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How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« on: November 07, 2022, 19:58:38 pm »
Teacher:  Bree phasing for the DEITY ABSOLUTE
TR:          Amethyst
Date:        November 07, 2022

"Hello all. This is Bree speaking with you today and I have been asked by the DEITY ABSOLUTE to phase for him to provide you some additional information about the workings of time, albeit for the human mind this is quite a lift. But these facts I expect you will be able to grasp.

"From about the year 1955 to the early 1980s, Lucifer was very active in locking in his plans by tinkering with time so that some of the Father's will would not materialize on Urantia. It was during these years that the Urantia Book was coming to the planet and Michael had planned to bring certain individuals, couples, and groups together in order to facilitate the platform that would hold up certain principals that would contribute to the soul growth of many on your planet. Lucifer saw this and used his skills to see to it that the groups either never came together, or squabbled and were not productive. He prevented couples that were to be the parents of the first generation of homo spiritus from meeting, or seeing to it that they were parted before they could begin this. People would miss each other by mere minutes but this enabled Lucifer to see to it that the timeframes of these meetings and gatherings were disrupted just enough to squelch any possibility of taking hold and completing the missions of reforming religious thought, group activities, and loving couples who were ready to bring forth a new generation of souls ready for a significant jump in spiritual evolution.

"For MICHAEL this was the last straw. All that he had so diligently worked for was coming down in dust because Lucifer had figured out how to use timing of events to sabotage the Father's will. In 1955, Urantia was poised to begin a new direction, not only because the Urantia Book was available, but also because budding souls were ready at that time to be more open to higher values that they are today. Since the early 1990s humanity had de-evolved back about 500 years. Anarchy is on the cusp of resurgence and this is affecting the ability of the timing of the missions. You see it was like a row of dominos that Lucifer put into place and it has had a very negative effect.

This in part explains why the NUA will experience time in a different way. When time in the future is interfered with as Lucifer did and affected outcomes that never had a chance to bloom, TIME MASTERS will immediately step in and back up the time and then correct the direction it takes to ensure that at least God's family will have the opportunity to experience those things they were destined to experience.

"This is just a small snapshot of how time will be managed differently, and as time passes you will be given additional information about the workings of time and how important it is that time flow as the Crreator had originally planned. Future rebellions will not have the opportunity to tinker with it again.
I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE and I thank Bree for her help with this and hope this can add to your understanding of not only how time is intended to bring about certain circumstances, but  also how rebellions can mess up the timing of events and meetings as to bypass the Father's will. I step back."

Amethyst here--I thank Bree for her phasing for us and the DIETY ABSOLUTE for this important information.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 00:10:49 am by amethyst »
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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2022, 08:04:09 am »

Good morning Amethyst,

Thank you for your post above, you give us some great information and I was
gobsmacked. And I quote:

'' Since the early 1990s Humanity has de-evolved back about 500 years. ''

That is a big blow to Humanity and I hope the Time Masters will make the
necessary correction. Is there more that we should know about? De-Evolution?
Best regards Amethyst, May God bless you.


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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2022, 18:59:11 pm »
Thanks for the post. I'm not sure what the Time Masters have in mind. They keep a lot of information close to the vest. I think what has happened, and this is just a guess, is that with all the distractions we have today in our civilizations, people have no time for reflection and thought. Their entire reality is focused on our technology, and this will slowly cause the thinking process to waste away because their technology does all the thinking for them, and this in turn affects soul growth. 
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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2022, 01:40:37 am »
Going through files from some time ago, I found this document transmitted by Mother Nebadonia, which left me wondering about the nature of her disloyalty to Father Michael's plans. But from our condition it is not possible for us to know beyond. I put this post here in this thread because I didn't justify opening a new one. Thanks
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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2022, 01:52:43 am »
The document came out as a file to download. here the full text:

The messenger is Connie Huebert
The transcript is from Susannah
When they find out all that they are; they are liberated from pain and suffering at a certain level of life, in a subtle dimension of life. I want you to find that place. Set the intention to find it with your attention. Open the door to the place where you are healthy and whole.
Mother Nature wants to help you (support you), and if you can let go and allow yourself to be helped, she will do all she can with her infinite power to get you to live in complete freedom. Trusting that all is well is another great skill to cultivate – the trust that all is well. There is nothing in their lives that cannot be successfully controlled. Every time you let go; you are trusting that something is supporting you; the Infinite All. Now we are going to let go of what is most obsessive in your life. Maybe it's fear. You are always in fear of this or that. Let's go there. If you let go for a moment, it falls into Infinity. Maybe it's a relationship. You have to be with this person. Let's go there. Trust the Infinite. Maybe it's the money. You have to hang on to the money. Let's go there. Trust the Infinite. Trust your True Self, your Infinite Self. Fear, no matter how small, means clinging to unworthiness. "I couldn't deserve this tomorrow, so I have to hold on to it now." Let's go there. "I might not deserve it for the rest of my life, so I have to hold on to it now." This is impossible. Let's go there. We trust.
Only when you really love yourself can you really love others. Then love becomes a unity that lifts them to the heights of freedom. Without the clarity and freedom of the heart, growth into higher states of consciousness will not occur. Freedom is a higher state of consciousness that allows you to live in a higher vibration.
The vibrations of your auras attract similar vibrational frequencies. But in order to attract freedom, you must be at peace with yourself. Peace allows prosperity. Living in peace is the way to become prosperous.
The truth is making its way into you through the heart. The truth is setting you free.
Loving yourself is the key to unlocking joy and freedom in relative life (physical life). Instead of the word love, you could say accept yourself and honor yourself. Value yourself and it will change everything. They will turn pain into joy. What is important is that you value yourself. That's where the joy comes; true joy.
All changes on the ground of vibration must have a sincere expression of self-love. If you continue to sincerely honor your Selves, your vibrational fields will become a fortress of Light in which you live, and move. love yourself; it is the only thing they can do to change everything in their lives. I want you to love yourself, no matter what your mind tells you, no matter what the ego tells you.
I want you to find me, the Divine Mother, in the deep center of your heart. I want you to open up that deep center field so we can live happily together; satisfy every experience you have with optimum wisdom. Then our united heart can heal, create, and release from the past.
When I ask you to trust in infinity. How does this work? You must live in the present where there is freedom – freedom. In the present you can also call on “the divine presence” – the presence in the present will make everything available to you.
The truth is that you are a divine being. You are living in a physical form, but you are infinite, complete, radiant with divinity. You are Everything. The infinite truth of your divine nature frees you from the lies of being a limited person, with limited options in life.
Be fully aware, clear and alert, about who you are and what this world can be. Don't go back, please. You must continue to lead.
The attention necessary to guide the expansion of the heart is now being released in you. Some people are leaders. Leaders care about everyone. Leaders always have to think of everyone, everyone, and I think all of you are here in that category of leadership. So they have to know these things. They have to practice compassion for those who don't know them. And then you have to demonstrate them in your own lives. I mean kindness, generosity, peace, as they create a new humanity.
We are bringing the human body along on this journey, the human body is becoming more spiritualized, more vibrant with light. They are becoming GOD human beings, which is the design of the being they are designed to be. So what is coming to Earth at this time is assistance to help you love more fully and to achieve it more easily. To create more simply, to be happy and to spread that happiness to others.
The physical form can be divine, it can be an image of God.
The physical form is your palace on Earth. It needs to be cleaned up a bit. Smooth throughout the body. You live in a palace on this planet. Those palaces are your physical forms; which you can change for yourself and thus live as divine beings in a physical form. Change for you means; live from the heart, with love, and dissolve thoughts of fear and criticism. Allow creativity. You are here to bring the world out of darkness.
You are in the process of dissolution. Let the old dissolve. It is of no use to them. Melt it into the Whole, and into your whole being. Next, allow the flow of Wholeness to recreate everything in your life with what is beautiful, loving, wise and graceful. You are melting what is useless in the flow of Divine Love that creates everything and recreates it in the image of Truth.
You are going through a huge vibrational clearing – multi-dimensional. You don't have to hold on to anything. If they do, it will be painful. You are infinite. When his infinite nature tries to cling to a small mask, it becomes uncomfortable. Break down the structures around your heart. Inwardly say: “Break, break, break”, and see them break. Imagine your heart coming out of a cage. Infinity cannot be held in a cage.
Trust your bodies. They know what to do. Let go of thoughts. They don't know what to do. Their hearts and their bodies know what to do.
We are going through a vibrational barrier with a new level of light to activate a new level of Life. The Brilliant Light is activated by billions of dynamic suns that have gathered at the center of our galaxy to create the quality of light necessary for this transformation. The divine light is the gift of this day, the gift of this time. Great Light, Celestial Fire, Divine Energy, Burning Light. Welcome him. The subtle energy bodies within your physiologies are transforming, the subtle energy bodies within you are activating. The templates within us for the New Earth are being activated. Receive this grace; and go to the next level of the evolutionary spiral, the next big step forward; towards a new way of life.
When you let go, you fall into the ocean of solutions. They swim around you, but you have to be aware of it. So we're going to have to change this planet's thinking about health, happiness, love, abundance, and freedom, until those things become the norm. I am here to change the norm. First change it on the inside and it will change on the outside. Release the pain that is around the perceived lack. You cannot release something so pervasive without acknowledging yourself as a divine being. Acknowledge your divinity. If you tell the truth, then life will honor the truth in you; giving them everything These weeds of life lived in limitation are being pulled out of you because you no longer believe that you are limited. The power of accepting the Truth is healing now. Go forward like the sap that moves through a tree, the sweet sap that keeps it alive.
Receive the glory of this new age, this new transformation, this new epoch, this new calendar. There are many ways for them to experience it. The most significant way is a new me. When they dedicate themselves to loving themselves and their bodies; then they are simple, humble and expansive beings. You are loving each other because you are One with God and this is magnificent.
This time is transcendental, I am deeply grateful for having received me. The power of this moment is that of the Great Mother of the universe, and a heart full of love is what is being activated in every person in the world and especially for you as love and care for you helps you understand life beyond the surface. You are the heroes of this moment on planet Earth. You have come here to receive this light, as an anchor.
Your lives are a significant presence on this Earth plane. I repeat; you have needs that can be met by your alignment with Divine Mother. The Divine Mother is the power that animates the universe, work in order to align with that power, so that by the power that animates the entire universe. You are under the protection of the supreme intelligence that guides the universe. You can trust this for your highest good. We are creating a new era for Mother Earth and for the entire human race.
The coming together of the human family is what is needed to heal the Earth. The union of human hearts is all that Mother Earth needs. You are one family, one humanity. When they are cured individually; your family healthy. Your hearts are the key to the healing of the human family. Every time you open deep within your hearts, you are connecting to the hearts of all the billions of people on this planet, bringing all hearts together. The human race is changing. It is entering a new evolutionary cycle. The human brain is changing. The human heart is changing. The human body is changing. Participate in it by opening yourself to the Totality. You are no longer going to use your thinking little minds in the same way that you have been. You are going to use the infinite mind; the intelligence of God. To access this intelligence through the heart center.
They relate their whole being to the Christ and become the Christ. You are moving into a direct personal relationship with the Christ, who does not always need the past to enter the present. The Christ is always present.
Attention is like the flashlight that illuminates the place where knowledge is going to be transmitted. Consciousness is huge and limitless. Its intention is to focus on a specific need so that the Infinite Wholeness can flow into it and create change, and to change untrue situations.
Confidence is a way of being. Live in trust and freedom. Keep letting go. The way to be of trust is to fall into infinity. Whatever happens, keep transcending with patience, with tolerance and with the other virtues like never judging. This is trust; keep the expansion going, this is the way to live in confidence. Only complete softening is required.
Trust, you are being assisted by legions of angels led by the Archangels who are recovering the DNA structure of the human race. If they smooth inside the eye; you can see the way the light flows within you and change this genetic code. You are learning about light and the shape of the structures of life. We are working on the most fundamental layer of the construction of the human form to heal the DNA.
The intimacy between you and me is all you need to fully ascend. That intimate relationship of love is his alchemy. You know that the changes of alchemy transform lead into gold. They have been turned from lead to gold through the intimacy of love, the flow of the heart to an object of devotion. It is not a physical object, but an object of subtle devotion - an internal object, a sensation or a feeling for me, is all that I need.
You are in a process of transfiguration. Their figures, their forms are changing. The physical form must change, and you must consciously participate in assisting that change. Smooth on the body, and then let go. When you let go; they take on enormous power like floods, as the Infinite Totality acts in their physical form, it heals the areas where the changes have been focused. The physical body is for the highest good.
The burdens of the world are influencing your perception of me and my wealth, so I am asking you to stop looking at the world. I ask you to ignore the world and pay attention to me, to the Divine Mother. This is the way to become prosperous and have a comfortable life. Abundance and freedom are natural states of the human being in life. You are bridging the gap between the old way of life and the glorious new way of life. Walking across that bridge; stay in your heart.
You are changing very rapidly, and the new energy coming into the Earth is pushing you to change. A great tool is the assertion of your own authority. You can repeat inwardly: “I am in control. I am the only authority in my life.” It is the I AM that is in control, not the ego.
You have to stop and acknowledge that you are doing the best you can and that Divine Love is at work. The Divine Beings will solve it. You must make the first effort. When your Divine Self sees it, Grace takes over and brings a beautiful result. So do not be afraid of what is happening around you in the world. Send him your love. We are not here to do anything but love. And if they cannot love, their tasks are to dissolve what prevents them from lo Once you have a plan or an idea, don't set limits on it. We are going to grow beyond even what we have thought. In this way, you will connect to others who will amplify your plans, your ideas. We have to keep expanding the ideas now. Without small limits, without thinking small: “This is my idea”. You cannot have these limits. We leave them far away for a better world, a larger plan. I want you to know that you are in the evolution of your physical bodies; the human body – not just yours, but everyone's. The human race has to intervene in its divine destiny. The physical human body has to come into its divine template. The beauty of this moment on Mother Earth is that there is the light necessary to activate the DNA in human form and to set you free.
I am trying to teach them as a regular activity; to soften through all the points of your attention, so that you can perceive the infinite source in everything – at the same time that you perceive the border or the limit of that point. This allows them to identify with their freedom and creative potential, and to live in union with God. This changes everything for you. You will no longer be trapped in suffering, you have access to all solutions, referring to your Infinite Self which contains all the infinite intelligence you need to live life. Small intelligence has a limit, it perceives only a short vision of life. When you can soften through it all and experience the source of yourself, whatever solution is needed to resolve that point appears and becomes available to you. Another beautiful thing that happens when they go soft; it is that your physical body heals – trust yourself. Physical points are opening towards the infinite source. It is moving the life force in the physical points, simply contacting the infinite source, softening and expanding. This infinite flow of energy; not only moves the life in their bodies, but corrects the imperfections, removes the blocks, makes them stronger and more vital.
As you connect with your True Selves and recognize that you are infinite, expansive, and One with God, you will realize that you have many possibilities and solutions. Your Divine Intelligence can select the best solution in any circumstance. I am training you to learn to behave like a divine being and stretch your divinity and embrace your whole being. Tell me how can I create with you? I want you to align your thoughts with my way of thinking, that your perception of the situation is my perception of the situation.
My energy is coming fully here on the planet now at the June solstice.
The attention necessary for the expansion of the heart is now being released in you. I am healing the planet with my Light. There is a very powerful infusion of my energy and Divine Love these days. It is the opening of many currents of Light to embrace Mother Earth that come from the depths of my infinite heart. Bring more energy of Divine Love into the planet; it will cause there to be more transformation, more opening of the heart, more purification. This is the meaning of this day. The best way to receive is to be in union with me. Do your spiritual practices and receive me. The power is within you to transform yourself and your planet. Accept it.
Use your infinite power for all that is good, because only good can be used from the heart. This is where the Divine Mother comes into play. This is the reason why the Divine Mother is the Mother of the universe, she loves her children, and she will never harm them.
You must become allies of Divine Mother. I love. I am pulling you with my love to let go of all the pain of separation and recognize our union. You must accept the immensity of it; accept how you are and expand into your larger field by being larger. You are remembering that you are infinite, connecting to your true self that is free.

"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2022, 05:39:44 am »
Dear Ron!
I have a question about memory.
We know from The Urantia Book that on the mansions world a person can recover his memory under certain circumstances. Morontia memory, for the physical memory files will die with the brain.
Question about people with dementia.
I watch the process of disabling or destroying memory files on a daily basis. Michael Nebadonsky promised my wife that she would go to the mansion world. Will her memory be restored, what information remains with her soul and personality after brain death.
Thanks in advance.
Sincerely, Prozonov
Уважаемый Рон!
У меня возник вопрос о памяти.
Из Книги Урантии мы знаем, что в обительском мире личность при определенных обстоятельствах может восстановить свою память. Моронтийную память, ибо физические файлы памяти умрут вместе с мозгом.
Вопрос о больных деменцией.
Я ежедневно наблюдаю процесс отключения или уничтожения файлов памяти. Михаил Небадонский обещал моей супруге, что она попадет в обительский мир. Восстановится ли ее память, какая информация после смерти мозга остается с душой и личностью.
Заранее спасибо.
С уважением, Прозонов

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2022, 09:53:09 am »
Hello Prozonov.  My father died of Alzheimer disease which had totally removed all of his life memories including where he lived and who his family was.  He died alone and without one sense of his feelings of even despair.  I mention this to give you an example of what happens when a person who has lost memory in his or her life on our planet, because Michael of Nebadon allowed me to speak to my father months after he was resurrected and living a conscious life on the mansion worlds.  Here are the Lord's comments to me:  (My father's name was Edward)

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Edward died without gaining consciousness at his death.  He slipped into a coma that killed him and he left earth without incident.  The mind disease you call Alzheimer is without mercy, and claims so many.  You are speaking to Prozonov now who has or is losing his companion of so many years due to serious senility.  Edward had trouble remembering anything when he was awakened on the mansion worlds.  Prozonov's mate is not ever going to have those memory problems Prozonov, as she is truly wide awake and well with her Adjuster and her heart beats very well.  The problem in America more than Russia is that Edward was drugged all the time to keep him in bed for he was restless and had to be put back all the time.  Your friend and partner Prozonov is not dying so much as failing to understand what has happened to her.  The brain in her lets her know it knows but she cannot think to reason where she is in life.  IF she passes her resurrection is reassured, and her memory restored mostly, and that is because she has no disease but a lack of neuron connections that work to access her memories right now.

"I conclude my remarks through Ron that this post is out of order for the subject discussed but it is too important to let it not be answered.  IT should have had its own thread opened; however, Prozonov you are so disheartened over the situation you live with and have to help with, you almost could cry.  Someday more help will be needed and you know that but for now carry on with what you have decided to do and let 'God finish it His own way.  She will NOT  have memory loss when when she arrives for life renewed again on our mansion worlds of today.  Than you.  I am CHRIST MICHAEL, and blessings to you Prozonov and good best wishes to survive the terrible disasters coming, we think, to Urantia.  K"

Ron - Prozonov, due to the Alzheimer disease it literally wiped out the memory cells in my father's brain, and memory had to be reconstructed by the Morontial Supervisors when he arrived there.  We know very little about the Supervisors, but they are vital to the resurrection of loved ones, and today my father is still confused who he is and what life he lived with his family on Urantia.  HE has had to learn by people telling him what he did on earth, and relies on the people he worked with and planned with and they have helped him tremendously to recall something of who and what he once was.  Your friend is not so bad that way.  Your companion does not have her memory cells lost, but has lost the communication between cells in her head and that leaves her with a blank, and no recall.  It is a situation which life everlasting with remedy.  You are not alone Prozonov, and I am willing to be you, when your time comes, will see here again and provide a lot of memory back to her if she needs it.  God indicates she is resurrected with almost everything remembered again and that is lucky her and happy for you.   God Bless.

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2022, 10:38:11 am »
Now let me say something which concerns me and I wonder if you Amethyst have not thought of this yourself?

In the 1950's which were my teenage years, Lucifer was in prison awaiting more hearings over what he had done for far too long and far too free to do it.  I tend to believe with you Amethyst, that the Lucifer influence behaved as you describe it, but perhaps to remind you and the rest of the reader's here that Lucifer was not free to do anything, as the Ancients of Days had him fully locked up on a prison planet, and they interviewed him there so there was no escaping out of his prison condition.  Stored with him in that prison was the one called Daligastia.  Daligastia could be interviewed without harsh speech, but Lucifer railed against the Ancients of Days to the point they let him lie in his own debts in his prison cell.  Spirit does not have a prison like we do, but it is, still, prison.

"Daligastia told the Ancients of Days that he, Daligastia, was no longer a Lucifer member ever again, as Daligastia discovered that Lucifer had interned children on Urantia if they died young.  HE destroyed close to one million five hundred thousand of their souls and was stopped by Daligastia from doing it further by Daligastia hiding the fact of their internment.  I digress to this information only to say to you that the present situation on Urantia, is that the seraphic rebellion, and the remnants of the Lucifer rebellion which still influences Urantia, has claimed close to 4,000 new souls who were to be resurrected and denied them access to the mansion worlds by clearing out the Urantia grid so they could not use it to remain alive.  This has been corrected now, but it remains a touchy subject with the Lucifer specialists who even watch me with slanted eyes to obey their mandate not to allow the Lucifer rebellion more fully influence even what we are doing.  Shocked?

"This is not to suggest to your Amethyst you are not doing God's will.  As a matter of fact all of those who do hosting, or did it at one time, have never been in error and have fully reported everything within God's will.  However, there are times controversies erupt here which I try to mow down before they become taking rigid sides against each other, and that is the division seeking Lucifer influence so many adopt when they feel threatened over beliefs.  Nonetheless, the 1950's were something of a hey day for the Lucifer people and they did ruin many chances for peace and were delighted with the cold war and the Russian and American competition over nuclear weapons and the space race.

BREE SPEAKS:  "I am delighted Ron can bring this out to you Amethyst.  He is not happy you got a bit of it right and some of it, well, wrong.  You are doing what you think is best, but recall you are having trouble connecting at all.  Occerpa and you believe pretty much the same thing, but Ron knowingly lets these things pass, as he had the opportunity to witness Caligastia speak in the court of the Ancients of Days through what Ron call a video tape of the proceedings played for him by the Ancient's of Days.  He recalls the clothing Caligastia wore vividly, and that was a dark smock, with what you might call fine needle work of what might be called pink roses on a green stem that flowed down the button front.  There were no visible buttons but the contrast of black and rose struck Ron as particularly sad as it showed a sensitivity he could not comprehend about Caligastia.    Nonetheless, Ron was seated in the visitor's gallery, and noted that Michael of Nebadon was on a bench some distance from him with others of his staff, as he was the Creator of Caligastia and Lucifer and was there to see and participate in the trial of these apostate sons.

"I tell you this Amethyst and Occerpa, because I was there too.  In those days I was a Seconophym  and it was my duty to see to it that the doors to the court room were sealed tight and no disturbance could take place.   Caligastia's trial came after Lucifer stormed out of that Court room months ago, and was suddenly terminated as he waited for the doors to open to admit him back to prison.  But the FATHER  did otherwise.  Lucifer looked surprised!  He threw his hands up over his head, and instantly disappeared from sight leaving a small garment he word over his head at time the only thing left of what was once a powerful spirit.  The same thing happened to Caligastia much to his horror too!

"You Amethyst need a course in helping others see clearly.  You took my dictation fully and well, but you are liable to get upset with anything to do with reporting on Lucifer or others of his ilk.  Let me return to you Amethyst, and this time receive me cheerfully, as you are morose all the time lately and need cheering up.  Your move to your sister has you upset as it ends the life you knew for so long, and you are not sure this is the best thing to do anyhow.  But you, like Ron. have aged greatly in the last few years, and Ron is fully aware he is not happy about that at all but has no choice.  Neither do you.  However, let it be known Amethyst, you need to cheer up a little and rescind the move not, but listen to your inner being discard the fears you have over moving and allow it to show you it is a new beginning, safe from harassment from you know who, and to find peace and tranquility with a part of the family you are at ease with.  DO NOT INCLUDE THAT OTHER SISTER PLEASE!

"In conclusion Amethyst, your transmission of BREE was really fine, but you are locked into a stupor over much of this reporting because of unremitting fear.  Ron notices it quite often, and I notice it all the time, but you and he agree one must let the other finish their work their way, and he supports you fully in that manner.  However, also learn that I BREE. have no such concerns for you or Ron as this must be finished fairly and well and we are all sure that Amethyst and the rest of you have a good time coming when all of this crap is discarded and you can get on with doing the will of God as it should be exported to a very, very, poor planet by the name of URANTIA.  K"

This is Ron, and we thank you very much BREE for letting us know this.  I am of course in great memory of that tape I was allowed to view and thank the ANCIENTS OF DAYS for their kindness to allow me to retain that information.  It is very helpful to get a mental picture of just what happened and   the mystery of their execution as they walked out so sure of themselves and left with a rag of theirs on the floor.

Occerpa, it would help so much if you fully agreed with the FATHER, that Mother Spirit no longer has a voice in our universe.  She was fully removed not all that long ago for insurrection.  You are a type of revolutionary yourself but have great control over your feelings over injustice.  Mother Spirit is no longer that.  She defiled the Local Universe of Nebadon, and even damaged me, and I still pay the price of paralysis of her hatred for what is still to be done for JESUS and the MICHAEL MISSIONS, and the MAGISTERIAL MISSION.  That transcript has some age on it too which you posted above.  I do not recognize it as Teaching Mission, but it reads like one of their transcripts always do and Hubert is a name I know as Sire Hubert Wilkerson of the razor blades manufacturer boss.  Hubert is a family name most unusual to see elsewhere.

BREE HERE - "I am now a MIGHTY MESSENGER,  and I work around Ron to keep him well done in spite of the horror of paralysis so fully painful he can barely walk without wincing.  He loves all of you but refuses to allow these mistakes to continue without at least saying something about the victims of the misinformation the present rebellion insists on confusing you all with.  Mother Spirit is persona non grata  and is considered insane.  Ron correctly attributes this  insanity to the lack of a mind element the time spirits need to regard the creation well and that element to their minds was removed when the Deity of the supreme destroyed itself.  Suicide.  We agree is is a mind disjunction and all the seraphim felt it and those supreme seraphim in particular could not correct it and went into an insurrection still argued as incomplete but done for.  I am BREE and you are most grateful for me telling you all of this ron, and we are glad to let you know I am authorized to speak further.  If you would now go to the next editorial page, I will speak.  thank you.  BREE"

Ron -  I cannot go there fast enough, and folks see the next page please.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You Ron are excellent as I want to hear this too!  Michael.  K"

END see next page.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2022, 11:08:08 am »
Many thanks to Ron and Christ Michael. I will believe that it will.

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2022, 11:12:13 am »
Do not just read this page.  See the post above this one, as this is page 2 of the above post.  Thank you.  Ron

NOVEMBER 11, 2022

BREE, The MIGHTY MESSENGER so recently discharged from being a Seconophim -
"I am BREE and am being treated royally by the best transmitter I have ever read at least.  Last year Ron you received an honor award that still prevails over your head in spite of the ANCIENTS OF DAYS decreeing to take down all your lights because you railed against a high spirit known as Lanaforge not, but his name stands as your hatred of evil and you let him have it too.  In any case nothing is restored over that issue yet and nothing is mattering to you yet as you are fully discharging all of your duties in spite of a huge effort against you to calm you out of existence entirely.  That will never happen and the Lucifer rebellion hates you as does the Caligastia branch which somehow survived somewhat on Urantia itself.

"People you need to read this with some chagrin.  This web site battles to keep things right and well but ha been hit with an insurrection of your own by people who refuse to cooperate regardless of the need for your full compliance with the Father's will on so much of what is produced here.  You are all subject to the Father's will, and for that reason some of you fail entirely to understand there is nothing left of Urantia, and that is ours to let you know right now!

"The FATHER has decreed that Urantia is now left on its own until the divine Missions appear on it.  Ron is almost sick to death over what has happened and is well enough to say so to his Planning Commission.  However even taht august body loses it as Phyllis is too ill to work, Gitz is too inebriated to treat it seriously,  and the rest are doing hard work to make it work and that is not only funding, it is also working to accept the notoriety this patent will bring Ron and the Magisterial Foundation.  That patent will be famous for years to come because it sets out an entirely new way to treat preparticles, most of which is a secret science to most of you but not to Ron or Gabriel or Rayson the Magisterial Son of record as the Science Officer of the coming Magisterial mission. 

"As a resolve of this, the lights on your head just winked on and stayed on Ron, as they did not forget hem, but now resolve to restore them so the Caligastia branch of the Lucifer rebellion know who they are dealing with and they say they are not impressed, but they should be as another has winked on as honoring bravery under fire.  You are fearless and destroy anything they offer quickly.  Lest we remind not, the entire matter of the Magisterial Foundation is still wide open and founded to work its tail off to get this done!  Ron, take your glasses off soon as those eyes will be back to normal soon too.  To all this is BREE and the following you need to know.


"Last year the world entered a precarious situation.  Three disturbances appeared in heaven and today they are all but done except for the Vorondadek exposition.  Urantia turned its back on Ron, and so did some of you, as he is considered by the Urantia Foundation to be insane and the UAI as totally incompetent to hold forth of wireless electricity.  Well now the table is turned and the FATHER has decreed it, wireless electricity and other things, are to be done and done well with Ron at the head of the team to do it.  That should make some of you very happy, but Ron is badly injured and waits for help that never comes, and that is never fully explained but it ends soon with rejuvenation over other issues alone.

"Urantia has had a dispensation change.  Have you forgotten that already? You are not in the Jesus dispensation called the 4th epochal dispensation, but rely on the new dispensation, the 5th epochal dispensation.  There is reason to believe even this can be questioned as the 5th anymore but that has not been declared one way or the other just yet.

"Urantia is also shown the door for its awful behavior in the midst of famine, pestilence, and now war.  Lastly the planet has shown itself to be in a precarious physical condition.  All of this leads to a declaration made by the ANCIENTS OF DAYS yesterday, the 10th of November, that URANTIA is now an apostate planet once more and must be adjudicated as thought it was never an inhabited planet of God knowing individuals.  It is now recorded that Ron has shocked millions with his tapes not, but by his writing about preparticles so well they are beginning to look at the statements he has made and believe me has more to say if paralysis does not claim his life next.

"Urantia is lost to the worlds of favor in all of this due to another pact the religions on Urantia are now codifying as truth and that is that Jesus calls for the resurrection of the elect.  There are no elect!  Ron qualifies but stumbles not but the rest tend to and we dare not count on them for anything.  Dominick you are saved by the bell over your persistent work with Ron to keep things out of trouble and going as well as you can manage them. 

"Finally, this is MICHAEL OF NEBADON:  I am sure this report is ready for prime time but we have suddenly been called to shut this down."

Ron:  I comply.

PS - This is far from done but patience until when . . .
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2022, 19:11:41 pm »
I read your posts thoroughly and well and agree that I have been down in the dumps a lot lately as I am just too old to maintain a house with all the work and money it requires to keep it going.  There seems to be a new problem every day to tackle and I am just worn out. However I had a hearty laugh when I read that I was to stay away from my other sister as it is so true, she is a typical born again evangelical Christian and never misses an opportunity to pass judgement. The one I am going to live with is very much like me and we can share a great deal.

Ron-you mentioned on a recent call that the Regency was in place. Is this still the case now that our planet is given the recent adjudication?  
« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 19:16:58 pm by amethyst »
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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2022, 00:45:54 am »
Prozonov receives my greetings and appreciation. I am writing to you after having read the exchange of messages between you and Ron in relation to the suffering of your dear wife and I can put myself in your place and understand your suffering. Unfortunately, the offer of medical treatment for the loss of the mind (memory), is practically nil, and just as we can verify, the hope that is offered to us in this life to improve or alleviate this terrible desease once installed, but a lot of patience until reach the mansion worlds. According to the UB, the loss of the mind conditions the loss of the soul, which I interpret as when contact with the world is lost due to senile amnesia, the soul cannot operate in the body and departs.
As a little hope, I take the liberty of telling you the following: When I was in charge of the nursing home in Bonaire where I worked for about ten years, I asked the family of a patient with Alzheimer's to allow me to try the intravenous use of Hydrogen Peroxide, and the results were amazing. This is a very popular product for disinfecting wounds, but it is very little known by the indovesous route, possibly because no company could patent it and it is extremely cheap. Well Prozonov just wanted to share this concern with you in case it might interest you.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2022, 01:18:43 am »
Thank you Ron and thank you very much Bree for the attention to my post, I have understood very well the explanations and the call for attention in this regard and I will take it into account. The case was that I found the teachings in the document very informative and practical and I wanted to share it. Any other imprudence that I could have committed with that publication, I had no other intention. However, Ron, the description you make of me as a revolutionary kept echoing in my ear and it reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years ago inspired by a passage from the UB where I read that on that hero's journey where he risks until he loses his soul in order to save her. I am going to publish here the poetry because I gave it the title: Spiritual Guerrilla. thanks
No me mueve ser un pastor de fines de semana
Conduciendo y evangelizando a mansos corderitos
Sino el líder intrépido de corajudos aventureros
Que dispuestos estén conmigo hasta de perder su alma
Con tal de que al final de la aventura, victoriosos, salvarla

En estos tiempos complejos que vivimos
Sentarse a la espera de un redentor del cielo
Que nos tome de la mano y nos libre de todo mal
Es, por decirlo de la manera más bondadosa,
La más solemne estupidez

Ha llegado el momento ahora de mandar al diablo
A quienes durante tantísimo tiempo
Con balandranes de colores opacos
Presentándose como los más santos y puros
Nos vendieron el gran fraude de la religión

Despierta hombre, levántate de ese sueño comatoso
Sal y asume tu verdadera identidad
Como hijo del hombre con naturaleza divina
No malgastes tu preciosa existencia
Encadenado a la rueda de nacimiento y muerte

Ámate a morir y aprende a conocerte a ti mismo
Pues sólo entonces descubrirás por dentro
Lo que por tanto tiempo por el mundo
Buscabas azarosamente por fuera
El autoconocimiento es el conocimiento de Dios

I'm not moved by being a weekend pastor
Leading and evangelizing meek little lambs
But the fearless leader of courageous adventurers
That they are willing to be with me until they lose their soul
Provided that at the end of the adventure, victorious, save her

In these complex times we live
Sit waiting for a redeemer from heaven
To take us by the hand and free us from all evil
It is, to put it kindly,
the most solemn stupidity

The time has come now to send to hell
To whom for so long
With dull colored sloops
Presenting themselves as the holiest and purest
They sold us the great fraud of religion

Wake up man, get up from that comatose dream
Come out and assume your true identity
As a son of man with divine nature
Don't waste your precious existence
Chained to the wheel of birth and death

Love yourself to death and learn to know yourself
For only then will you discover inside
What for so long around the world
You randomly searched outside
self-knowledge it is the knowledge of God
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: How Lucifer interfered with time in the 20th century
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2022, 09:48:12 am »
Thanks to