Author Topic: The Tree of Life  (Read 11294 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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The Tree of Life
« on: March 25, 2023, 19:52:03 pm »
This is Eve The Material Daughter here to speak to you along with my husband Adam The Material Son by my side always. We have come together  to speak as one through this transmitter Ghost Dancer. 

Rather than dwell on that infamous moment you  all know us from when we partook of the famous apple that got us kicked out of paradise.  We would like to share a lesson on what life would have been and still can be here  on Urantia if we had stuck with the Tree of Life instead.

Genesis 2:16
"From every tree of the garden you are definitely to eat."

Now, now we can hear you all growning on such a fantasy, as if all of you also had just taken a bite into a sour apple. Indeed the bitter taste is and was everlasting, let me assure you.

Genesis 2:17
"But from the Tree of knowledge  of good and evil you may not eat, because  on that day on which you eat from it you shall surely  die."

We speak only of this version of temptation  rather than the one in the Urantia book only because the first is more well known than the latter. And we indeed want to expand our reading audience  past the collective few that we have now, with all due respect. 

But what then inquiring  minds might ponder was the big difference between all the trees and the one that was forbidden ? Indeed that knowledge for some of you at this time is being offered in this very lesson.  But only if you are willing  to let go of what you thought was true, to partake or exchange  with that which will set you free at any moment if you choose it ?

What we're offering is a kind of fruit that you've never tasted before. Likewise we're  asking you not only to open your hand to receive it, but open your minds to it's  delectable savor.

I'm now to speak of a spiritual food and not one of material. You see to partake of the Tree of Life is to wholly depend on The FATHER'S uninterrupted  perception of truth and goodness  for you. Because back then humans were as innocent as doves, you see innocence is an attribute of GOD, the FATHER  and so it was and still can be an attribute of His children,  if they so choose right.

The forbidden Tree closed the door to knowing the truth that would set you free, so to speak. And instead opened the door to perception  of themselves  and the temporal world around them. Much like a tourist visiting a new country with no maps or guides.They did not know whether it is safe to drink the water or what street would lead them to a safe house or hotel. Lost in paradise,  yes. The people from then on had to rely on their physical senses. 

We have all been there. Indeed that is our common ground we share as Adam & Eve with you all. You need only turn on a television set or open up a newspaper these days and wonder what has this world  come to ? Where has love gone to ?

We are here to share a secret. Love has gone nowhere, it is you that have gone astray. I would like you now to to take that word nowhere  and create  a space between the letters w and h, both  on a piece of paper and in your minds class. Now repeat after me and say, Love Is Now Here.

This my children in GOD is both how you can receive again  the fruits from the Tree of Life and how this transmitter receives our voices as if we're standing right next to him.

This lesson is over. This class is dismissed for now. This has been the Material Daughter Eve and Material Son Adam. Now go and play nice in this garden Urantia that we have planted in you. Good day.

Ghost Dancer : Thank you Eve and Adam Material Daughter and Son for this transmission.