Author Topic: "UNION"  (Read 36956 times)

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Online Rene A Duran

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« on: March 16, 2022, 12:38:00 pm »

ADMIN:  For reasons of the need for tranquility and preservation of tempers, I am now locking this thread of charge and counter charge for the sake of peace on the forum once more.  Rather than remove it summarily right now, I am locking it and that in effect ends the UNION thread entirely.  It will be removed in the future but for now let it serve as a useless example of good news not.  Thank you.



By the Universal Father.

Transmitter: René Durán.
March 14, 2022, Phoenix AZ.

My Father, my Lord, my God, today I find myself requesting some help from you, some revelation that is at the door for this public that awaits your news.

The Universal Father:
"I am your Universal Father, in the matter of Revelations it is necessary to understand that the Urantian (Earthling) public does not recognize our efforts to reach them, and that we have been sending multiple Revelations through various means.

"Initially, it was done through The Urantia Book, and we here have continued to download Revelations directly through recipients who, like the scribe, are able to hear our messages.

"Our arms are extended to all who in one way or another seek our encounter, and it is without fear of being wrong that we have begun the process of remission in these obstacles that have been sown lately for the incarnation of the Magisterial Sons and the incarnation of Jesus the Christ And that is why today, through the scribe we are directing ourselves in a constant procession of thoughts so that he can carry these notes for the benefit of the Latin American public.

"I am the Universal Father.

The scribe:
-We lost connection.

- He calls me by my name.

-Yes Father, I heard your voice, do you want to continue?

The Father again:
"This is your Universal Father continuing our narration, we have to say that we are at a turning point, where there is no longer a setback, in the matter of war and the cards are given, Putin; the aggressor has manifested in different occasions that their war plan is not only with the army, it also includes misinformation, in which they have become quite dependable, what this means is that they are fighting on two fronts where they seek to win at least one. It is not surprising, because in retrograde history there have been presidents who have organized teams, precisely for that purpose, to direct two fronts: disinformation and war, it is for this reason that countries are showing their determination not to let themselves be intimidated.The union has made strength, which they are showing when facing each other.

Today, among Western governments, all show more than 75% of their conviction to support the weakest.

" Union"

The scribe:
-Wait a minute...I heard that phrase, that is a symbolic phrase of the governments of the West where they have barricaded themselves in phrases like a shield preventing the aggressor army from starting to count on any of them.

The Universal Father:
"Indeed, this is your Universal Father, we have presented a real analysis of the existing condition, We will continue to report the actuality of this situation.

"I am your Universal Father, have a good day."




Por el Padre Universal.

Transmisor:René Durán.
Marzo 14 2022, Phoenix AZ.

Padre mío,  Señor mío,  Dios  mío,  hoy me encuentro solicitando alguna ayuda tuya, alguna revelación que esté en puerta para este público que espera tus noticias.

El Padre Universal:
"Yo soy tu Padre Universal,  en cuestión de Revelaciones es necesario entender que el público urantiano(terrícola) no reconoce nuestros esfuerzos por llegar a ellos, y que hemos estado enviando múltiples Revelaciones a través de diversos medios.

"Inicialmente, se hizo a través de El libro de Urantia, y nosotros aquí hemos continuado bajando Revelaciones de manera directa a través de los receptores que como el escriba son capaces de escuchar nuestros mensajes.

"Nuestros brazos se extienden a todos que de una manera u otra  buscan nuestro encuentro,  y es sin temor a equivocarme  que hemos iniciado el proceso de remisión en estos obstáculos que se han sembrado últimamente para la encarnación de los Hijos Magisteriales y encarnación de Jesús el Cristo. Y es por eso que hoy, a través del escriba estamos dirigiéndonos en constante procesión de pensamientos para que pueda llevar esta notas para beneficio del público Latinoamericano.

"Yo soy el Padre Universal.

El escriba:
-Perdimos conexión.

-Me llama por mi nombre.

-Si Padre, escuché tu voz, deseas continuar?

El Padre de nuevo:
"Este es tu Padre Universal continuando nuestra narración,  hemos de decir que estamos en un punto de inflexión,  en donde ya no hay un retroceso, en el asunto de la guerra ya las cartas están dadas, Putin; el agresor, ha manifestado en diferentes ocasiones que su plan de guerra no es solamente con el ejército, incluye también la desinformación,  en lo cual,  se han vuelto bastante dependable(confiable), esto lo que quiere decir es que está peleando en dos frentes en donde busca ganar por lo menos uno. No es de extrañar,  pues en en la historia retrógrada han existido presidentes que han organizado equipos, precisamente con ese propósito,  de dirigir dos frentes: el desinformativo y el bélico,  es por esa razón que los países están mostrando su determinación para no dejarse intimidar. La unión ha hecho la fuerza,  la cual están mostrando al momento de  enfrentarse.

Hoy por hoy,  entre los gobiernos occidentales, todos muestran más arriba del 75% de su convicción de apoyar al más débil.

《 Unión》

El escriba:
-Un momento ...escuché esa frase, esa es una frase simbólica de los gobiernos del Oeste en donde se han parapetado en frases como una coraza previniendo que el ejército agresor inicie contacto con ninguno de ellos.

El Padre Universal:
"En efecto, este es tu Padre Universal,  hemos presentado un análisis real de la condición existente, Seguiremos reportando la actualidad de esta situación.

"Yo soy tu Padre Universal,  pasen buenos días".



« Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 09:48:59 am by Ron Besser »

Online prozonov

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« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2022, 00:43:21 am »
March 16, 2022. Samara. Local time 07.00. Call from the installer.
Humanity is on the brink of nuclear war. Who will be the first to press the button, who will lose their nerve first, we do not know. Mikhail Nebadonsky promised that he would not allow nuclear explosions. But above him is the Father. Only he decides what will be, and what will not pass.
- Question. Why the collective West took up arms against Putin, even the celestials. After all, he saves Europe and the world from Nazism and murderers. Why didn't you condemn the USA when they cold-bloodedly destroyed entire peoples and states. Where were you for eight years, when Bandera was methodically shooting Donbass. Do you have an answer?
The answer is, and it is only with the Father. We cannot express our own opinion.
In any case, the world is on the verge of complete destruction, because Putin intends to go to the end.
- And I support him, like all our people. If it is broken, it will be the end of Russia.
And it is true.
16 марта 2022. Самара. Местное время 07.00. Вызов от настройщика.
Человечество находится на грани ядерной войны. Кто первый нажмет на кнопку, у кого первым сдадут нервы, мы не знаем. Михаил Небадонский обещал, что не допустит ядерных взрывов. Но над ним есть Отец. Только он решает чему быть, а чему не миновать.
- Вопрос. Почему коллективный Запад ополчился на Путина, даже небожители. Ведь он спасает Европу и мир от нацизма и убийц. Почему вы не осуждали США, когда они хладнокровно уничтожали целые народы и государства. Где были вы восемь лет, когда бандеровцы методично расстреливали Донбасс. У вас есть ответ?
Ответ есть и он только у Отца. Мы не можем выражать собственное мнение.
В любом случае мир на грани полного уничтожения, ибо Путин намерен идти до конца.
- А я его поддерживаю, как и весь наш народ. Если его сломают, это будет конец России.
И это правда.

Online PJammer

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« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2022, 10:02:05 am »

It is time to declare your position on this kind of speech from prozonov.

Surely in the past you have censured for far less than this.

There are those of us here on this forum wondering why we still come here.


Offline SongatSunrise

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« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2022, 11:36:26 am »
Dear PJammer,

Please don't go away!
There are many opinions to be given about politics and world conditions. That is why Ron has allowed the Doomsday thread to play itself out. We need to hear one another's opinions.

Remember Prozenov is from I believe Samarkand, capital of Uzbekistan, and what he knows is from the news in his country. This is a prime example of how history is shaped by the media.

Hang on tight, PJammer. As you listen for truth, you'll find it.
Best always, Carole Dawn aka Song at Sunrise.

Online prozonov

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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2022, 14:16:44 pm »
Again you are lying. I live in the city of Samara on the Volga River, where the most reliable SOYUZ space rockets are made.
The empire of lies has recruited you too.
Опять вы врете. Я живу в городе Самара на реке Волга, где делают самые надежные космические ракеты СОЮЗ.
Империя лжи завербовала и вас.


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« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2022, 14:33:41 pm »
Prozonov, my dear sir, when you use terms like "empire of lies", and  other such  similar phrases,  quite honestly you  immediately lose your credibility.....   I do understand, however, that that kind of language is a result of your passion.     LarryG


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« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2022, 15:33:53 pm »
By the way Mr. P,  you wrote ...."....again you are lying...".   I just want to point out that there is a huge difference between "lying"   and being "mistaken".    My goodness, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?     Lol......fondly....LarryG

Online Rene A Duran

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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2022, 16:42:02 pm »
Hello prosonov.

 It is not my political nature to create content that contains my points of view and that these blur the dictates of the Father.

 However, let me tell you that it would be very easy, to point out what the global community sees, for example, bombings of hospitals, a pregnant woman mortally wounded, but not by the West or anyone else, the mother and her baby died, there is no justification for that.  It is a tendency to take sides when you are safe and comfortable in your home with heat and food, while millions lack all of that.

 Sanity is disturbed when
 The fine line between patriotism and impartiality is broken and objectivity is clouded by misguided nationalism.

I think its time to let this to settle dow and have some peace in our hearts.

 Thank you for your comments, and have a nice day


Online ur606

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« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2022, 17:02:13 pm »
Quit spreading your Russian Propaganda on this site.

Online prozonov

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« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2022, 00:54:45 am »
When the Hegemon collapses or when you find yourself on the mansion worlds, you will learn the truth about this war. And you will be ashamed of the hatred and Russophobia.
The road to eternity lies through love.
Когда Гегемон рухнет или когда вы окажитесь в обительских мирах, вы узнаете правду об этой войне. И вам будет стыдно за ненависть и русофобию.
Дорога в вечность лежит через любовь.
С уважением,

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2022, 01:02:18 am »
I remind everyone we agreed to let this thread run to allow discussions for the biggest interest since the cold war, and we also agreed you did not have to agree with each other, but I also remind you that political assassination is possible for all who decide the nature of another's call about what is true or not true in what is a general and dangerous European War.  I would prefer the thread did not exist but it has to for the simple reason the subject is hot and on the minds of most of us.

I say this in defense of Prozonov.  He is working under stressful conditions in Russia already and hears and reads war conditions he knows his country has done, but as his news says, it was done to protect the Mother Land.   He is patriotic and hears nothing of our intelligence reports that speaks to the conditions in different ways than he ever hears about. 

The sad thing though we both lose if we destroy anything about our discussions on the pending re turn of Jesus Christ and the peace maker he is to end conflicts of this nature particularly.  Larry, Rene, U606. and others, you certainly may point out one member is not seeing clearly and is not so nice about letting us know we are in error too.  However, this thread observer warned you it would turn this way, and I ask you to keep your invective down while the war winds onward.  If the heat gets too bad, I will declared the thread successful and  concluded and ask for no more comments on the war in Ukraine again.  It is not necessary to allow war discussions on this forum,  but I also happen to feel rather that you vent it here or harbor ill will elsewhere in the discussion forum that goes against our rules for personal character assassination.  That is about all Admin has to say at this point in time.  Thank you.  Ron
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Andre_P

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« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2022, 05:07:53 am »
Prozonov, I think you are fatally mistaken if you think that humanity will ever love its great Eurasian chieftains of more recent times (since Napoleon) who were "forced" to decide the deaths of huge masses of people "by the will of those people". This only indicates how people can be fooled, perhaps with the help of various evil spirits. Maybe Russia , as a great nation is especially prone to this.


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« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2022, 05:24:51 am »
Prozonov, Ron, and the forum membership, I apologize if what I wrote was seen as a personal attack for it certainly was not my intent.  As a matter of fact,quite to the contrary, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible.  I tried to not overstep the perimeters of the thread but alas, it appears that failed in that attempt.    I will withhold any further comment on this thread on this discussion forum.     Respectfully.    LarryG
« Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 05:34:59 am by LarryG »

Offline JuliodaLuz

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« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2022, 10:44:34 am »
Subject: To Russia with love

This is the title of my very strong and recent dream, on March 15th, just before midnight, Brasilia time. This was a few days ago. I avoided writing this message, because as you all know here on the Serara Forum, I wrote messages for world peace, mainly between Russia and Ukraine, asking Putin to withdraw his armed forces that were on the borders of the two countries. This was before the Ukrainian war. My appeals to Russia's top leader, saying in all words Putin, as well as to the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church were not heeded. At the time, Putin said, in short, that it was hysteria from the West, in my words I understood that Putin said that there would be no war against Ukraine and made a small gesture with the withdrawal of troops shown by cameras and shown to the whole world, including , I believe they were shown to the Russian people.

However, even saying words of peace, he did the opposite, Putin made war. Putin told the world and his Russian people, and I believe he keeps saying that it was and is a military operation, that it was not a war. So if his words are true, if it's a military operation just quickly get your armed forces out of Ukraine. No more bombs, no more deaths.

Why am I writing today's message?

I wrote a trilogy in homage, mainly, to the Russian people the New Age of the Universe = Love.

Why is it a tribute to the Russian people? In the trilogy there is a romantic couple, protagonist of the three books, John an American with a Brazilian father and Rita a Brazilian descendant of Russians.

And there is also the prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima that Russia will become a Christian nation. I have a connection with Our Lady, mother of Jesus, a great love for Jesus and his earthly mother. And what stronger demonstration of a Christian nation than being peaceful?

So after these comments, let's go to the strong dream I had, I don't know the meaning, I just know that maybe it's a new call for peace.

At the beginning of the dream, I was told that I was to write a chronicle with the title: To Russia with love. Then I was in a Russian city that I couldn't identify, right in the center of this Russian city, when a man appeared, a Russian athlete, inviting me to run with him in the streets of the city, getting to know the churches, mainly, the interior of the churches. At first I was a little apprehensive, but I accepted the invitation. And we did that, the Russian athlete and I ran around the city center, visiting tourist sites, and I got to know some churches in that Russian city both outside and inside. This was the dream.

I made a promise to Our Lady of Schoenstatt. When I was a kid I saw her picture in my room. If there is peace, in a short time, between Russia and Ukraine, I will visit the temple of Our Lady of Schoenstatt in Brasilia, Brazil again. More than that, I will write the chronicle with the title: "To Russia with love", with seven parts.

This is my outburst that I'm translating through Google Translate to the English language and the Russian language.

Prozonov, I respect you, and I have brotherly love for you and the Russian people, but I needed to write these words.



Post Script:

Coincidentally, today, March 18th to March 20th, there are celebrations for the 22nd anniversary of the Shrine of Our Lady of Schoenstatt.

But for really important situations, there are no coincidences in the heavens and on our planet (Earth) known in the universe of universes as Urantia, this, logically, for men and women of good will and who believe in God.

Speaking of Urantia, yes, I am following the news with the new Supreme Deity in our superuniverse of Orvonton, as well as that in the near future our planet will have another name that will be known in the universe of universes. I usually do quick reads mostly of recent news using the automatic translator.

I will try to attach the photo of Our Lady of Schoenstatt with the baby Jesus. This is exactly what I saw when I was a kid. But the image was real, vivid, not a static image, but a real image that I saw as a child. This image marked me my entire life. I already advance that I talk about this in the third book of the trilogy. Anyway, I will attach the website with the information below:


PostScript 2:

Correcting, the new Deity in the Orvonton Superuniverse is the Supreme Executive.

I humbly pay homage in silence, in thought to the Supreme Executive. I am not very good with words, but my feelings of love and respect are here recorded to the Supreme Executive of our superuniverse of Orvonton.

I am indeed very happy with the arrival of this new Deity in our superuniverse of Orvonton. With this news, I reasoned that this is great news, for in my limited human view as a human being limited in time and space that the vacuum of the supreme's suicide has brought difficulties to many spiritual beings. Now, in my view, with a new leadership of the Supreme Executive there are new reasons for light for everyone, of any celestial being or human being, or of any nature.

I respectfully submit to the will of God, Universal Father and all his representatives, Deities, and Divinities in the mission of light for the universe and for our planet.

On the other hand, I make a personal outburst, I believe that everything has some meaning, even difficulties that we eventually go through, as well as true injustices that we may suffer. The reason is to believe and trust, with all my heart, in God, Universal Father, even in eventual difficulties, even if we eventually suffer some injustice in a certain period of our lives. Jesus was condemned to death, even though he was innocent, and he with his example of life is a comfort to all human beings who may have suffered injustice at some point in their lives. The reason for the difficulties, in my view, is to believe and trust in God, the Father always, remembering that there is the possibility of eternal life for human beings who believe in God. Difficulties and injustices serve to further increase trust in God the Father, just as a child trusts his parents, so much stronger is the bond with God the father than a child with his earthly parents.

Тема: В Россию с любовью

Это название моего очень сильного и недавнего сна, 15 марта, незадолго до полуночи по бразильскому времени. Это было несколько дней назад. Я избегал писать это сообщение, потому что, как вы все знаете здесь, на форуме Serara, я писал послания за мир во всем мире, в основном между Россией и Украиной, с просьбой к Путину вывести свои вооруженные силы, которые находились на границах двух стран. Это было до украинской войны. Мои обращения к высшему руководителю России, говорящему на словах Путину, а также к Патриарху Русской Православной Церкви не были услышаны. В свое время Путин сказал, короче, что это истерика с запада, по моим словам я понял, что Путин сказал, что войны против Украины не будет и сделал небольшой жест с выводом войск, показанный камерами и показанный всему миру, в том числе и России, я полагаю их показывали русскому народу.

Однако, даже говоря слова мира, он сделал наоборот, Путин развязал войну. Путин сказал миру и своему русскому народу, и я думаю, он продолжает говорить, что это была и есть военная операция, что это не была война. Так что, если ваши слова верны, если это военная операция, просто быстро выводите свои вооруженные силы из Украины. Нет больше бомб, нет больше смертей.

Почему я пишу сегодняшнее сообщение?

Я написал трилогию в честь, в основном, русского народа Новый Век Вселенной = Любовь.

Почему это дань русскому народу? В трилогии есть романтическая пара, главные герои трех книг, Джон американец с бразильским отцом и Рита бразильский потомок русских.

А еще есть пророчество Фатимской Богоматери о том, что Россия станет христианской нацией. У меня есть связь с Богоматерью, матерью Иисуса, большая любовь к Иисусу и его земной матери. А что может быть сильнее проявления христианской нации, чем миролюбие?

Итак, после этих комментариев, давайте перейдем к сильному сну, который у меня был, я не знаю значения, я просто знаю, что, возможно, это новый призыв к миру.

В начале сна мне сказали, что я должен написать летопись с названием: В Россию с любовью. Потом я был в русском городе, который я не мог опознать, прямо в центре этого русского города, когда появился человек, русский спортсмен, приглашая меня побегать с ним по улицам города, познакомиться с церквями , главным образом, интерьер церквей. Сначала я немного испугался, но принял приглашение. И мы так и сделали, мы с русским спортсменом бегали по центру города, посещая туристические места, и я познакомился с некоторыми церквями в этом русском городе как снаружи, так и внутри. Это был сон.

Я дал обещание Богоматери Шенштаттской. Когда я был ребенком, я видел ее фотографию в своей комнате. Если в скором времени между Россией и Украиной будет мир, я снова посещу храм Богоматери Шенштатской в Бразилиа, Бразилия. Более того, я напишу летопись под названием: «В Россию с любовью», в семи частях.

Это мой порыв, что я перевожу через Google Translate на английский язык и на русский язык.

Прозонов, я тебя уважаю и по-братски люблю тебя и русский народ, но мне нужно было написать эти слова.




Так совпало, что сегодня, с 18 по 20 марта, отмечают 22-летие Усыпальницы Богоматери Шенштатской.

Но для действительно важных ситуаций не бывает совпадений на небесах и на нашей планете (Земле), известной во вселенной вселенных как Урантия, это, по логике вещей, для мужчин и женщин доброй воли и верующих в Бога.

Говоря об Урантии, да, я слежу за новостями о новом Верховном Божестве в нашей сверхвселенной Орвонтон, а также о том, что в ближайшем будущем у нашей планеты будет другое имя, которое будет известно во вселенной вселенных. Обычно я быстро читаю в основном последние новости с помощью автоматического переводчика.

Постараюсь прикрепить фото Богоматери Шенштатской с младенцем Иисусом. Это именно то, что я видел, когда был ребенком. Но изображение было реальным, ярким, не статичным изображением, а реальным изображением, которое я видел в детстве. Этот образ запомнился мне на всю жизнь. Я уже заранее заявляю, что рассказываю об этом в третьей книге трилогии. В любом случае, я прикреплю веб-сайт с информацией ниже:


Постскриптум 2:

Поправляя, новым Божеством в сверхвселенной Орвонтон является Верховный исполнитель.

Я смиренно поклоняюсь молча, мысленно Верховному Исполнителю. Я не очень хорошо говорю, но здесь записаны мои чувства любви и уважения к Верховному исполнительному органу нашей сверхвселенной Орвонтон.

Я действительно очень рад прибытию этого нового Божества в нашу сверхвселенную Орвонтон. С этой новостью я пришел к выводу, что это отличная новость, поскольку с моей ограниченной человеческой точки зрения как человека, ограниченного во времени и пространстве, вакуум самоубийства Всевышнего принес трудности многим духовным существам. Теперь, на мой взгляд, с новым руководством Верховной Исполнительной власти есть новые причины для света для всех, любого небесного существа или человека, или любой природы.

Я почтительно подчиняюсь воле Бога, Всеобщего Отца и всех его представителей, Божеств и Божеств в миссии света для вселенной и для нашей планеты.

С другой стороны, я делаю личный выпад, я считаю, что все имеет какой-то смысл, даже трудности, через которые мы в конечном итоге проходим, а также настоящие несправедливости, которые мы можем потерпеть. Причина в том, чтобы верить и доверять всем своим сердцем Богу, Всеобщему Отцу, даже в возможных трудностях, даже если мы в конце концов терпим какую-то несправедливость в определенный период нашей жизни. Иисус был приговорен к смерти, хотя и был невиновен, и своим примером жизни он утешает всех людей, которые в какой-то момент своей жизни могли пострадать от несправедливости. Причина трудностей, на мой взгляд, в том, чтобы всегда верить и доверять Богу, Отцу, помня о возможности вечной жизни для людей, которые верят в Бога. Трудности и несправедливости служат еще большему увеличению доверия к Богу-Отцу, как ребенок доверяет своим родителям, настолько крепче связь с Богом-отцом, чем ребенок с земными родителями.

Assunto: Para Rússia com amor

Este é o título do meu sonho muito forte e recente, no dia 15 de março, um pouco antes da meia noite, horário de Brasilia. Isto foi poucos dias atrás. Eu evitei de escrever esta mensagem, pois como todos sabem aqui no Fórum Serara, eu escrevi mensagens pela paz do mundo, principalmente, entre Rússia e Ucrânia, pedindo a Putin retirar as suas forças armadas que estavam na fronteira dos dois países. Isto antes da guerra da Ucrânia. Meus apelos ao lider máximo da Rússia, dizendo com todas as palavras Putin, bem como para o Patriarca da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa não foram atendidos. Na época, Putin disse, em síntese,  que era histeria do Ocidente, em minhas palavras eu entendi que Putin disse que não haveria guerra alguma contra Ucrania e fez um pequeno gesto com a retirada de tropas mostradas por câmeras e mostrada ao mundo inteiro, inclusive, eu acredito que foram mostradas ao povo russo.

No entanto, mesmo dizendo palavras de paz, fez o contrário, Putin fez a guerra. Putin disse para o mundo e para seu povo russo, e eu acredito que continua dizendo que era e é uma operação militar, que não era uma guerra. Então, se suas palavras são verdadeiras, se é uma operação militar apenas saia rapidamente com suas forças armadas da Ucrania. Chega de bombas, chega de mortes.

Por que estou escrevendo a mensagem de hoje?

Eu escrevi uma trilogia em homenagem, principalmente, ao povo russo a Nova Era do Universo = Amor.

Por que é uma homenagem ao povo russo? Na trilogia tem um casal romântico, protagonista dos três livros, John um americano com pai brasileiro e Rita uma brasileira descendente de russos.

E tem também a profecia de Nossa Senhora de Fátima que a Rússia se transformará em uma nação cristã. E  eu tenho uma ligação com a Nossa Senhora, mãe de Jesus, um amor muito grande a Jesus e a sua mãe terrena. E que demonstração mais forte de uma nação cristã do que ser pacífica?

Então depois destes comentários, vamos ao sonho forte que eu tive, eu não sei o significado, só sei que talvez seja um novo apelo pela paz.

No começo do sonho foi me dito que era para escrever uma crônica com o título: Para Rússia  com amor. Em seguida eu estava em uma cidade russa que eu não consegui identificar, bem no centro desta cidade russa, quando apareceu um homem, um atleta russo, me convidando para correr com ele nas ruas da cidade, conhecendo as igrejas, principalmente, o interior das igrejas. No começo eu fiquei um pouco receoso, mas aceitei o convite. E fizemos isto, eu e o atleta russo corremos pelo centro da cidade, conhecendo locais turísticos, e eu conheci algumas igrejas naquela cidade da Rússia tanto por fora como por dentro. Este foi o sonho.

Fiz uma promessa a nossa senhora de Schoenstatt. Quando eu era criança eu vi a imagem dela em meu quarto. Se houver paz, em curto espaço de tempo, entre Rússia e Ucrânia, eu vou visitar novamente o templo de nossa senhora de Schoenstatt em  Brasilia,  Brasil. Mais do que isto, irei fazer a crônica com o título: "Para Rússia com amor", com sete partes.

Este é o meu desabafo que estou traduzindo pelo Google Tradutor para o idioma inglês e para o idioma russo.

Prozonov, eu o respeito, e tenho amor fraternal contigo e com o povo russo, mas eu precisava de escrever estas palavras.



Post Scriptum:

Coicidentemente, hoje 18 de março a 20 de março existem comemorações de 22 anos do Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Schoenstatt.

Só que para situações realmente importantes, não existem coincidências nos céus e em nosso planeta ( Terra) conhecida no universo dos universos como Urantia, isto, logicamente, para os homens e mulheres de boa vontade e que acreditam em Deus.

Falando em Urantia, sim, eu estou acompanhando as notícias com a nova Deidade Suprema em nosso superuniverso de Orvonton, bem como que no futuro próximo nosso planeta terá outro nome que será conhecido no universo dos universos.  Normalmente, eu faço leituras rápidas principalmente das notícias recentes usando o tradutor automático.

Vou tentar anexar a foto da Nossa Senhora de Schoenstatt com o menino de Jesus. Exatamente foi esta imagem que eu vi quando era criança. Mas a imagem era real, vívida, não era uma imagem estática, e sim uma imagem real que eu vi quando era criança. Esta imagem me marcou minha vida inteira. Eu já adianto que falo sobre isto no terceiro livro da trilogia. De qualquer forma, vou anexar o site com as informações abaixo:

Vide site abaixo:


Post Scriptum 2:

Corrigindo, a nova Deidade no Superuniverso de Orvonton é o Supremo Executivo.

Eu, humildemente, faço homenagens em silêncio, em pensamento ao Supremo Executivo. Não sou muito bom com palavras, mas meu sentimento de amor e respeito, estão aqui registrados, ao Supremo Executivo de nosso superuniverso de Orvonton.

Eu fico realmente muito feliz com a chegada desta nova Deidade em nosso superuniverso de Orvonton. Com esta novidade, eu raciocinei que é uma ótima notícia, pois, em minha limitada visão humana como ser humano limitado no tempo e no espaço que o vácuo do suicídio do supremo trouxe dificuldades a muitos seres espirituais. Agora, em minha visão, com uma nova liderança do Supremo Executivo  há novos motivos para luz de todos, de qualquer ser celestial ou ser humano, ou de qualquer natureza.

Eu respeitosamente, me submeto a vontade de Deus, Pai Universal e de todos seus representantes, Deidades, e Divindades na missão de luz para o universo e para o nosso planeta.

Por outro lado, eu faço um desabafo pessoal, eu acredito que tudo tem algum sentido, mesmo dificuldades que eventualmente a gente passa, bem como, até verdadeiras injustiças que possamos sofrer. O motivo é acreditar e confiar, com todo o coração, em Deus, Pai Universal, mesmo em eventuais dificuldades, mesmo que eventualmente soframos alguma injustiça em determinado período de nossas vidas. Jesus foi condenado à morte, mesmo sendo inocente, e ele com seu exemplo de vida é um conforto para todos os  seres humanos que possam ter sofrido injustiças em algum período em suas vidas. O motivo das dificuldades, em minha visão, é acreditar e confiar em Deus, Pai sempre, lembrando que existe a possibilidade de vida eterna para os seres humanos que acreditam em Deus. As dificuldades e injustiças servem para aumentar mais ainda a confiança em Deus, Pai, assim como uma criança confia em seus pais, muito mais forte é a ligação com Deus, pai do que uma criança com seus pais terrenos.

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« Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 11:29:17 am by JuliodaLuz »
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)

Online PJammer

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« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2022, 13:38:58 pm »
For any who might be interested in a much more complete and sane explanation of the tragic reality of the war in Ukraine and what could and should be done about it, as explained by MACHIVENTA, see here starting at item 9. Genicide:
This is only one site.  There are many sites where information is coming through from our Celestials.

I for one, will be spending more time elsewhere to get the best information possible.

Wishing you all the very Best,

« Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 13:50:20 pm by PJammer »