"Love to the Father Ennobles Us"
By: Master Rabolú.
Transmitter: Salvatore.
Thursday August 17, 2023, Los Angeles CA.
"I am Master Rabolú,
addressing myself through this means of communication to inform you that we are for an intervention to supply the spiritual knowledge that arises in this time of Light and Life that we must be attentive and prepared to be able to carry out the work that helps us improve the performance of the teachings of the spirituality that has always given us an answer in the heart and is a virtue of obedience that our teacher SAMAEL AÚN WEOR always insisted that the practices are those that give the results and hopes of acquiring more experience.
"And for that reason I am fully active in supporting the 21:11 Group so that they can continue with their efforts of the teachings of the transmission and it will be very useful for the service of our Universal Father and the community. Today it motivates us and we feel happy seeing a small group that is surpassing in the teaching of the school of spirituality and that they are being advised by Divinity and the progress is being made through their divine spiritual guide who has set an example to stimulate the spiritual development that we need to support the group that have emerged from our teaching of spirituality, which is Gnosis, which is the basis for improvement that takes us to another divine level and this is the reason for our intention to generate progress and it is because of the good ground that they have emerged the seeds that are taking their first steps towards ascension, which is our motto to move forward doing the will of our Father God to help us improve more and more.
"We have hope that our efforts came true and thanks for the good luck of your spiritual guide that He has made the effort to put his time to the practices of the transmission teachings with the Celestial Deities and acquired knowledge that we have Thank you very much for your valuable collaboration.
"We hope that more students come out to have spiritual success. I am Rabolú"
Thank you VM Rabolú for making his message a reality, it motivates us and we appreciate it very much.