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Your experience is sharpening you
« on: May 14, 2023, 13:36:40 pm »
Date and time" May 14, 2023, 7:58 am
Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura
TR: sonsofGod

Today, after receiving a personal message I asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak? 

“I am Michael of Nebadon. I am glad to see that you are practicing.  Let's break the cycle of self exploration, you are now our transmitter. I’ll give you a message to the people.

In the coming days the tectonic plates will be shaken by forces of the sea. Get ready. It is always best to prepare and not just wait, have a carrier bag ready with necessities. Ofcourse, it only holds so much but it can make a difference until someone comes for your rescue, just in case. Do not fear! Look at the challenge as a ‘change agent’ we work through. We’ll go through it together and you should keep your eye on the prize all the time, the coming of the kingdom of God to Urantia, where the Father’s Will be done. 

Your focus should not be on self. Your eternity is secured, here or there you will be working with us to bring Urantia back to the fold. Even passing is only the beginning for you and not the end. You all will pass one day and fearing that is lacking wisdom, you know it. To fear what is coming is immaturity in regards to looking at self-wellness instead of helping someone in need. 

There will be pain, there will be fear, cries, desperation, losses. Will you encourage them not to give up? That is what we are asking you to do and to deliver our messages. Their eternal salvation may depend on it. This is your hour. You have been trying to bring souls to us on a small scale because not many would listen, now they will. Light in the darkness gives hope to go forward. Understand that you are light when you bring eternity into perspective. They do not know us, but you do. I am talking about all of you who want to serve. It is simple: you will find ways and solutions with our care, do not try to foresee anything, just listen. We are a corporation, we are the head, you are workers on the field just as Jesus was but now he is the King. Do you see what his seemingly small efforts brought forth? Small in a sense that he could only talk to a few people in a small part of the world, yet his teachings forever changed human history. You will do the same just make the effort wherever you are and let it trickle down into the ages. 

Elevate your soul to our Call of Duty. We need you all, a handful on the Earth, but we have many soldiers throughout who will be activated now. They were waiting too, and they might not understand as much as you do but will become good stewards of what they have. You are all sisters and brothers. You all should rise up together putting any differences aside that will crystallize Christian faith and end division. We are ahead of a beautiful journey together to save Urantia humans from perishing. You are important. You're struggling with writing it done for reasons of self-exaltation, but that serves you well. We want followers not only leaders, and you will become both by following us and people following you. That is important, so get out of the mindset of selfhood and transform your mind to servanthood. You already have that and this is the time to use it. Helping others will heal your brokenness. You will be showing compassion for what they might have to go through, but without going through yourself before them you would not have developed compassion. We do not waste experiences because they are tools in shaping you. Now I leave you with this and you can post this for others too.

So as what Father gave you and you had no means to come forward with until now. It is still important and the same. Good day. Go in My peace. I love you ALL. Michael of Nebadon, and Christ Michael, knocking on the doors of your hearts."

Thank you Father Michael and Christ Michael very much. We love you too and are ready to serve.

Very well then. 

--- end of message ---

Next, I will share what Arthura told me prior to this, because it is not just personally helping me but it will help you also if dealing with issues of becoming a transmitter. 

At the same time I wrote “I am’ I ‘heard’ or rather perceived Arthura. Then I thought what if it was Jesus and did not receive it. Instead I kept writing i am, i am, i am, until finally stopped to listen. Here it goes: 

"This is Arthura again. You are wondering how it can be that I come back to talk to you regularly. Why not? Aren't we encouraging you to practice? Is it not our goal that you would become a transmitter? Yes it is, so put away low self-esteem that says, you would not be worthy, as you think. We make you worthy by lifting you up. 

You humans are not like spirit, none of you is on the pinnacle of accomplishments except for Ron. We work with what we have. You just do your best. It is because you kept the faith and willing that you are one of us, and not that you would be any one way better than the rest. We are family, we do not discriminate, but help each other to become. 

I understand your struggle of even many years that caused much damage to your soul, you think. But iron sharpens iron. We let you struggle to shape you not to break you. You have become a sharp instrument in assessing the ailments of the world. Should you think all is well we could not use you and you would not want to change, and you would not want change. You would be one of them. So, besides being a transmitter you also are useful for other works. A skillful, as you say ‘warrior’. Relax. The time has come that you will assess your gift and marvel. That's all I wanted to say today, be encouraged, be diligent and you will see the glory of the Lord, the fruit of your labor.."

Thank you Arthura very much. I appreciate that. It is like washing my weary soul clean. 

You are welcome.

To the readers of these messages: If you have any comment or correction concerning my hearing please feel free to do so and I must accept it in order to grow. It is not easy for me to post these messages, but I have to start somewhere, so I obey. My biggest thing is overcoming the thought that I am making this up. Yet it flows and I had no thoughts about it before. Thanks for your input

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline occerpa

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Re: Your experience is sharpening you
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2023, 01:23:06 am »
My congratulations SonsofGod, no one but you, can doubt that your messages are of heavenly origin, for which we thank the Father for being able to have a new transmitter for the forum and I can anticipate from your publications that you will be one of the best. God bless you
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"