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The Eternal Self - Lesson One - Look Up
« on: July 09, 2022, 08:23:27 am »
Teacher: The Eternal Self
Subject: Lesson One - Look Up
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 09/07/2022 12.00pm (AEST)

Okay this is like a warm knife through butter coming here for me to sense. What is it?

Good you notice the knife is warm through butter!! Well that's me cutting through you right now. Your Eternal Self is here speaking. Oh well yes good go ahead, I'm keen to hear what you have to say….

Well yes of course you are. You are so eager to enter this realm and let me tell you it is fantastic too! While so much focus has been on Mission preparations, so little attention is given to the bigger picture you all need, and that is to look up. Stop looking down! Yes Sue, you are funny! Well it certainly looked that way for way too long! Yes well that is true and now here you are looking up and seeing a huge life ahead waiting for you to enter. It seems strange to you and to me that here you are in the finite realm and here I am in the eternal realm, both realms are so far apart in dimensions that it is difficult to relate between the two. Yet, here we are in commune to grant you that scope otherwise not given. 

This dimension I am in is truly grand and timeless. It's difficult to put it into your language, how to convey this grandness and timelessness. If you look at the Pacific Ocean, the largest expanse of water on your planet, to give some scope, how deep and involved it is on this side. And even that is not sufficient enough to describe it. Anyhow, you are aware of some aspect to this dimension already and are able to sense it from previous contacts and that is very helpful to you. What is necessary here now in these exchanges, is to encourage your finite folks to look upwards and beyond their own finite dimensions and outlook, and see that their lives are to soon merge into this other dimension of eternity where there is no time, no gravity, no noise. It is this aspect of outlook that is necessary to enable you all to look more to your eternal adventure than just the present circumstances you are mired down into. That too will pass and you know it. 

Here in the eternal realms there is so much more to look forward to as your Eternal Self grasps the sheer magnitude of Father in you. It is truly incredible. Even now as you realize this in your present tense it is quite a beautiful sense of unity you enjoy and yes so much more can be had as well. Words do not justify such a union with the Infinite Ones that abide in you. I am here and I speak, and that says a lot, even when you are taking these down while you type it, I am in your mind and in your heart as you so desire such a union because you are one with your Adjuster. That is working in tandem with the Infinite Spirit who ties us all in with the oneness of the Universal Father. This oneness abounds in the Universe I am in and it permeates everything and everyone. It is difficult for me to relay this boundless unity as you are in a world so separated in so many parts and areas that it seems so foreign to you. Yes, I get it that at some level we are in a world so narrow in its views it forgets the greater picture that surrounds it. For so long your planet has been isolated and it has not been part of the Cosmic Citizenship as other worlds have been. It will soon become one and that will take time for assimilation to take place. The shock will be imminent but necessary to enable the minds to blend better with the Universal plan Father has for all worlds of time. 

For too long you are driven into despair and loss, and that needs to turn around to see the great potential and adventure that you are designed for to follow it. Earth has been in a rather stagnant place spiritually and it needs a good bounce to wake it. Here,I tend gardens on remote worlds where it needs tending and protection. [Yes Sue, you saw it right in the dream the very thing you saw is real] and yes, my task is also training to become a Solitary Messenger as that involves much observation and reporting to the Paradise Trinity of the progress of life in the Master Universe. There is so much that awaits each one of us and it is such a journey, and here I am, so advanced to be able to speak to you, my little finite self, who is yet to enter where I am. That is a huge stretch of time to absorb for you. Here where I am, it is none of that, to me it is this beauty of the richness of plenty-fullness where there is abundance of life to enjoy in as much time to enjoy it. There are no limits, no restrictions, no real stops to the enjoyment of eternal life. This eternal dimension is so little spoken of or to, because not many could relate it well in your language, even sense it. Little Sue had only glimpses of contact with it and is aware of such dimensions and because she is capable of grasping, she is able to convey it here with you in some small way.  Here I am on the other end of the spectrum, to allow her the benefit to revisit it with her again. She is truly amazed and eager to join me. I am pleased. 

Now we are on the page of eternal dimensions, it is vital to keep you focused on it as that helps you to take one step in front of the other as you walk the finite life until you cross over. It prepares you, it enables your mind to expand beyond the restrictions of finiteness to the ever increasing infinity beyond. Yes while I am at it, I have to admit the subject of infinity fascinates me as it is so huge no one can explain it to me better than my Adjuster. The Adjuster knows our intrigue and allows the questing mind to probe at the corners of the mystery of infinity. Truly mind blowing when one contemplates as long as I do. My little Sue and my Eternal Sue are blended in mind endowment to be able to sense the bigger picture emerging all the while we are traversing our respective realities.  This again is difficult to explain and it is something our minds can comprehend in oneness of thought. Again, thought is a powerful element in the mind that the Adjuster works with to fine tune the aspect of our personality with the Father. There is that oneness that flows between us. 

Faith has a lot to do with what we do and that ties in with the assurance of Father’s presence and direction. The guidance is truly inspiring and uplifting in so many areas when one walks. There is always the allowance to be oneself and the ability also to think for oneself. Yet there is the ability to converse with the other when one loses its way. The calling of oneness is always good and beneficial as one seeks the higher self that exists. It only takes that awareness of it to unravel and make the connection. Once the connection is attuned, then the story unfolds and revelations are being made.

I make this lesson one for now as many more will follow. This will be all for now as you need a break. Good day my love. 


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Re: The Eternal Self - Lesson One - Look Up
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2022, 08:42:32 am »
Thank you so much Sue for this unique and wonderful perspective!

Much Love from your Serara Forum Family!