Title: The Richness of LOVE is to be felt more deeply on Future Service
Teacher: The Universal Father
T/R: Amethyst
Date: April 30, 2022
The Richest of LOVE awaits Many
April 30, 2022
Many, many of my children have been left in this life without the one thing I wanted most for them to experience, LOVE. There are many who would give their right arms, even their lives for ME, but they yet are unable to return the Love I have for them unto Me. You see, Lucifer has taken that one thing out of your world which you need the most. And for that reason LOVE is in very short supply and has been ever since humanity first put their feet upon the soil of the planet.
There are millions who carry this deficit of LOVE while carrying an abundance of desire to serve Me. They know that the answer lies in me. Yet I tell them that even though there is some truth to that, it also lies in great measure with them and thier experience of LOVE. Had Lucifer remained out of this fray there would be but just a few who had this inability to experience LOVE to the fullest. It is for this reason I make you all this promise. For those who fall into this category of my beloved children, I hold in place for you some very special service opportunities that will put you in deep and intimate contact with those who can manifest the greatest loves they can ever experience. These experiences are needed greatly by many on this planet. After the dust begins to settle and they have greater opportunity to make their service choices, they will be given ample opportunity to not only experience this LOVE, but also to find those companions that will accompany then into eternity as their significant others in service.
I bring this transmission to you today because this deficit of LOVE is cause for some of my own to fall into depression due to their inability to feel the LOVE that they so richly deserve. I tell them that soon, in universe time, the calvary does indeed come and their assignments will be so rich with LOVE, they will indeed cry tears of joy in the knowledge and experience of my LOVE for each of them. Very blessed indeed are those who have had those experiences in their mortal lives on Urantia in these times.
When the missions are completed and the pressure lets up, they will be given their very richly deserved rewards that include service deeply steeped in LOVE, service that has never been tainted by, or ever will be, the influences of the rebellion that has caused so much pain intended to be upon them by Lucifer himself.
I give you these words today as as I watch the horizon and as I watch you, I am deeply moved by this need for all to feel my love in many different ways. I tell them all to be strong and finish the very important service that is set before you in your here and now, but know the richest of experiences await you so very soon. I leave you now in my peace and LOVE and we will speak another day.
Note to Amethyst- Please save this for future reference as it may be placed in your finished project.
Amethyst—Yes Dear Father and thank you for these words.