Author Topic: The urgency of NOW  (Read 2017 times)

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The urgency of NOW
« on: February 12, 2025, 15:15:13 pm »



Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Oneness in Transmission for All.
« Last post by Ghost Dancer on Yesterday at 14:19:37 »
Since it appears as if this website is to soon close down without the help of our beloved Ron Besser  ? I would like to send out an invitation to all of you that either have participated or not in the various transmissions here in to give it one more try in the way of a transmission, especially those whom never thought it was their calling ?
Come on everybody ? Let's all contribute one last transmission. Your fears or thoughts of separation from all there is, is and has been illusiary. There is only oneness in God The FATHER. 

Hello GhostDancer!

Thank you for your care, concern, and sorrow at the prospect of the demise of the Website. But we still know that this website is here at the permission of the Father. The lack of "transmissions" is apparent only in postings, not in the desire or intent of the celestials we depend on. Participation includes more than writing skill at making postings. It includes our prayers, and I might add, our financial contributions to the website. It takes quite a lot of money to run this forum, and Ron and Dominick know this better than us all. If any of us are desirous to see this website continue, donations are always welcome.

Furthermore, the silence of the celestials does not mean they are not interested or closely guarding this website. The circuits are open but silent. The changes in the political climate are so far-reaching right now, that it is impossible to predict what will happen next. Michael has assured us that there are other planets in this universe that are just about as poorly off as Urantia. Michael has expressed a desire to get everyone on the same page, and then, only then, when there is support on all sides, can a mission be forged.

Dear Ghost Dancer, transmissions are a gift. We can't demand or dictate a "transmission" .

The last word I heard from the Melchizedeks in October, was that the missions were "ON"! Just because we can't see anything doesn't mean nothing is happening. What it does say is that whether Ron is here or not, things continue to go forward. How many times have we been told to "Hold the fort", "Keep our powder dry" and other such suggestions with a wartime implication? Let's restate it as "Keep your eyes on the outcome Father desires", which may be difficult for us in every way. Our steady and unwavering commitment to the good we have envisioned calls for a total lifestyle as Jesus revealed in his lifetime. Our prayers are a participation that often goes unappreciated, when everything around us is counter intuitive. Jesus' self discipline and careful words, are even today a model we need to seek in our studies and transactions. There has never been a time when our work, prayers, comments, financial support, and our personal rigorous self discipline has been more needed.

Comments? They are welcome but not required. What is requested is that we do not just walk away! People, you are very much needed in a world that has gone crazy. Not in joining the political fray, but in watching closely, for the right way to go in every moment of every day.
Thank you for your thoughts on this Ghost Dancer. We all do need to be aware that our voice can still be heard on this website. Father will see to it that your voice is heard, even if it is not on this website.

Blessings to you Ghost Dancer, and to all the folks on this forum, and to Dominick and Ron, and to all the Celestials that keep this website as the apple of their eye.

Best always,
Carole aka SongstSonrise.