Author Topic: TEMPTATION  (Read 10732 times)

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Online Lemuel

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« on: October 24, 2022, 01:52:07 am »

Speaker: ARTHURA
Subject: Temptation
T/R: Lemuel
24th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

I am ARTHURA and I come to you this morning to remind you all once again
that your real worth, as a human being, is beyond your understanding, within
the context of your involvement in the upcoming Missions.

Each and every one of you, throughout your lives, have sought answers to the
eternal questions that haunt all humans from time to time but there are few
who continue searching until they begin to receive answers. You are some of
the few and that is why you are valued and admired so much.

I also need to remind you that there is always the danger of you being tempted
to change your focus onto what you think may be a better or more satisfying
pursuit. Even the most advanced of spirit beings can be tempted. You all know
the results of the Lucifer rebellion.

Being aware of danger of any kind is to be forwarned, and your normal
human instincts will generally kick into action when necessary, but the ego
is an expert in putting doubt and mistrust into your mind unless you have
learned to recognize and control it.

It is sad to see that there are some who have fallen victim to such temptation,
and yet it is understandable when, once again, the disappointment of yet
another postponement is so deeply felt. But as you know, there is a reason for
everything and one needs to be patient enough to learn the reason why and 
those who have left did not have the patience that maturity would have
given them, but they may return.

Finally, I remind you all of the utmost importance of continuing with your
transmissions for two reasons. The discipline of regular practice will improve
your transmitting and we are able to see those upon whom we can depend.

Good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you ARTHURA for the timely reminder.

Online prozonov

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« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2022, 09:59:54 am »
October 24, 2022¸Samara, local time 17.50. short call on the right.
- Please dictate.
The situation in Ukraine has reached a critical point. Zelensky can commit a crime against humanity, and Russia will be blamed. This will put an end to all our preparation for Divine missions.
Then nature will do its work and cleanse Urantia of parasites.
It was Proventin.
24 октября 2022¸Самара, местное время 17.50. короткий вызов справа.
- Пожалуйста диктуй.
Ситуация на Украине подошла к критической точке. Зеленский может совершить преступление против человечества, а виновным назначат Россию. Это положит конец всей нашей подготовки к Божественным миссиям.
Тогда природа сделает свое дело и очистит Урантию от паразитов.
Это был Провентин.