Author Topic: The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More  (Read 11364 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More
« on: October 16, 2022, 11:23:01 am »
Michael of Nebadon
The Master Force Organizers
Subject: Who Are the Pleiades and General Speech to Urantians
Transmitter: Ronald Besser
The Magisterial Foundation Director
October 16, 2022 @11am New York DST.

[“This is the Pleiades. You learn quickly we see and this is our contribution to your say-so to your discussion list.”]

First, this is MICHAEL OF NEBADON and quote me please:

“Your trip to the cellar this morning was quick and brief, and you are quite sure the unnecessary anger and sorrow you feel is truly a reflection of you understanding your days on earth are so numbered you may not see Christmas this year– for whatever that may worth as well.

“We see they are at it again and that this is going to be a short cut to oblivion for a few of them if they persist. There will be no interference to establish this transmission from the Pleiades as you call them. To Salvington they are a help mate when they decide they owe humanity in the Master Universe a free trip to revelatory discussions about them and their civilization and people. I now provide you that connection.”

The Transmitter speaks:
I have a brief statement in which I draw from the web site as their introduction of who the Pleiades are. They show up in channel quite a bit, and currently are being spoken through channel, we estimate, but seventeen dependable channelers. I will also say I was introduced to them last night in a highly fortuitous connection that just happened without planning, and is beneficial in happy circumstances to share with you.

From the Web Site Gaia.Com
UFO researcher and auteur of, Michael Salla Ph.D. believes that off-world beings from the Pleiades star cluster are distant cousins to humans. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth’s future.

Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as “star seeds,” with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the “Sparkling Suns,” and the Iroquois petition the constellation for happiness. The Lakota/Dakota people say their ancestors are from the Pleiades.

According to the “Complete Guide to Aliens,” the Pleiades have a distinctive “Nordic,” or Scandinavian appearance, 700-year lifespans, and while they are, in evolutionary terms, still a work in progress, they are far more emotionally and spiritually developed than earth humans.

We now connect in Transmission work, and not channel work, to our friends the Pleiadiens for what they wish to say to us:

“WE are located actually six hundred light years south of that star cluster called the Pleiades. Ron loves it as it is a beautiful star shine with bright blue, diamond-like white light color and is beautiful in our sky at night as the starts start to shine over our planet called ORBARA.

“ORBARA is larger than your earth, Urantia, as you are known to the rest of the worlds up here. We are a very advanced race of humans and not spirits as that reference from the web site reports. We are humans and we have reached the stage Ron knows about you have never been fully instructed on, but we are born invisible to your eyes, but not to our eyes. This is a stage of human development I doubt Urantia humans will ever achieve as it requires centuries of observing the rules of God the Father. We do not call Him Father, but just “ALL!” ALL has no one beside Him, but we understand in your 5th epochal revelation, ALL has two subordinate Beings of equal rank. We now know there is a Trinity, which we did not know before Ron said hello to us last night.

“For reasons of State, let us proceed without further ado about ALL for the time being. The last time we spoke to a Urantia guru was in the late 19th century. We consider Ron a gurU for his advanced status allows him great latitude with who and what he is allowed to contact. MICHAEL OF NEBADON monitors this transmission, and so do we, and that is through our own Council of Elders, known in our language as the HONIADAR which we know as well as Ron does.

“The Honiadar are an ancient race of humans even older than ourselves, and Ron met them fifteen years ago through a transmission with the help of the Nebadon Creator Son, who introduced Ron to their Council, and Ron was educated on how they lived and troubles they were having at that time. Now they have been vacated from their home sphere due to it being too close to a dual son catastrophe, where their main start captured a smaller star around it, and increased the temperature far too high for humans to live on it anymore. They chose to live underground until the means of correction was determined. We do not belong directly in the Local Universe of Nebadon, but reside slightly west of the Pleiades Constellation.

“Because Ron uses a transmission technique so highly accurate we can give some numbers now:

“We as a race are over one billion years old. Humanity on your sphere is slightly less than one million years old to provide you a comparison.

“We as a corporate body of teachers who reach down to your earth have been doing so for about six thousand years. The Sumerians knew us well enough to deify us and that is excellent to read your ways Ron, as that is a capitalized word for true Deity. In any case let us continue:

“The trials we face are several with your race of humankind. Ron correctly instructs you that the species is in receipt of a major epochal revelation, but the great majority of them cannot read or write sufficiently well to absorb the abstractions of such a magnificent revelation and it sits on shelves unopened and unread. We are sure we would love to have it for ourselves and we can read it on line for our own edification when allowed to by our own Master Son, MICHAEL OF ANDORA. ANDORA is the name of our Local Universe and is about the same size as Nebadon, your Local Universe name and place.

“We conclude this with one sentence from ANDORA and that is to stay the course with us as we attempt to make friends with GABRIEL who is your BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR, and of super high spirit status who dislikes other human contacts to Urantia humans based on the near disaster of Roswell several decades ago. That is a story Ron knows fully but is called to shut down ever repeating it again for our own reasons of State we are not allowed to repeat it ourselves.

“We close this with a salute to all of you who actually gather to read reports about the state of your spiritual affairs dealing with your planet and it is Ron whom we deal well now, as he insists on truth, and not fiction in all cases. We step back and report that there is a MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER who wishes the floor now.

“We are the PLEIADES and make no promise of saying anything ever again to this august group of beings who love to research the higher reaches of universe knowledge. Thank you! K”

Ron here - Thank you oh high ones for taking the time and trouble to say hello to a small group of a Pleiades readership, as we almost all know your group  names already for long years of receiving channel from you to other groups of human beings on this planet the universe calls Urantia. We are grateful truly!

MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 414, 415, 419, 420, 431 speaking as one unit:

“The last minute decision to transmit the Pleiades was made this morning as Ron sat down at the computer and filled his Journal if for the start of today. He is usually off hand but this morning let it be known he is ready if they are. The Pleiades subscribe to the highest level of contact, but never ran into your version of channel which Ron insists is more accurate than channel and it is far more accurate, but harder to teach. For that reason several of you fight to get it but cannot realign your own will with the will of God precisely enough to make it work. One called Gitz fails utterly and is shunted off the program now. He is not useful as a transmitter.

For reasons of State, Steven Gitz remains on the Planning Commission status but MICHAEL OF NEBADON will re-evaluate its use shortly anyhow. For other reasons of State, the entire matter of WTP this morning is back on the high agenda with Ron quite sure he is being reduced to puddles of blood and tissue and that is about it. He is great pain due to a transfer of spirit energy down to his level without amelioration of the energy flow and it is quite painful on humans to do that now. Keep it out of mind Ron and you do much better with it.

“Finally, we greet the cabal now with fierce opposition to your level of chicanery and the rest of our decision will be related history momentarily. Good day. THE MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS ast your service. K/ [Thank you and most gratefully received. Ron]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Lots of trouble in reception this morning but you got through it. We have nothing further to say except you are lucky people to hear this at all as we had to clear it with the force of good on Uversa to transmit it at all. K.” [Thank you very much for these permissions Michael of Nebadon.] And good day to all.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 18:27:20 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 17:45:15 pm »
Hi Ron,

This is amazing news to finally see! I have been following Dr Salla with his Exopolitics site on a number of his sources who are able to receive from ETs. I find this refreshing to see this now being made available through you to receive in transmissions. It verifies the work of others and the information being relayed to us humans to know more about so much we, as a whole, need to be aware of. So few of us have caught up and kept pace on the various revelations, let alone to get through reading the beautiful Urantia Book we are so fortunate to have to allow us great enlightenment and inspiration.

I also am very grateful for this post and for the Pleiades to make contact with us humans who are able to receive it. This is so good. I also like to make mention also the work of Dr Steven Greer. I have watched a documentary titled: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind(available on Amazon prime video) (excellent to view) and also read his book titled “Unacknowledged”(available on Kindle from Amazon) which is a must read for all those who are wanting disclosure on the subjects he talks about. Dr Greer is also the founder for the Center for the Study of Exterrestrial Intelligence(CSETI)(p.217 “Unacknowledged”)  …. And is heavily involved in the work of CE5 contact. It is an amazing area in which people all over the world are now taking part in this and working together to make contact happen and to foster unity and peace in spirit. In Dr. Greer’s book “Unacknowledged”, Steven has mentioned the cover-ups and secrecy going on by the deep industrial and military complex also called the Cabal who are reigning a tight control on others to keep even free energy, anti-gravity technologies and so on from the public and for public use. It is also been the case where many inventors of free energy and certain technologies with their Patents were taken away or refused by the Cabal’s influence. Even your WTP Patent will also suffer setbacks and difficulties due to the Cabal who do anything to disrupt such work; and in light of Dr.Greer’s disclosure of this, it is no surprise to see that anyone with such Patents like your WTP, will hit a brick wall. This means there have been others who have tried to get free energy systems out in the past, but were not able to because a select body or Cabal interrupted and denied approval of such Patents.

It is interesting to know what is going on and reading the book “Unacknowledged” is highly recommended as it reveals to us so much that eyewitnesses and insiders are able to tell us things that have been for so long kept from the public. It is high time that disclosure of such truths be allowed and for us humans to get ready for some real innovation and free energy to propagate for the betterment of our living and for our environment. I am so with Dr Steven Greer and his work along with so many others who are wishing such disclosure to come forth as well as your WTP Patent which will incredibly be so good for what it can do. The Cabal is still there however, and it is only a matter of time that the ETs will blow it out of the water when they decide to do a big visit themselves!!!  I hope they arrive with their Mother Ships!! And no, this time,  it's not an alien invasion, but a truly enlightening awakening!!

I am amazed with the numbers Ron, they are as a species, One Billion years old and we are only one million years old. Surely we have a lot to learn from our brothers from the ORBARA and for that matter the Local Universe of ANDORA. I have a book called “The Seeders” from the author Elena Danaan in my Kindle from Amazon which I am yet to read and has been recommended reading by Dr. Salla as well. My Adjuster has got me busy reading and catching up on all of this so I can keep pace on Cosmic activity.

Ron, you have certainly received a lot in this transmission and much information is relayed to give us more to be fascinated with. I understand that such information needs to be given carefully due to the huge difference in how advanced the Pleiadians are compared to us Urantians. We have a lot to learn indeed!! Even reading the story from the Iargans (see link: ) has so much for us to be inspired by the way of life is in another world. 

I also am with you Ron when you say, “We are grateful truly!” for the visit from highly esteemed beings. I surely hope this continues for our mutual interests and advancement as well. I thank mostly Michael of Nebadon and Michael of Andora for allowing such disclosure for us to be educated so much more. 


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Re: The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2022, 02:32:59 am »
Thank you very much Ron, Sue and Amethyst, for all that information on the Pleiadians that I have had wonderful references to for some time now, such as the extraordinary book "Messengers of the Dawn" channeled by Barbara Merciniak. Another reference that I am aware of is the Pleiadian Library, which I recommend to everyone.
Thanks then to our high Pleiadian brothers for this approach to the Serara Forum through Ron and Amethyst and their offer for more help. Thanks
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Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2022, 03:28:06 am »
This actually amazing, Ron. Thank you for being able to receive this transmission. Thank you Michael of Nebadon and Michael of Andora as well for making this possible.Thank you Pleiadeans for your words. We hope to hear more from you in future. Thank you Sue for your contribution as well.

It is surprising that the Pleiadeans have been in existence for a billion years and are so advanced to the point that they are invisible to us and we Urantia humans are a mere million or so years old but yet we have been given revelation that they had to learn from as to the existence of the TRINITY.

ALL has no one beside Him, but we understand in your 5th epochal revelation, ALL has two subordinate Beings of equal rank. We now know there is a Trinity, which we did not know before Ron said hello to us last night.

Truly FATHER is mysterious and only HE knows HIS will.
What is the role of Urantia and Urantia humans in the grand scheme of things Master Universe? Only time will tell. God Bless to all.

Love and Blessings,

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Re: The PLEIADES SPEAK as To Who They Are and More
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2022, 02:28:05 am »
Returning to the subject of the Pleiadians and Barbara Marciniak's book BRINGERS OF THE DAWN, I share the link to download the book and I would like to hear comments on chapter 20: 
SEXUALITY A BRIGE TO HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, but the whole book is very interesting.
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