Subject: Parent and Child
T/R: Lemuel
18th Nov 2022 07:00 Local
Those of you who are parents have experienced what parenthood really means.
It is a tremendous responsibility that calls upon all your virtues as you learn
to be a parent, and although you may receive help and advice from others, it is
you who have to deal with the demands that parenthood brings.
In the beginning, is the joy of welcoming your child into the world and
seeing how quickly they grow, within your tender loving care, as you also
watch them take their first steps. How quickly time passes. They are babies
for such a short while.
It comes as a complete surprise to most of you when you learn that you have
another child within your very being, your Soul. I capitalize it because it is
the Soul that is destined one day to fuse with your Thought Adjuster.
All children need tender loving care, of course, and your Inner child also,
but the nurturing and nourishing of your Soul is of a different kind. It thrives
upon all the loving thoughts you have, all the precious words you speak, and
all the caring deeds you perform.
This also is a tremendous responsibility but it is the only way of assuring your
Souls survival. You have received Inner guidance all your life from your
Thought Adjuster to aid you in this, as He too, wants nothing more than to see
your survival and accompany you to the Mansion worlds where one day your
fusion will take place.
Whether you have earthly children or not, you are all parents of your inner
child and it is this child that needs the most attention. I can see that all of you
are loving and caring parents of your child. May you always be.
Good Day