Author Topic: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022  (Read 43267 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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We announce I received documents last evening advising us the US Patent Office has issued its NOA report.  Those letters stand for NOTICE OF APPROVAL.  The Patent Office has billed us as well for the cost of publication and distribution of the patent to those who have email reception of a new patent as a service of the patent office to them.

The Wireless Transmission of Power (WTP) Besser patent is obtain a new number and archived for the public to see on demand.  They placed on notice to us they have to print it in their archive style and formalize drawings in their format.  I expect this may take another twelve (12) to forty (40) days.  Meanwhile I have immediately paid the invoice to do this printing and archiving.

What remains to be done while we wait for the public document, is the consideration of the cost of having to do the world patent.  The attorney warns that most countries in the West use a patent process and that we may accept their view it needs a patent or not to determine what else we have to do by country to install WTP. Meanwhile, the focus is to build it first for the USA as we have full protection by patent in that case. 

I cannot predict how this goes.  In essence it changes the world.  In a second guess, the entire matter of energy production is withheld not by our celestial mentors which I am most grateful to report, have fully assigned a group of spirit wardens to help protect me, us, and you, over what will become a drastic change in how energy is allocated to Urantia for daily use in the normal world of commerce and home heating and cooling.  As a result of not being able to predict how this will play out, I can offer very little numbers or figures as to scheduling build-out or proof of concept, as there is a lot to settle even before we can get to the construction of the electric utility this will take to do.

I can tell you what RAYSON told me, and that is there is now a full scale investigation on how to do this on Urantia without disrupting my life and maybe some of you as we proceed to funding first, then construction.  His issue is not to quote any numbers yet, but energy costs will plummet, and go so way down energy for those who can be serviced first, will not long consider energy to be rationed because of expense.  We estimate that your utility bill for electrical use will be about $130 to $150 per year.

Furthermore, with this patent being issued RAYSON thinks in four (4) weeks alone, it sets a line of demarcation I have not had before, and while I must find the money somehow, it is well funded in fact by the MATISTERIAL SONS however much it takes to place on the ground near York, PA.  None of this has been found on any land we have to own and no addressed yet, and the engineering feat which has to be brought into production at a cost of at least one to two million dollars.  For that reason I am dependent on celestial rewards they have never attend to as a precedence ever yet, and I must wait for them to finally decide how important this is in the total context of providing Urantia this free gift from heaven,. for after all, it was RAYSON stepping in and allowing me to address the invention into a patent for all of us to enjoy once it is in place and running a community we think should be the little borough of Dover, Pennsylvania.  That said I am sure there is a huge amount more to relate once we have established how God wishes this to proceed with man fumbling not to get it into place on the ground.

Stay tune to this web site for news that does not get printed by the mass media if and when it finally reaches the public notice.  I have little doubt I will be asked to share it for nothing and that I cannot afford to do ever, but it is so close to nothing in service cost, I need not feel guilty for charging a little to operate the planet for personnel salaries of cost of materials charges.  I am also wondering just how taxes enter into this and a lot more to speak to as we move to initiate production now that the patent is ready to go public.

Thanks for your time and interest. 
Ron Besser/
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online gcmeyer83

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 11:32:11 am »
Terrific news Ron, I will be down there with my socket wrenches as soon as its ready to put up!

Online JRL1944

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2022, 11:45:04 am »

Very good news, God is in our side, He will never let us down.
I am very happy.


Offline Lemuel

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2022, 12:10:43 pm »

Great news, Ron, and what a relief!  At last, you have a green light for WTP.

It was beginning to look as though you would never get it.



Online occerpa

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2022, 14:55:39 pm »
Congratulations dear Ron, another great triumph that you deservedly reap. Once this stage of opposition on the part of the Kabala has been overcome, everything will only be a matter of more patience and trust so that you crystallize this extraordinary conquest for Humanity. Thank you very much Ron and for Reyson the Science Officer, because if there is something that represents a tremendous relief for the family economy for the middle class, it is to be able to count on savings in electrical energy in the not too distant future. In my case here in Barranquilla, Colombia, where most of the year we need air conditioning, it is not possible for us due to the high cost of the service, but to use it about 8 hours at night and even so, in average, I am paying 125 dollars a month.
I have in mind to send our progressive president Gustavo Petro the video with the basic information of the WTP, so that he finds out about the news because he is interested in lowering the costs of this service, thinking about the solar panels and wind energy.
Again Ron, congratulations and thank you very much on behalf of all of Humanity.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2022, 17:47:15 pm »
I thank each and everyone of you for letting me know your delight in at least getting a patent on something no one else could ever dream up because no one else understand preparticles ladies and gentlemen.  Pray that this can be brought to fruition before I am removed for just being to old age without any help whatsoever to curb it back.  In any case we wait a little while again for the red tape to unwind for us to possess the patent and then see what happens, and that is not expecting much of anything, as this world is so at a loss for help it can fall on them like this does and they have no interest.  Meanwhile you cheer me up with your kind remarks.  Thank you! 
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Rene A Duran

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2022, 18:26:53 pm »
Hello Ron:

That is ine one of a kind news superb.

Lets see whats next.
I pray to all the powers to be give you all the health you need to take that endeavor to a happy realization for the of mankind. We all need you here definitely, we all agree on that for sure in this forum and upthere.

Thank you Ron for sharing those updates. 


Offline amethyst

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2022, 21:46:08 pm »
Ron--This is absolutely WONDERFUL news!!  I hope this puts a spring in your step.  Even though I am not knowledgable in science, this is a huge step forward. Congratulations to you and RAYSON!
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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2022, 14:21:06 pm »
This is great news from the US Patent Office of the Approval Notice for Electricity Over the Air (WTP) (To Broadcast Electricity Like a Radio Station).
It is very good to receive this news.


É ótima esta notícia do escritório de patentes dos EUA do aviso de aprovação para energia elétrica pelo ar (sigla WTP) (To Broadcast Electricity Like a Radio Station). 
É muito bom receber esta notícia.
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2022, 17:01:45 pm »
I believe publishing the video had a lot to do with the patent approval and I thank both of you for that once again, What a wonderful news. I am overjoyed and thank our Spirit Leaders for everything they do, and for the revelation

Occerpa had such a good input by wanting to tell his country’s President about WTP. Thank you. Occerpa, I thinks it’s a great idea, I would like to do that too with your approval, Ron. It would be a sure way to find supporters in their ambition to expedite the project for their own benefit, especially in the current situation for fear of lack of energy. I understand that international patent should be in place and politics are involved to make a move, so would you please let us know what are your thoughts about finding international supporters? Thank you, 

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Offline Albert

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2022, 19:27:06 pm »

Writer: Albert;
Namaste/ aoi   Dear Ron and you all Dear Sisters and Brothers here on the forum.
 Honor to God forever for His Name is Great far beyond all !!!
Many thanks to all  our Helpers of the Celestial Family very indeed .
My most respectfull Consideration to The Magisterial Son as Scientific Officier RAYSON and His ward but our hero Ron BESSER.
Waouhh , that is a great , a wonderfull news  my friend Ron and I'm sure there would be many most  others  that will come soon .

As a proof now, the Helpfull  Hands of God is upon us His beloved Children,  aren't Them? Let us pray and honor His Sanct Name !!! His Kingdom should Come and His Will be Done!!! Amen.  aoi.
I love HIM, HE is inside me,HE loves me, I  belong  to  HIM,WE  BOTH  are  inside a circle , and as WE  BOTH are inside  the  CIRCLE,a roof is  necessary,so then a point is  being put on the stark  and  then WE  BOTH together are becoming a CANDLE  ENLIGTHENING  the WORLD !!! aoi.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2022, 01:37:35 am »
Thank you Albert for your news.  You do good work and we are happy for your ability to keep doing this.  Our invention makes electricity less cost.  We think we can send electricity out of our company when it is built to do that with little cost per year.

I do not know how your money works, but I looked it up on the internet and the picture below shows you it is worth about 0.00023 cents to the US dollar.  You can have all the electricity by our invention you want for about 2,125 Arirary a year (if I have that spelled right.  They say that is your money but you might call it something else too).  I just wanted you to see the cost of it.

We have a great deal to do before we can place it for use around the world.  Thank you for your news and post. 

Ron Besser
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 01:42:41 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online occerpa

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2022, 02:24:31 am »
Thank you Valery for that LIKE you gave me regarding my intention to inform the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, that I have not yet been able to do so, because I am trying to achieve a more personal communication channel, even if it is with his Minister of Energy. I understand that this wonder of the WTP is nothing that can be dreamed of soon, but it will always be better to be ahead than behind. Thank you Valery and still waiting for your first poems that you promised me, take your time, I'll wait calmly. Thanks
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Offline SonsofGod

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2022, 15:36:15 pm »
Thank you Occerpa and for my surprise is that you are waiting for some poems as I though you have not indicated your interest in reply to my offer, OR I missed that post.  If so, I am very sorry. It will be not before Monday that I can retrieve those files and I will send it after sorting them out. Thank you for your interest and forum activities. I always enjoy reading your posts, and read the poem you have posted about good and evil It truly made me meditate over the issue, for if Father has all the answers and we know that He truly does, and that is always positivism then how does Father view evil? Well, that's the big question for you poet.

Blessings and love, 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Online occerpa

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Re: The WTP Patent is Approved and Ready for Issue - see inside 02 Nov 2022
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2022, 01:06:37 am »
My greetings Valery, it really happened to me that I assumed that I was waiting for you to send me your poems by mail in the forum as you expressed it, because of course, I would be delighted to receive all the poems that you wanted to share with me; Now you know that I will be pending for when you want it.
I really liked that you commented on the poetry I published about pure and impure, good and evil, which is what I am referring to, a topic that, as you say, is quite confusing and intricate. All Valery, according to my limited ability to understand, is a process of development. What we may consider sinful at a given moment, as we increase our understanding and comprehension of the truth of ourselves or self-knowledge, we tend to change the perception of things. At least I have been able to experience it that way and the means of verifying it is through discernment or our higher faculty that operates based on or in connection with our divine fragment or Thought Adjuster. The way this mechanism works is similar to how an oscilloscope works, an instrument that measures vibrational frequencies: when what we think, say or do resonates in harmony with our Thought Adjuster, the response we get is positive feedback or harmonious resonance. Valery's my idea is not to pretends to play the philosopher but to try to be responsible with the content of that poetry where I expresses that "Everything is God, that there is nothing outside of God" and as Sai Baba adds: "That is the highest truth that should be accepted by all". It is said: "The truth will make you free", however we cannot access the truth without first developing responsibility (knowledge): "There is no Responsibility without Freedom and there is no Freedom without responsibility" (Sai Baba). So we cannot say that good and bad are nothing but mental attitudes, irresponsibly. For example, based on the fact that we are bearers of a divine fragment that allows us to potentially aspire to become similar to God, we could say that we are god, however, it is not responsible to say so without being able to act accordingly. Thanks Valery
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"