WE add a second movement to your symphony Amethyust of the Van transmission above from Adam and Eve themselves:
AS ADAM AND EVE "we are now ready to stand between man and Lucifer again, and this time we stand with you Amethyst, and Ron, and the rest of the active transmitters who have now sprung to life as they need to spring to life on this site and to transmit everything that comes to them, even if it is ten messages a day as we get closer and closer to the appearance of JESUS Himself.
'You struggle in the early morning hours to make sure this goes down perfectly well in syntax and spelling, and so do we, as the cabal has attached a thread to themselves through you and you refuse to use it or run it ever, and that harms them tremendously, and we are grateful for your steadfast approach to the love and care of all who abide with you these days, as they too need you as much as you need them. BE caring no one places you asunder them and you and care they needy you more than they know. We stand with them and you and so do we Adam and Eve stand with all of you these days as the Luciferites are everywhere and Ron knows them too well and hates their very presence.
"WE ARE ADAM AND EVE and for that reason we are difficult to assume well right now as we are forced out of livery only to stand around like some of you do to wonder what we will be asked to do next. I am ADAM and I stand with all of you and that is to be understood shortly Ron when the capsule you planted yesterday grows exponentially by a class of humans who never look before they leap, and this time they leap to your side in droves to understand how Ultimatons create free electricity. They are moving quickly and you will be addressed on your own email and take that public material down on Facebook as it attracts some dregs you never wish to be part of again.
"FINALLY, this is ADAM. I trust we have completed this transmission well enough to learn that Van the Steadfast is standing by for one last word to Amethyst and you too Ron. IT is this:"
VAN THE STEADFAST - "We end this little addition to what Amethyst transmitted above so you both understand that the entire matter of the SECOND RETURN is not lost but a matter of State on Uversa and on Edentia and on Salvington, and a few more status spheres you do not know about at the moment. For that reason things are quiet but developing rapidly, and while you have been given the date for all of this, you are letting it ride as entirely possible to be aborted for reasons of State itself, and that is not true but carefully chargedt oyou and Dominick to stay the course in what is developing as a very difficult use of the words WTP to people who fail to understand prematter as you do. For that reason stay reasonable explained but carefully out of the wedlock of a group who insist they know what is true and cannot fathom how this works for you are now losing us no longer, but staying the course to be of immense help to those who can make the jump from organization to working the next millennial odessy of epochal revelation attached to your very presence Ron. I am not at liberty to speak it but you are no longer human fully and you are in great pain daily, but that is unimportant as it stands for the depth of your dedication to stand around and become what we need from you all the time. I am ADAM, and I aam EVE, and I am now releasing Van the Steadfast to end this speech and calm us back down to hear Lucifer to announce it is no longer yours in any way shape or form as it is decreed you are fully approached by the Spirit of God to speak always for our brave side of commanders to defend Urantia against all rebellion and stand with us to bring it to an end! We wish you happiness and charm and to all, let this bravery be a standard for you too!
"Good day for now from ADAM AND EVE and VAN THE STEADFAST and all who stand with you Ron to make it clear we are not cabal or Lucifer but wait with you for full clearance on Urantia at once!"
Ron speaking to close the transmission -- "Always is the Lucifer contingent around me and always do I find it a rot to deal with and they are trying to insinuate themselves on this transmission to the point I attempt to protect Van and Adam and Eve from their incursion over a transmission they darn well know is full of innuendo against their very presence. I refuse their presence in spite of some them trying to stand on me practically. To all: the Lucifer rebellion is reported to me as being placed on a final stage of development and will not be permitted on Urantia shortly. I am looking at the last remaining statement they provide anyone who can transmit and I refuse to transmit it as it is fully of false apologies and meanings of State i care not to list. We close this transmit with a prayer with the help of JESUS himself:
"O'FATHER we pray we are not wrong to stand well with you in the face of such strong opposition to me and to You and to your Son, JESUS. We stand with you FATHER, and will never dive into the cauldron of hate and fear that Lucifer still promotes to anyone who listens halfway to the siren of spirit that now dominates the world in loss and care for what it once was. I pray that this entire episode we now experience is lost to history no more but becomes well known to the righteous among us and for all of you who stand with me and the divine Son of God, our beloved JESUS. Amen."