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Another non event?
« on: September 06, 2023, 00:07:30 am »


Good Morning, everyone. 

It´s early morning here in Girona. All day yesterday I waited with hope
in my heart to see or hear something of that which was promised on
Monday´s Lightline. Although disappointed I was not surprised, as we have
all experienced this many times in recent years. 

While keeping an open mind on all that has been said or prophesied, I take
it all with a pinch of salt and prefer to just wait and see and never to gullibly
swallow everything hook, line, and sinker.

Probably there are others, like me, who feel the same but are hesitant in
expressing their views but here, I am only expressing mine.
That said, let it be known that I, and I´m sure many of you are still loyal
to the cause and with our increasing Faith and Trust in Father, we will remain
so, no matter how many times we are tossed and blown into the air of

What else can we do? We can think of Van, the Steadfast, and Amadon, who
so lovingly and caringly displayed their loyalty with such patience and trust,
we have them as an example to inspire us to keep on staying the course, and
so we shall, shan´t we?


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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 00:52:13 am »
I am with you Lemuel. It is kind of the story of the boy who cried wolf.  I will always have faith in the Father's plan.  We just are not getting the whole plan. 


Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2023, 01:06:03 am »
It is in my interest to remind you perhaps this sentiments are premature.  You are free to feel however you wish to; however, there are patient plans awaiting all shortly and I am sure there is a good explanation as there always is. 

Further Lemuel you are producing a Lightline Wednesday, and it is Wednesday New York time as I write this at 1am in that time zone.  I must object to the idea you are actually understanding very much as it is Michael who decrees a failure and He has not done so.  I happen to agree with both of you this is one boring and waitful issue to go through, but then there are two millennium of waiting for the Apostles and the FATHER Himself.    I am not quite ready to declare this over but it is not easy to wait through. 

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2023, 16:24:25 pm »
I feel both of you and yet I know you are right Ron my problem is every time there is an announcement some body throws a wrench in the machine. At first it was Administration from Paradise then the Ancient of Days even at one point Salvington got in on it, then the Constellation Fathers put their hands up to stop the action then it trickle down to the Capital of our local System.
After it got pass Jerusem I thought we were in but I forgot about god the supreme, when he jump in all hell broke loose. What bother's me about our U.S.Government they always announce what they are going to do when it comes to retaliation of some enemy to me you just giving them a heads up of your intentions the same thing with the cabal, rebels and insurrectionist apply. But then they are GODS and They know best.

And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2023, 00:38:52 am »
Weydevu, I will be honest with you, the decision to appear was spoken as the end of August and the beginning of September and with Jesus indicating his lot would be later although close by.  I simply do not count that as even the Regency appearance but an incarnation appearance with whatever meaning it could have and not what it will do entirely for the Missions themselves except to start them somehow.  I do not think you are wrong to complain but at the same time about what?  The lack of incarnation?  The lack of mission assignments?  The restless appearance of some Melchizedek and what he coule or might say without Jesus here?  There is to my knowledge no direct date given except for the general idea that September seems to be it when they have to move directly for our hearing and announcements.   I also wonder how we are to take the Lightlines as they are making themselves heard?  Is that not part of materialization?  Discuss Weydevu as I am not sure what to call us and the Lightlines and the information that flows there via the Missions?  What is your view of how these Lightlines fit the Missions and/or the Regency?  Thanks for your post. 
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2023, 13:58:02 pm »
I don't know if it's me, the computer, or some outside source that keeps me rewriting a post that I try to type.  A many of times I thought of you and the struggles you go through trying to get something done on your computer. Have to start all over again is nerve racking and those days of 55 wpm in high school are long gone for me.

Anyway I believe the Lightlines are very valuable to keep us inform even though we may not see it for reasons of state at least we know that things are moving ahead. Also,  and I think this is the most important is the historical factor when all these Missions are known to the public they are going to ask where did all of this come from? How come our government didn't inform us yada, yada, yada.  We can show them that this has been ongoing for twenty years or more. 

Now the Regency is a different cookie it's only been (correct if I'm wrong) several years I believe but even that is still history.

And my last thought which would rate up there with historical is epochal revelations and the VOICE of GOD transmissions which should be rated as number one. I should stop typing now before I lose this post and have to start all over again.


And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Another non event?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2023, 15:49:44 pm »
Weydevu, thank you for working your post here into print.  I know what they are doing and I refuse to allow them near me and that costs me plenty but I never will allow them to get away with what they are doing to Urantia.  That is the personnel of the insurrection which they are forcing on us more and more and you Weydevu have no way to detect them except when they fool with your computer code.  That is them and not the computer or you.  I would knock them off if I had the spirit power, but I do not.  However, let me say this to you:

The group which works this discussion forum is not well advised to think they know enough to work it on their own.  I do not mean to put anyone or anything down, but some of the members here think it is only necessary to look in and read the latest view or post.  That does not inform as much as they think it does and no one can help them understand that the fundamental need of spirit is to cohere with a purpose over issues of State.   The word "State" ultimately refers to a cohering GROUP of individuals whether that is two of you gathered in His name, or a nation State like the United States.  That said Weydevu, there is nothing anyone of us can do to correct the mass media, or the political mass known as Washington DC, to help you the members here to understand, they really do not fully comprehend their heritage or their purpose ever.  As a result the human issues of greed and power seeking prevail without notice to the finer concerns of the spiritual life.

I for one am so absolutely disgusted with the Biden administration misunderstanding of war and immigration I am fully determined never to offer much more to say about it for fear of being criticized myself so I leave it alone.  Our Russian friend Prozonov has the same issue to deal with on his side of the national prestige of Russian policies.  Nevertheless we keep our mental sanity by glossing over such policy concerns and stick with the admiration of God, the FATHER and the Return of Jesus.  That to me is the real hope to find something better on Urantia than we ever could as an American or a Russian or an EU'er.  Lastly said is the fact that you Weydevu are truly catching the big issue:  What is the BIG issue really?

I am convinced we have been swatted, spanked, pinched, and hit hard over these productions of spiritual missions which are at last coming to be seen as yesterday's breakfast.  I am quite sure there has been a terrible upset on Salvington when MICHAEL OF NEBADON discovered there is nothing left of the DOMINION unless he relinquished command and forced him to recognize the cabal is part of some part of it too.  That is a horror to Michael, and to me, and to you Weydevu, but you do not know that unless someone tells us that actually may happen, and for that reason I will resign from any help and sit back and die.  I am too old to start over again myself.     Here is the Creator Son, for both us:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, where do you get this?  I am not sure I got that either, but now that you say it I do recognize it as an Order not given but being contemplated.  For reasons of State Ron you must stand back on these speeches as they are totally ahead of what I know.  For that reason then I ask you Weydevu to shut down your concerns and let me figure what I am doing yet in spite of Ron knowing more than I am directly informed over.   I am totally out of style with humans right now as I must be Deity to what is pressing Me at the moment, and for that reason Ron, please stand back and eat a a little something as you need to do some mowing and you now have all day to do that again.  In any case this matter is being presented to me  now and that is what to do with the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION in the face of a cabal who holds no power but has numbers to fight my insistence the MISSIONS START!

"For that reason Weydevu, hold back your questions and Ron should have held a Lightline today but I am putting it off until tomorrow.  Then let us grapple with the new information that FATHER  is preparing a whole new program for URANTIA and for that reason I state those are correct capitals for a change Ron.  Now this:

"For reasons of State, Weydevu Ron holds you as one of the few who really feels and needs a better explanation.  You will get it, but right now it is to fractious for us to get into explanations for now.  Eat well both of you as the trials  about to erupt on Urantia, are so bold and unusual, I wonder why I did not think about it before!

"For other reasons of State, Ron you are amazing in your ability to catch things as I intend them and for that reason I stay out of contact with you as you know something most of us do not, and that is yours, it seems, to be yours alone right now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service and I quite for now."

Ron - People keep insisting I know "something." but I wish I did as I am not  conscious of it.  For reasons of my own (grass mowing mostly) I have to get busy elsewhere now.    This little talk Weydevu is not sufficient to take care of your concerns, but it is a start--  and that is thanks to our Creator Son, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, who inadvertently started something bigger to talk about before he thought he was ready to say something.  But later,  Chow

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania