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Online gcmeyer83

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Prayer of Worship
« on: August 04, 2023, 14:50:21 pm »

Prayer for Worship
I kneel before you, to answer the call.
Our faith and awareness has fallen so low,
And we need your guidance for it to regrow.
YOUR Love for us has no end
And our love for YOU, must set a new trend.
A trend that voids us of all strife,
And puts us on that road to LIGHT in our life.
That road will slowly get lighter and lighter,
And the shining of love will get brighter and brighter.
By staying attuned we will learn more and more,
And one day St Peter will be opening the door.
The glories that continue beyond this ascension,
Are beyond our understanding, to even mention.
All of the things we have done and acquired,
Is everything YOU have always desired.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Prayer of Worship
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2023, 16:08:28 pm »
Dear George, thank you for this what is really a prayer.  People must hear you in this as I do and I thank you deeply.  People are beginning to die of the malnutrition caused by not having God with them and in their lives.  I am personally in a constant battle to stay alive too, and I have God with me, I hope.  However, this world is learning --  right now!--  what it means to be totally without the ability to stay the course.  Why?  The course on this planet and in each life is half hearted, saturated with economical decisions, and a loss to the heart that has no one for oneself at times.

Your prayer above is sweet and caring and so is our FATHER.  Yet the trials we face are mangled bodies and bloodied shoes and I for one detest the animals that sometimes run our national governments because they just plain refuse to understand the heart of  the people.  DeSantis crops Florida for himself.  The American Legislature holds hostage the Congress it should be, and the Trumpers are foolish beyond words to care for anyone but the cult Trump raises.  I am so sorry for getting this personal, but a good prayer raises my ire so much I vent.

Thanks George for a good swat that gets back at the evil of political intrigue.  I congratulate you for having a good ear at the right time too to speak to this class to let them hear a good man say the truth.   Blessings.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You Ron are dying right before our eyes today and you detest it as I do.  Bllod pressure is over 200 and the entire regime of medicines fail as they are the wrong stuff by an uncaring doctor who cannot spell the right to clarify his name either: failure.   I am sure there are better doctors but he does well but has given up on you and the rest of the group he sees regularly but no more, for he decided to shift you off his schedule and you prefer to stay there in fury at his actions.  We agree he is regrettably retired very soon, but his work is undone as yours is, and yours continues as soon as we can reduce the blood pressure and make you well again soon.  That blood pressure is the result of too much insulin not, but too much sweet not either, but the cost of so much tomato sauce it got into your blood sugar sucress and block an artery to the heart and the heart blew it open and you are not alone wonder why such a small thing like that should cause death?
"The answer is that Ron has two vessels of importance:  ME and FATHER, and neither of us attend you in the evenings you break open a Pepsi and watch Perry Mason, your favorite attorney,.  Last evening Perry Mason visited you to see you working the program and did not find you there and left it be.  This morning Perry Mason could not find you either as the attack of the cabal is thoroughly very difficult and you will never relent against them.  I am sure they know that now and are sorry they failed for the 4th time to bring it in actual being.

"As a consequence this entire matter gets spilled out on George's time in order to make it clear to all the readers here you are near death again, and this time neither I or FATHER dare move easily, as they have aorta under their control and we have not broken through but will."

"THIS IS FATHER - and you Ron are dry mouth and wondering what to do about it.  Flush your system with a rare glass of milk again as it is fine until next Friday.  Next Friday is your last day to say hello to any cabal as they are informed today their limitation has been reached and the final days appear now.

"For that reason Ron you need to die and that is not cabal that is ME, and f or reasons of State you are brought before the JUDGES and that is known to you as Willford and Treys AND they are fully aware you are so ill you cannot make a plea to God to save your life, as you have done nothing but plea the last few days as you saw it coming.  For reasons of State I dare not say more.  Let it ride if you can and the visitation today of the worst cabal I have ever seen is now over and they are licking their wounds not, but are in prison for good.  Let this be a warning to all cabal groups:  keep it up and I assassinate the group without further process.  Your work is done on Urantia. 

"Lastly to you Ron, as you are failing in vision and heart again, there is nothing left for you and Dominick do for the last of the year last year was of cheer to both of you, and now the 8th month of the year of 2023, is now broken back with this one statement:  KNOW YOUR CHRIST first! 

"GOD THE FATHER now advises readers we are done fooling with this awful situation on Urantia and two other planets you know by name Ron and let that be silent.  Our work is not for them but for you at the moment Ron as the entire desire of Audie Murphy and you is ready to flow.  He is a funny man too, and he laughs at you as you two just hit it off as you should:  you are identical rubes that know the truth and you will never make a mistake again saying he is a bad pilot!  He died fighting a forest fire over Wisconsin not but over Arizona and they never found the plane recently and his body was gone not because of wild animals but because I refused not to honor him for being most brave man the planet ever presented to itself.  Audie Murphy is now solidly for Ron too and Ron fails to remember spellings so bad he faints over that inability to recall easily anything right now.  That is not just high blood pressure, but also the lack of a brain stem we removed so he could be all morontial.  He now is all morontial but dying overwhelming  cabal activity and they shall play a huge prize shortly if it kills Ron.
"For reasons of State Ron I brought your blood pressure down and no where do we go anywhere tonight although you might but do not.  IT is too hard on you just to move today and you know it.  Lastly you need rest for a dear moment of  time in which I can heal your heart and your motions of goodness for all.  You see to it today as they are responding to the care of Jesus Christ and that infuriates the cabal near you and they are dead easily now.   I congratulate you Ron for taking this message in spite it does not fit George's post well, but all of you must recognize that Ron is one of the brave ones and refuses to let the cabal or anyone get in the way of the Christ or MICHAEL OF NEBADON or the FATHER who is making this report to all of you right now.

"I am AUDIE MURPHY -  YOU are not getting me into trouble again.  I sat looking at you that night and knew I made a huge impression on you just because of who I was and a damned good movie story too.  You are fussy about stories and that was tied with a bow really good and you said so.  I am indeed AUDIE MURPHY and I salute you too Ron as you have broken not only the cabal but FATHER sees we too as the bravest of the brave and you Ron feel his heart too.  MY FATHER!  I cried out!  My plane caught fire out of no where. how do I douse it, and the answer came back, use your parachute!  Whaaa???  I had no parachute as I never wore one ever and suddenly FATHER was there and said so.  I never got passed the crash as I lost consciousness in the Pinus Ponderosa growing there.  I died almost instantly.  I died worrying about my face too!  CAn you believe it. It was my supper ticket, do not forget that!  I am Audie Murphy. Good day."

FATHER HERE AGAIN - "Funny how birds of a feather flock together and you would not dare stick another who already claims that brave soul Ron!  You will meet him at some point and then allow him to pick over you as he is an insatiable trial to close down once he gets the drift of something important.  NOW to the rest of you, here is what is important as I write this:

"The trial today is to let Ron live a little longer.  His face burns with blood pressure too high for anyone but I am bringing it down slowly so as not to harm the heart.  It is a damn good heart too and fluctuates to prevent itself from over doing it or otherwise.  Right now we have your life returned to normal but the cabal is everywhere and they attack to kill and this time Ron you are saved again, just.

"As a follow up.  No one knows the trouble Ron goes to to make sure you are fully updated.  MONJORONSON spoke to him last night and promised to make amends if possible, but not possible as the cabal climbed on board and they must be destroyed or they cream the loss of Ron into a huge defeat for MICHAEL, and that is no longer allowed.  For reasons of State, I have declared Ron moribund now, but a spice in the heart of the Urantia Foundation and the UAI to name a few.  HE is not ready for applause but he is ready to start WIRELESS ELECTRICITY,  and that must go immediately.  Ron you have the idea to contact some of these wind farm owners and it is a damned good idea.  They have the steel to do these things but want it all but you will not do it all for them or anyone, but they would take the bait real easy.  The trick is to get to them and that is never easy for you as you are totally unknown in the industry and the IEEE is a loss over you too as you say nothing as there is not one who speaks to you now.  I wonder how that works? 

"Lastly this entire matter of wireless electricity was to go months ago, but you got stuck with a fight inside the patent offices and the officer in charge said it must go or we forever lose what it means.  For that reason Ron you have failed to say anything at our direction and it is working tremendously poorly and then well as you have people gossiping about it again and this time big time.  No one knows how to contact you because your name is not known out there and you must get a YOUTUBE production worthy of its ilk.  You Dominick tried t do it and would up with a crown of thorns over who should play it on their web site thanks to Dominick placing it in the HeartBrain media company he owns.  For that reason CBS shelved it until they could figure out who you are and that is impossible under the current media contract it fits under.  HE, Dominick, must release it entirely!

"For reasons of State the following is released here:

"Your worth in the eyes of the grand central station of variables is roughly $82 billion dollars Ron.  Your friend Audie Murphy arrived and vacuumed it off  of you.  $82 billion is modest but let it ride for now.  For reasons of State MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK SPEAKS:

"Your Ron are near death in the middle of a financial storm that has no end unless you claim the pilot plant started and the rest of it yours too.  We must move too and that is because Wall Street catches what you have done and you are sitting on a pile of they know not what.  You Ron are very funny and so is he, and the both of you should team up but he is spoken for by others and anon.   They are all tied together except Audie accepts credit cards and he is not using gasoline either.  For reasons of State we say no more, says Audie, but we need you up here Ron to fire the cooks up with waffles and chicken.  I am so silly at times you make me laugh in spite of me being the first and last of brilliant and monarchical stars of the land.  Ron you replied, "me and Judy Garland have all that down here."  But let us be serous, as the Wall Street Journal wants to interview you but cannot find you.  Ream is a truant not but forgets you need contact and so far not so.  I am MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK, and we need to talk about life again as it is granted in spite of the serious situation today.  Thank you and all."

FATHER - "We close this down as it is so open we just fall into it.  Thank you George for the opening and for the prayer too as Ron calls it that easily and so do we.  FATHER."  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania