Author Topic: A Night Before Christ Mass  (Read 19087 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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A Night Before Christ Mass
« on: December 24, 2022, 19:04:03 pm »
Twas the night before Christmas  when all through the house, not a transmitter was receiving, not even Ron Besser's computer mouse.

Freshly baked loaves and smoked fish were hung with care. In hopes that Jesus Christ would soon be there.

God's children were nestled all snug in their beds ; while visions of the Second Coming danced in their heads.

With Amethyst asleep in her curlers and Lemuel having a eggnog nightcap, we all said goodbye to our circuitry for a long winter's nap. 

When out from the pier arose such a clatter, we all sprang from our beds to see our once disbeliefs shatter.

When what to my wondering eye did appear, but a fishing boat pull up with twelve men no older than thirty in year.

With a man of pure light standing at the helm, I knew in a moment it was our brother Jesus returning to us home !

He told them to drop anchor and called them by name ; On Peter, on Andrew, and sons of Zebedee ! On Philip, On Nathaniel,  On Matthew and Thomas remember to give as you have received and that means for free !

As we drew from the window and were turning around, there were Jesus and his apostles had entered our abode without even a sound.

He was dressed in white linen from head to foot, and so too all his disciples smiling back us with that same joyful look.

A wink of His eye and a nod from His head, soon gave us an acknowledgement that he was never dead.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to work, filling our hearts with comforting thoughts that we all understood.

Suddenly they received a signal to return to their boat pulled up on dryland. And away they sailed to once more make fishers of man.

I heard Him exclaim, " My peace I leave you for all my flock have a goodnight. You will see us all again, but for now we must take flight."

From Ghost Dancer and my Father Fragment,  I hope you all enjoyed. Merry Christmas. 

Online SophiaVeronica

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Re: A Night Before Christ Mass
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2022, 20:48:26 pm »
How nice to come up with this "Forum version" on Clement C. Moore's Christmas poem. I discovered this poem long ago in a wonderful Christmas brochure during a visit to the USA and it has been one of my favorite Christmas rhymes ever since. Clement Moore first read this poem to his children on Christmas Eve in 1822 and I believe it is called "A Visit from St. Nicholas." Thank you Ghost Dancer, beautifully done. A blessed Christmas to you and everyone on the forum.
