Author Topic: A Magic Carpet Ride  (Read 11733 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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A Magic Carpet Ride
« on: August 27, 2023, 18:24:04 pm »
I am the SOUL of this one known to you as Ghost Dancer. He is my ward, my scribe, a student on this earth school that a select few of you know as Urantia, yes.

My purpose, to guide him ever so gently, a nudge, a whisper at times with a suggestion  every now and then to just try going down this road instead of that one. Whilst still respecting his free will of choice which road he would like to experience. 

All roads lead to GOD or SOURCE.  Likewise  there are no roads leading away from a life within a life experienced. 

Awakening him ultimately from his sleep of indecision. I am his Knowing. You see I have known him since his inception or incarnation and even before that. I know his loves, his hates, what makes him laugh and what brings a tidal wave of tears to his eyes.

There have been moments that you all have experienced here where it seemed like you were almost going to accomplish something, as in get the job, get the girl of your dreams, get that scholarship only to have some seemingly  unseen force pull the carpet from under you, sending you toppling backwards. In a judgment  of you own as a complete humiliation. Back to the drawing board, so to speak.

In hindsight,  or given enough distance from those humbling events you might get a inkling  that these were all just learning experiences ? Indeed a classroom outside a classroom. This world and its challenges is just that and no more.

No one here is getting graded by their endeavors, whether they be accolades or failures.Yet they are also not exercises in futility. I am here as Ghost Dancer's SOUL reminder to find that same carpet that you all think you fell off of and remind you that it was just another lesson or an opportunity and to get back on it.

Life indeed can seem like a magic carpet ride,yes. Neither do I want you all to think of your SOUL as a genie with a magic lamp waiting to serve you ? We don't reside in a shiny brass lamp hidden in the sand dunes of some desert, but the very center of your being.

I bid you all to come to us here within your very center. A small lite is there that can never go out. This lite is there asking that you only feed it with logs of inquisition or advise as to where to and what to do next.

Watch as the little flame rises to your acquisitions  and invites you to sit a spell next to it's warmth and unconditional love ? To want to know something  is the admission that you currently know it not. So we bid you all to just ask and receive. Include us and then watch the very carpet you appear to be on take off for this Great journey of your very awakening to possibilities beyond your greatest imagination !

I bid you all a good day or a GOD day. This is the SOUL of this one receiving for you all and he is my scribe, my student and my most beloved.