The whole idea about how to broadcast wireless electricity is profoundly complicated not. It might sound so because to explain it we have to explain, first, what electricity is. Electricity is a flow of a preparticle called an electron along a wire in your home. One plugs ones lights and can opener into a receptacle and the electrons flow into the light wire or other device you are using and you get it to "run" or "turn on." Electrons form atoms, but they can exist outside of an atom too, and WTP takes free electrons out of the air, puts them on a wire, and boosts their power up inside a generator to broadcast them.
That is what electricity is and does and can be transmitted like sound, almost, on a radio tower. One man in particular back in the turn of the 20th century almost did it. His name is Nikola Tesla, and yes, an auto company is called that in the United States today which manufactures electric cars to buy. Tesla's name is so familiar these days and it seems to have anything to do with electrical uses. But he also showed the way over a hundred year ago the concept of broadcasting electricity too.
What we did, and I am Ron Besser, and with the help of a Paradise Magisterial Son (God), we looked at what Tesla did in 1902, when he built a big tower on Long Island, New York, to try to transmit electricity off a tower. He failed. Or so he thought and the entire project was abandoned. But the Magisterial Son and I looked at the major things Tesla did by building a big tower there (and it still exists and is a historic building on the national register), and at his results.
I am not going to talk about those details here except to say they tell us a lot that no one seems to really take seriously. We did. Tesla set up a nearby farm house so that if he transmitted electricity successfully, the porch light would go on and stay on. Well, the porch light just flickered a few times and died. Whatever Tesla sent off that tower it sure was not electrons or electricity of any good kind. We looked at it and said Tesla proved one can transmit electrification but not necessarily the kind of electricity we use routinely in our homes. But we found the error and corrected it for our way of making WTP work.
The Magisterial Son told me, "Ron you ought to take a lesson here; no one else seems to be able to do that." Ron did look at it and determined that Tesla did transmit a preparticle, but not electrons. If we look at the history of trying to transmit electricity off a tower, time and again, somebody tries to put up a tower and fails to transmits electrons, for if they did the lights would light. It turns out the evidence is positive Tesla transmitter sent the farm light a batch of the awful Protons-- another preparticle that does not work for electricity as we know it. I say awful because Protons light lights with a hot iron and burn the circuits out and that is exactly what the porch light did in 1902. They flickered and died.
I drew up a little diagram below to show the simple process we need to use to get real electricity off the tower, and yes we start with lightning like electron in the air and pull them down to a wire, a cable, buried underneath the generator boosters. We draw the electrons up off the cable we put there from the air which is called another term, as that air term is called a Magnetosphere: the MAGNETOSPHERE. That is an atmosphere full of electricity that sits over the top of the earth with lots of electrons in it and exists because the earth creates a lot of static electricity as it spins and rubs the earths inside metal core on the earth walls deep inside. That creates so much static electricity, the electrons in it flow out of it and actually sit in great masses of electrons above our head s to form the Magnetosphere. We get lightning happening in it and we get aurora borealis from it, and even magnets can be formed out of it. We draw some of those electron masses down to our wire underground, and boost their constant one-megawatt of electricity to 20 megawatts of electricity to broadcast with the generators on top of it.
Take a look at the graphic next, as you do not need my words what it explains easily. Thank you.