Author Topic: WHAT´S THE TIME?  (Read 11133 times)

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« on: September 22, 2022, 01:32:44 am »

Speaker: Lemuel

Subject: What´s the time?


22nd Sept 2022  07:00 Local

How many ´times´ have you asked that question in your lives? 

Many ´times´. No pun intended!

It will take ´time´ for this new revelation to sink in.

For the ´time´ being, don´t think about it, just accept it and wait to see what

transpires as ´time´goes by.

It really is tremendous! Mind-blowing! Yes! 

Don´t need to look at your watch anymore, it´s useless, throw it away!

How do we know when we have an appointment? 

Will we never celebrate another Christmas or birthday?

How do you know if your egg has boiled if you cannot time it?

Living a timeless and therefore ageless life is going to be very interesting,

to say the least. Personally, I am thrilled by the news.

How about you?


Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2022, 09:18:03 am »
Lemuel, remember how the Urantia Book says we tell time.  There is the mechanical way, and that is the running of wind up watches and clocks.  Machines do not stop telling time.
There is a second way we tell time, and that is by personality association in contact with others.  And there is a third way the human life tells time and that is the synchrony of the brain with the diurnal passages of the sun and the moon, of day and night, and we establish the rhythm of day and night as the passage of time too.

What the revelation seems to be saying to all of us, is that our sensitivity to the idea of aging is no longer problematic so much, but aging does not stop in the sense of the calendar and the day and night cycles that turn the calendar pages.  Time, to FATHER, is essentially the inability to perfect steps to our salvation without operating a step by step process of knowing something about God in our own life experiences.  I am not sure how this polarity shut down of the spirit polarity mechanism on our planet plays out that we feel any thing.  We are all so much used to day and night and the passage of day that way I doubt there will ever be a sense of time stoping in what we call an aging process.

I admit the revelation is enticing, but do not make too much about it right now.  The operation to specify the speeds of any living and aging transition is too subtle for us to ever sense it with what our senses are designed to do.

Rather, I believe this revelation is more saturated on the work of JESUS than it means much to us as feeling anything about it directly.  Here is JESUS to speak to the revelation we received  mere 48 hours ago, to use a time sense of when it was spoken:

JESUS - "I afford no one a chance to hear me these days without them sensing the passage of time yet and still.  For that reason Ron suggests that time as a sense of day and night will always be present to our senses and birthdays when and how to celebrate the beginning of life for us.  However, God the FATHER leaves no impression on standard feelings of time for he now insists he determines how WHO and WHAT and WHY you are trained to know Him better.  Learning is a time sequence.  Right?  Well, yes it is!  Learning is affected by what the FATHER did as he shut down the mechanism on Urantia which allows time to pass for learning purposes.  This is so hard for you to understand we do not even try to explain it to you, but Ron is correct to point out that the diurnal use of light and dark sequences by the sun and the moon, establish sense time yet, and no one will ever argue that tomorrow is the next number on the calendar, even if we sleep the day away for today and are not aware of its conscious alignment with your minds.

"I cannot state directly how learning is not the same these days.  You all are unaware of learning very much but the tests of time still operate but without much participation of your own selves that you really feel you learned something new.  It is new that I speak to you now.  Yet while being new it is also old as I have done this so often it is not that new nor is it  brand new revelation, and that is in the sense of duration of the new universe age.  That is a time evolution that continues for the Master Universe, but Urantia remains unaware of its timing very much.   AT least we can say this:

"Time continues in your minds in spite of the absence of the spiritual polarity mechanism missing which determines the speed of the passage of time.  Yet we warn you that true age is aborted mostly at least today or until that clock is turned back on again.  My personal view is that the FATHER has no intention of turning it back on any time soon.  I let the rest of his conjecture still ride with you, but allow that time feels to continue Lemuel, you cannot help it.  But learning is now under the control of the FATHER as to how soon and how well one learns to know God again on Urantia.  IT is slow to non existent until we learn how the REGENCY tells you new time ways to live under fully different circumstances!  K  JESUS."

Ron here - I cannot say anymore either, as the time sense Jesus allows us to hear is not much of a gauge to measure time for most of us anyhow.  I went to school for 12 years in the public system, but I do not tell time much by how much I learned although I take it for granted, I do better in life now than I did when I was six years of age.  That kind of the sense of time passing cannot help but continue, and we do not age as quickly as we once did under the changes FATHER has provided us.  Lest we forget too, the SECOND RETURN is still COMING!  That is a universal time belt still working and operating, and it is applied to URANTIA and not dependent on Urantia using its own timing in the spirit polarity mechanism.  I best leave it all alone now, for I know you get the point, but Lemuel will have to amend the idea that your watches are useless.  They are not.  Mechanistic time still prevails regardless of how it might age us by learning to do without a sense of learning something about God now.  That they the spirit are taking into their hands for future use somehow and on Urantia.  Thanks for listening and it is TIME I quit!

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2022, 12:00:56 pm »
Hi Ron, I may be wrong but it seems that it will take 25 to 50 years before one would realize that something happen to time.
Time has come up several times this week with the Magisterial Sons having to wear special protective clothing to keep time from slow absolute which I guess means that time would absolutely keep slowing down with out their protective clothing, care to elaborate on that?

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