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Offline SonsofGod

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Speak the Word
« on: April 29, 2023, 14:19:31 pm »
04.29.23 4:10 am
“Speak the Word” 
by sonsofgod
Dear brothers an sisters,
Father Michael said to Ron again, they need transmitters. He said more than that. He said (as I remember but could not find my way back to it), you do not count (for providing service to God) unless you transmit, and gave us a last chance before they come. Think about it. Just think about good deeds without sharing the source, without speaking the Word of God. This is what happens:
According to founder and leader of Gospel for Asia KP Yohanann, Christians built schools, hospitals and laid infrastructure in India through the 1800s without telling them about God. Did they became believers in our Father? Not until ministries like Gospel for Asia brought them the Word beside many good works. I realize afresh that telling what God says is key to all that we do. Why are we reluctant? They are watching, he also said. 

Churches quoting from the bible. We should transmit fresh words! I am thankful and hopeful, I know I can hear my TA when he speaks. You do too, just listen. Try to transmit to bring the Voice of God into a situation when its needed the most. To bring heaven to earth here and now, starting with a home-run. Every word from God is a new revelation to someone, does not have to be epochal, but it might be for them. Let us try it together one more time. It’s time to realign.

Father, please go ahead if your will …
 "I am ... your Father. My sheep hears my voice. You are my sheep, not of the enemy’s. You are mine. Rest in it. It has been a rough ride so far, but my Voice will make your path straight. My Voice will Guide you, my Voice will change everything. I send my Voice to heal you. I utter my Voice to stop the wars and killing. I will prevail, no man can quench my Voice or my Will. So, do  not fear! My Will be done on earth, in the world, in Nebadon, in the time space Universes and beyond. In my House my Voice is heard and my Will reigns.
“My Voice is the voice of Love. It can be soft and comforting, and it can get harsh and correcting, but never condemning. Will you be my echo? Even if it hurts. When it corrects, when it orders, when it splits the mountains of falsehood apart to separate that belongs to me. My Voice is all you need to do my work. Listen, listen, listen, carefully. My Voice is in you. In your mind, in your heart, and I give you the key to decide what is my Voice and what is yours: My Voice is Love.
“You know my Voice just speak it. In the grocery store, on the streets, with every encounter you make, just open your mouth. Do not quench my Voice with indecision, or care-less-ness, while dragging the feet. Remember that my Voice is all they need, for all it take for them too to turn around. Have faith in God! Trust in my Voice. Do not question it, do not second guess it or put it off for tomorrow as you did, just open your mouth and I will fill it. Your will is only to give permission for me to speak. You are mine and I know you will. So, let us begin for my Will be done! It is time. They will listen to me when I shake the earth. They need to hear words of deliverance, hope and salvation.
Amen. Thank you, Father.
I understood that I should speak the word without introduction or explanation, such as ‘God says’. Just plain words. People will discern.
“Start where you are. You all wait for special assignments and yes, it will come, but will you start where you are? Will you answer the call of duty now and not wait for tomorrow? Do you not see the need all around you? Of course, you do. Forget about the past. It is a new day now. Press forth, go forth, be mine. Entirely. One day at a time, wherever you go, let my Spirit reign and rule the day as in the days of old. I set you free now to speak, to dance as a butterfly. Bring a breath of fresh air wherever you are. To give a gentle touch to life to germinate. It will take time, but the seeds you spread today will not die. It is your faith that makes them come alive. It is yours and not only mine.
“Plant, water, and see the harvest coming in due time. Wisdom! I give you wisdom, and I give you power to mend broken hearts. I give you the wealth of the nations: It’s harvest time.”
Thank you Father. Please stir up the fire in the amber of my heart. These words are in me, these words I already know. Now, please Father., cause me to hear whatever you say afresh. Thank you and Amen 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"