“I am pleased to say that Ron has captured exactly what we wanted him to od this morning and early afternoon, and that is to post a donation link to help maintain this web site. It is very valuable to us as outreach to the rest of Urantia, and it is quite valuable to places like China and Russia which do listen to our reports on currency fluctuations and policies we will provide once we are on Urantia and operating as we should in a Magisterial Mission of great quality.
“I am now providing a policy statement from the Magisterial Mission itself:
SERARA, CHIEF OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION - “We are experiencing a decided shift in our regular concerns for currency exchanges as they happen in the present world trade imbalances and other trading issues not yet on the table for discussion between the United States and China, and various other countries in which the United States is changing its agreements for trade with them or collectively. We are processing our concerns this way:
“Natural causes will likely bring down the usual ways to trade in the near future. The present predictions we have is that Urantia will undergo a pole shift in about six weeks (today is Oct 22, 2018 1400 New York Time DST) and if this properly proceeds, we will have a dark period on earth beginning sometime near the end of Novermber and perhaps early December, depending on the exact date of the dark period to being.
“It is a matter of chance which part of Urantia is in the lighted area from your sun is over you, and which area of the earth you are in that is in the dark shadow at that time. Our forecast is that York, Pennsylvania, USA, will be in the twilight area between total darkness and bright sunlight, but it cannot be predicted so well as to be sure of that.
“In any case, the event will cause shipping and rail traffic to almost cease, and the trucking firms will have problems of polarity affecting engine running perhaps. We are not clear as to how this may transpire with electronic starting and stopping in the newer engines used on Urantia today. Meanwhile, be assured there will be trade problems and eruptions of great need for certain goods during this pile shift that will also affect the axis tilt of the planet too.
“As a result of this event coming very close, we are to insure that currencies should be protected while we wait for earth to right itself and get back to its diurnal cycles which may affect daylight and dark at slightly different times than Urantia has been used to for millennia.
(Pole Shift Approximate Dates Given next)
“I will institute a ban on all currency manipulation during the period of the pole shift which we estimate is dated roughly from 9am, 28 November, New York Time standard time. Daylight Savings Time ends in the New York time zone at 2am November 4th this year which is a Sunday, and the pole shift event will end, we believe, about January 5th or 6th 2019, at about noon, New York standard time. During the period more less from 28 November, 2018 through January 10 or less, 2019, a ban will be placed on changing exchange rates entirely.
“The Chinese Yuan will trade for this period whatever it stands at November 28, 2018 at noon that day in New York, and will be reopened for exchange rate adjustments on January 5 or 6 or as late as January 10, 2019, depending on world conditions at that time. The dark period or light period for this shift lasts about 34 or 35 days. We will keep you informed if this information changes.
“All other exchange of currency rates consideration are the same dates for control as stated above for the Chinese rates. In any case, we must make amend to two other considerations:
1 - No amount of exchange rate examinations will be allowed once there is a visible representative on Urantia soil until the full temptation to devalue currencies is abated or stopped entirely. Urantia (earth) cannot afford a currency war on top of a trade war that is developing into monumental proportions thanks to the Trump
intransigence over rates and styles of barter or trade itself.
2 - There is good reason to believe that the entire matter of currency devaluations will be allowed ever to take place in a year or so, as we insist on indemnifying the United States dollar and the Chinese Yuan as major world currencies, and will provide gold reserves plentifully to control speculators who ruin all world organized attempts to keep currencies relatively stable. Our choice will be to keep New York and Beijing informed as to what trades are allowed and how much. But until that is established real time we will just announce this policy in general for now.
3 - Our work is about to commence during the dark period of the proposed pole shift coming swiftly to bear on this planet due to extreme heat building in the earth’s core, and we must be sure that everything is ready for our reception in York, Pennsylvania, as well as we will use those Magisterial Foundation offices to place controls where we have to on the world financial markets.
“I am Serara and end this with an entreaty to Ron to stop scratching his nose as I am truly ready to take on the entire matter very soon with the help of Michael of Nebadon, as we are very late now, and must grab hold of financial concerns and controls as best we can. I am belatedly beside you Ron over head as you correctly surmise we who are Deity can fold space and be present anywhere we wish to be. China will learn, you have done so already and we thank all for listening. Serara, the Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia. Serara.â€