonic form of the soul. But these two backseat passengers do not appear until the child or your car if you prefer is between five and six years of age that is to say for those few years, your car, your body is driven entirely by your ego. Your ego develops. Your ego learns to speak and to say a few things. Takes on its environment, etc. from its parents, as any child, as you fully aware, if you are parents, you know for yourself that what we are talking about is true. Children learn very, very quickly, and they copy quite easily what they see around them and they can repeat it. What you do and also what you say.
But there comes a time when the child makes a decision, a moral decision, and it happens quite unconsciously. And on that decision is the moment when the Father Fragment, the Thought Adjuster, as it is called in the Urantia book, comes to indwell you and brings with it your soul in embryonic form. And to use the analogy they just sit in the back seat of your car or if you prefer, they indwell the higher part of your mind not your human mind. A kind of super mind if you like.
But let us continue with the analogy. So your body is a car. Your ego is the chauffeur that drives the car and when you are at the tender age of between 5 or 6 years of age is the beginning of the indwelling of your Thought Adjuster with your soul in embryonic form. Well, I want you to try and understand that your soul is like a child.
And in some respects, you, your human part, is also a parent of your soul and like any child your soul needs to be nurtured and nourished. Obviously. Well, how can you nurture and nourish your soul sitting in the backseat with your Father fragment? How can you do this if you know absolutely nothing about your soul? You are not even aware of its existence?
Well, this is the difficulty that you face or we face trying to teach someone about such a mystery as the soul, with someone who knows absolutely nothing about their spiritual life. So for this beginning, this first talk on the soul, because there will be another, otherwise this tape will be far too long. I had to stop there for a moment.
Where was I? Yes, I must limit this recording. And we'll talk again about the soul some other time. But for today, I just want to talk briefly as an introduction for those who know nothing about your soul. And at least perhaps you are able to look at this as a concept and the analogy that I am using for you to try to understand that you are the driver of your car. Your ego drives your car. You need an ego to drive your car to get you from A to B. Yes.
Your everyday conscious mind is dominated mostly by your ego. that is to say. Your ego decides what it is you're going to do today, where you're going today, who you're going to see today, perhaps you have to go to work today, etc, etc, etc. In other words, this is your everyday normal activity. This is your ego organizing the daily routine of the car that it drives; you, your body.
But of course, it has no conception, no idea at all that in the backseat there is, after the age of about five or six years of age, two passengers. So, how can you come to understand that this in fact is the case? Well, you know the greatest teacher of life is experience. And as you go through life, as you reach 21 years of age, for example, you are a very young adult and by the time you're 21 you will have some idea of how you are, that is to say you have formed your ideas on many things, your opinions on many things, but it is life's experience that will change these things for you.
And there will come a time when you will turn inwards and seek questions as to why this or why that or why something else. You know. You all go through this. Why are you here? You know, if there is a God, why did this happen to me? Etcetera, etcetera. Well, you will come to understand eventually that your ego, instead of your ego driving the car sometimes quite recklessly too fast and doing exactly what it wants to do instead of taking daily instructions from the Thought Adjuster, your indwelling Father fragment, or put another way, there will come a time when through some experience in your outer life, it will turn you inwards to seek for answers to questions that have arisen from a particular outer experience.
Just to mention very briefly, in Lemuel's case he had a severe car accident in January of 1960 when he was 20 years of age. As a result of that accident, he began to ask questions as to why because he had out of the body experience and he became aware that he was still alive outside with his body. So this is just one example of questions that can arise after, well, after an accident for example, or could be any out experience that begs the question later on.
And so experience being the best teacher of all brings you to the understanding or to the desire to seek to search for answers to these questions because you become aware that it's something missing in your life. And this is the first symptom where your desire to search in fact comes from this backseat passenger called your Thought Adjuster. It's like saying your Thought Adjuster pats you on the shoulder from behind you the driver and begins to say "Oi wait a minute there's someone here I am here I am your passenger pay attention to me I don't want to go here I I want to go there, etc.
And it is your Thought Adjuster that puts certain feelings and questions into your mind, which begins to turn you from your outer life to have some interest in developing your inner life. And in fact this is the only reason why all of you are here. Sometime in your life you will turn from the outer to the inner to answer your spiritual questions because the only true answer to your spiritual questions can only come from within, that is to say, can only come from your indwelling Father fragment. The soul, that your Thought Adjuster brought with him to indwell you, the nourishment and nurturing that that needs throughout its life comes from you, your human side.
Well, there's very little that it can take from your ego. But what it can take, what it does need for its nourishment and nurturing, are your thoughts, your thoughts of love, your thoughts of compassion, your thoughts of understanding, your patience, your tolerance, your acceptance, all these things in fact are part of your, how shall your Shall we put it? Well the inspiration that comes from your right hemisphere of the brain not the left In other words not your everyday conscious mind, but that can be influenced from your heart and your heart is influenced by your developing soul.
I hope this is not beginning to feel a bit complicated for you. It's not my intention of course, but it is such a big subject to soul and I say I want to limit this since it is already 24 minutes I can see on my recorder. So let me sum up to terminate this talk for this morning and I will continue next time.
This is for those of you who know absolutely nothing. For those of you who know, then be patient and just think of those who do not know. Your soul is the only thing that can survive when you die. That is to say, when your car no longer works, it comes to a stop and it ends up in the garage or it ends up being incinerated or it ends up being buried or whatever. The only thing that has the possibility of surviving is your soul.
Well, how is your soul? Has it developed? Have you nurtured it? Have you nourished it with loving thoughts? Well let us hope so, so that by the time you die your soul has a great probability of surviving with the help of your indwelling Father fragment your Thought Adjuster. Well for today this is enough. So this really is just an introduction to your soul. Your soul is your future body. Now at the moment you are enjoying your physical body, but your soul is your next body that you will enjoy when you leave your physical behind, and you take on morontial which is material in between physical and spiritual. Your soul is of morontial material and this is the body that you will enjoy later on.
Alright, well this tape is more than 27 minutes. I do hope that I haven't confused any of you because it is quite a complicated thing to explain. But my reason this morning is because I know there is so very little known about the soul and this is an introduction to those who know nothing to inform you that indeed yes you do have a soul and it is your soul that will survive hopefully when you leave your physical body behind.
So let's leave it like that for today and until next time. Well it's Halloween. Today 31st of October which I am totally against personally but there you go. Well, have a lovely weekend, enjoy yourselves, be kind to each other, love each other, eat well, sleep well and until next time this is Lemuel and my beloved signing off for today. So bye bye for now. Bye bye.