Author Topic: Be You An Empty Pitcher  (Read 11606 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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Be You An Empty Pitcher
« on: January 15, 2023, 12:27:03 pm »
This is Ghost Dancer, I address you TARKAS since you have stepped forward to provide us through Ron Besser this refreshing news that the cabal has been wiped clean from our planet Urantia. Who then is to help us get rid of the cabal ransacking us from within ? As we are all here of origin, judged matter as humans ? The very cosmic body of Santania where we all live in and are ?

This is TARKAS, and I do thank you for this question that does still appear to plague most of you here that appear to be living in the flesh on this very nursery known as Urantia,  and are yet to be reborn of the spirit. Let me then Ghost Dancer reply to your enquiry  in a way and language that you can all understand  ?

I will to use as my reference point the well known story of Jacob's Well found in both your Bibles and your Urantia books. As you have read, Jesus said to the Samaritan, " woman, I thirst, can I use your pitcher to draw up this water that is everlasting ?"

What Jesus meant by that empty pitcher is the very well within you all that begs to be filled with the Father's Will, which is also His blessing for mankind or like you have stated in your question,  judged matter. That famous apple that Eve bit into sharing it with all mankind made you all aware only of what appeared to be outside of you and no longer the Kingdom of Heaven within,  thus your new found nakedness or empty vessel.

You are this empty pitcher only as long as you believe it to be so. Free yourself  then from bondage of your thirst or emptiness for God. There was never a lock on your prison door, but your very thought that there was so. You need only let yourself  be filled by this living water by taking no thought for yourselves or rather everything outside of you.

Ask again and you shall be refilled again. But only by being reborn of the spirit, God's empty pitcher or vessel by being humble and meek and not being full of this self of delusion can you then know again of your fullness in Him, of Him and always with Him.

This is TARKAS and I bid you all a good day with a little help from JESUS Himself. Be at peace for now.